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Everything posted by Tsuchikure

  1. It should mean then that they do not want him to wear those "fake" tags, then. Also most other things were obvious. There's quite a few things wrong with him, and they were all already listed by many people. I don't think we need to say much more for him to "improve on."
  2. I think this thread should just be closed on the amount of -1s. Here are some things to help you get +1s for the future (Including from me): 1) Never use your mic again 2) Stop being immature/annoying (spamming chat/admin chat, etc.) 3) Stop putting on tags to try to "loophole" yourself into xG or what other people are saying "joining another clan." I honestly don't care about the "in another clan" or "trying to put on xG tags" excuses but it just annoys me. I think most vouches were valid, though. Saying "annoying, troll, etc" is a valid enough reason to -1 somebody in my opinion. Just adding "wore xg tags" or "in another clan" doesn't really count those first reasons out, the tag reasons were just invalid, but others were valid.
  3. So, if we do something like "/freeze @me", Then Darkwolf won't demote us? Because this doesn't really make me feel better at all, i don't see why we can't use them when we have common sense to not abuse it.. (Well, Diabaddus does like to abuse it, but set him aside. hue.) Also, if this is some kind of plugin (Seems like it would be, from /freeze,timebomb,beacons,etc.) why not just remove it if y'all so scared? :c EDIT: Darkwolf requested it, so.. Herp.
  5. I thought they get an M249 when they choose the rebel option? Also he can just lower it from like 100 (if it IS this, can't say for sure but i definently have not seen a rebelling T with over 400 hp) per CT to like 20-30 or something. I'm not trying to get tasers allowed and not trying to be a dick of any kind, just wanted to say this. Also, unless silence does this, i doubt anyone will be able to since Darkwolf's laptop got nuked.
  6. Well considering there's mostly more than 1 CT when a T rebels.. it usually increases the chances of getting tased. I still think it shouldn't be allowed, no matter the excuse. CTs have enough advantages.
  7. +1 I don't see a real good reason to not let them have it. Didn't know about that "Ban disconnected players" trick either. :o Just let them do it and we're all good, everything will be easier (sort of) for everyone then. :afro::afro::afro::afro:
  8. happy birthday, there i said it huehuehue
  9. @@John @@Hidingmaster @@DarkWolf6052 Accept this nugga pls. :3
  10. +1 Requesting a CT ban shouldn't be a perm
  11. This sounds a bit strange, You asked him to CT ban you and he did it for a rather LONG time, did he not? By the way it was Unit12P. A requested CT ban should really not be a perm, honestly.. Details: Xeno Gamers
  12. +1 A 9/10 M 9/10 Active, mature, knows MOTD, friendly (Probably too friendly), Voice is NOT annoying, etc.
  13. Well now... Ever since i started listening to the FT OP/Endings now, there's been a lot of stuff i have seen involving FT, including this.. o.e
    1. Leotekk


      Just started rewatching FT its 2gud
    2. Tsuchikure


      I'm not gonna re-watch it because i will never again get the same feels i did when i first did. ;~; Btw i just finished drawing Mavis Vermillion, along with myself. :3
  14. Cannot.... Wait... ..New.... Episodes... ..Need...NOW..
  15. -1 Annoying, Annoying voice, Never learns to stop when asked to, Knows MOTD (fairly, but hardly follows it), etc. A 6/10 M 3/10