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Everything posted by Pepper

  1. Well mine is actually in the other thread
  2. I drink a lot of DrPepper
  3. Pepper

    Paging Dr @forest

    Dr Pepper is here
  4. Pepper


    When your brother adds me on facebook
  5. That is pretty baddass man
  6. +1 played with him on surf and jb and he is a really mature guy and I am his lovely lovely T A: 9/10 M: 8/10
  7. He said he would rape me if I didnt +1. But he is one of the more active people on surf and deserves a +1
  8. Echo is a good player and was a good admin. I dont believe he will cause any problems +1
  9. Pepper


    Forest funny you say this. My brother broke his leg. Hahaha.... Not actually that funny
  10. Or you could not be a puss and do it your self
  11. @GanjaMonster Why u no perm?
  12. No you are disrespectful.
  13. This thread......... -1 disrespectful
  14. See ya bitches in a week. Skiing in Utah for Spring Break! Lata
  15. +1 active on surf and we really need some more activity there
  16. Pepper


    Just no.
  17. -1 Just the lie alone is enough to keep you banned. I also think all of this should be enough for the Higher ups to consider a removal of power even if its paid. @snakeboyeric @Hidingmaster @Tsuchikure @DrLee @diabeetus @ThePenguin @Gawd