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Everything posted by Pepper

  1. -1 He will abuse me when I get a new computer. +1 We were kick ass admins on Gmod
  2. +1 because he is my mom
  3. Also is active good attitude and is better than Jubens
  4. Gkoo never gave me an update on if he was doing it or not
  5. Pepper


    Step 1: formal public apology Step 2: Actually speak to these people individually on TS and apologize. Step 3: Actually change your attitude
  6. Im sick of seeing all of this drama. Its honestly really exhausting to read all this shit and see the immaturity that is spreading through the community like a wildfire. It needs to stop and somebody needs to do something about it. Forest fires dont go out by pissing on them. takes a group effort to stop one.
  7. What the actual fuck is up with all of these petty arguements? Trying to get a fellow member permed? Calling out CL's for immature and biased shit when you turn around and do the same thing that you are preaching against. I dont know where the fuck you get the idea that the CL's are biased from. Vectors punishment form before is being served. He is banned and you are trying to make it a perm??? It seems to me that Dethman is on a witchhunt personal vendetta to get rid of members he doesn't see fit for the community. Gyazo - 3b101efdc318490801c533b21b1769a1.png Its pathetic that you all act this way and can hold a grudge for so long. Now onto the case of rabid. Rabid has done his fare of shit and he has paid his price too, but since he was told it was his last chance, please show me something that in anyway is out of line on the forums. Rabid has really had a change of character that some people are unable to see because they are too busy looking into the past for old shit that is completely irrelevent to the now. The Rabid now has learned what is acceptable on the forums and who he can tease/troll without getting their damn panties in a bunch. There needs to be some serious damn change in this community. I have been here in 2012 and I hate seeing it go to shit. I want to see some damn change and Im gonna be taking a more active role now in bringing it because this personal vendetta shit doesnt sit well with me. Now take a good long look at what you are trying to accomplish. Dethman and Vector need to bury the hatchet and move on because this fighting is utterly pointless
  8. Pepper


    Salty im not in your post PJsalt
  9. While I agree that a change needs to occur, who would we put in that position? The person in the coleader position needs to be someone who is highly respected by the community and can hold an authoritive power. Right now the only people I can think of for that postition have already held it. I would like to hear people's suggestions as to who could hold this position.
  10. Guess who has powers again bitches!
  11. Are you just asking for another ban? You know what you were doing inciting a ruckus in the other thread. This shouldnt have to be explained to you, and this thread is just an attempt to start another one.
  12. Wearing the xG tags means you are representing the community as a member of the clan. The tags should only be worn by members. The age rule is there because usually with age comes maturity, and xG needs some higher maturity levels then what we have shown in the past and even now. Now there are exceptions to the age = maturity rule, but in general it is accurate. This is why you cant wear the tags if you're not a member and why there is an age restriction.
  13. Pepper

    50$ Game Giveaway

    The geico thing in the reflection of the picture edit: talking about thats in narukami's post
  14. Pepper


    This guy was an okay admin in gmod. I guess he can get a +1 from me. And actually I miss this guy. Made Gmod fun and was one of the first people I met from the community!
  15. I spoke to Gkoo today and he said he would attempt to port it when he gets home from work!
  16. This is honestly the saddest attempt at blackmailing I have ever seen. Dont get mad at other people for you facing the consequences for your own faults. You need to learn that things aren't just handed to you and that just because you paid for mod doesnt mean it is your right to do what you want with it. You are under below mods. Now mods are shit tier in power so you are below shit tier as a PM and how you failed to realized that baffles me. PM does not equal a free pass to do what you want.
  17. @Bleed @Chrono @ThePenguin