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Everything posted by Matsi

  1. wait, what? O_o banned cause he kille dthem all for facing their cells when the orders were to guncheck freeze? but.... but...???
  2. You can donate to get unbanned one time: Want to get unbanned? | Xeno Gamers I suggest learning the rules before doing so so that you don't get banned again any time soon. :)
  3. I don't remember exactly what he said, but pretty much as soon as I joined the server he started talking shit, so I muted him, then get told by his buddy "YOU HAVE TO WARN HIM FIRST" and I said no, the mute IS the warning...
  4. The best part is the ban reason that calls the guy a faggot because he was "spamming and calling everyone a faggot" And apparently Vector thinks it's ok to perm someone for "disrespect,trolling, being an ass hole" and "avoiding gag, spamming, and being an ass hole" and "trolling, likes pegasus, insults and shit" and "Spamming Mic/Chat" but it's not ok when I ban someone for a week.... #Logic #Hypocrite #LeavingCancerThreadNao
  5. I loled... So apparently you think it's fine to ban someone for a week for calling EVERYONE a "faggot"... but not ban someone that surely knows better because he's a member when they do worse than that.... cause muting them is too hard... and gg at talking shit kid.
  6. Matsi

    Unban Lq

    I thought he was unbanned... I remember seeing him not too long ago O_o
  7. Matsi


    From the server chat logs... just copy pasted anything closed to rulebreaking, some might think it is, some might think it isn't, but here's the first 2 pages only and not including anything while I was there last night: Racism > Jan 18, 2014 1:48:31 amNEW PLAYER 3456 WAS HERE NIGGERS... SAY WHAT UP OR DONT SAY SHIT AT ALL Jan 4, 2014 4:50:42 pmu r a nigger, and i accept that Jan 4, 2014 12:15:11 ami combined two words 1. ernie, and 2. nigger Jan 4, 2014 12:14:32 amERNIEGGIER Jan 3, 2014 1:33:11 amnigger Jan 3, 2014 1:25:45 amSuck my fucking dick you faggot nigger freekiller Jan 3, 2014 1:04:54 amnigger "Disrespect" > Jan 14, 2014 7:06:47 pmopen cells faggot Jan 14, 2014 7:03:45 pmmaxx go suck a cock Jan 14, 2014 7:02:32 pmstop eating animal dick @@Matsi Jan 14, 2014 7:01:17 pmgo back to sucking ur dads dick Jan 14, 2014 6:54:29 pmif youre gonna spam for warden at least get a mic that doesnt suck cock please thanks Jan 11, 2014 11:53:15 pmkid sucks dick for a living Jan 11, 2014 12:32:40 ami heard your daddy choked u out by fucking u in the mouth too hard bitch boi Jan 11, 2014 12:30:45 amgo suck ur daddys dick faggot Jan 6, 2014 5:49:31 pmbetter than being a wannabe animal Jan 5, 2014 12:44:26 amshows how jewish the community is lol Jan 4, 2014 5:36:47 pmhow about you suck my dick kid Jan 4, 2014 4:58:23 pmjerks off to animals Jan 4, 2014 4:58:17 pmwhat kind of sick bastard Jan 4, 2014 4:56:13 pmfuck u matsi suck my dick Jan 4, 2014 4:55:13 pmshut the fuck up matsi seriously Jan 4, 2014 4:54:55 pmstfu matsi Jan 4, 2014 4:54:21 pmjubnes is a faggot. Jan 4, 2014 1:49:18 amso many faggots here Jan 3, 2014 11:29:28 pmi surfed down your mothers stomach and into her vagina Jan 3, 2014 1:29:07 amthis is why xg jb sucks cock Impersonating staff > Jan 11, 2014 11:44:16 pmAlright gonna have to ban you Spy Ball, youre welcome to come back tomorrow when your ban is over Jan 11, 2014 11:43:21 pmspyball lie again and im banning you,. Jan 3, 2014 11:39:58 pmor im banning Jan 3, 2014 11:39:54 pmgive orders Jan 3, 2014 2:13:31 amGonna have to ban you Jan 3, 2014 2:11:21 amEither you have a massive lisp, or you have a cock in your mouth Jan 3, 2014 2:11:09 amI cant understand you
  8. The thread had -1s from the entire upper div leadership and they aren't all furries... I was talked to, just because it wasn't in public doesn't mean it didn't happen. and @@Vector @@Stence and the other people here that didn't even look at the demos: He didn't just call me "furfag" there was a lot more to it, including but not limited to some comments about how my family should be dead because noone would willingly support someone that is gay/furry and other things that I don't care to remember off the top of my head. Also @@Vector you've banned 3 people today for 1 week for "mic spamming" and "trolling" Xeno Gamers Also, not sure what you are talking about by "80% of your group hating you"
  9. Matsi


    +1 for reasons in OP and... He also doesn't even wear tags... why be in the clan if you don't want to wear the tags...
  10. He's not even abnned anymore... Xeno Gamers Yolo
  11. Why the fuck is there a ban protest still open from August last year?! O_o someone either unban him or close this plox.... @@Forest @@DarkWolf6052 @@Hidingmaster
  12. Rust on Steam It's kind of like Minecraft but with better graphics, thoughts? What kind of server would you be interested in (I.E: PVP or No PVP, Mods?)
  13. TBH I thought he was one of the 4 guys that recently got 1-2 week server bans for talking the same shit. So I made it a week becaus eI thought he just got back froma week ban for the same shit... otherwise i would have prolly done it for like a day or two, but my opinion on it is the same, it needs to stop, and if shorter bans don't seem to matter, I think they should be longer ones.
  14. I didn't know you actually "DID STUFF"!!!! <3
  15. @@snakeboyeric cause he was there too :)
  16. Demos from the time I joined to the time I banned him: Dropbox - Stumpy I will admit, I didn't give him warnings this time, but have in the past many times... I was mostly trying to ignore him since the server was pretty empty. But then when he started freekilling me every chance he got, on top of the constant shit talking, I just got sick of it. Sick of him, minecrack, adam, paulie, and the few others that keep on trolling and don't even care that they get banned over and over again for the same stuff.
  17. You've been warned by myself and multiple other admins with verbal warnings, gags/mutes, kicks, god know what else..... in the past many many many maaaaaaaaany times to quit with the "insulting" trolling against me and some other members.... I felt you weren't going to learn since all you do is talk shit until you finally get kicked/banned from the server for a few hours only to come back and continue. You also decided to freekill me every round while you talked crap... and I beleive you know better than to intentionally freekill... and don't think you should get away with a slight punishment that would only let you come back and continue the next day. Even after I ban you, you come to the forums and have the same sort of shit in your OP.... that should get you far.
  18. #close plz? he donated and got unbanned Xeno Gamers @@DarkWolf6052 @@Hidingmaster @@Forest
  19. The only confusion was when the badmins started slaying everyone for no reason when they had passed the nade around
  20. Matsi

    Chat Colors

    then why the fuck is the thread titled "Chat Colors"
  21. Matsi

    Chat Colors

    [Furry] and hot pink colors please if possible :)
  22. I, Matsi, have read and understand the Admin Handbook
  23. -1 Do this to get unbanned: Want to get unbanned? | Xeno Gamers :kawaii: kawaii Legend4576 killed Matsi xG:A with m4a1. Legend4576 killed Sebithunder with m4a1. Legend4576 killed [HG] Audiotape [A] with m4a1. [sM] Matsi xG:A: Banned Legend4576 from CT for 0 *DEAD* Legend4576 : LOL sorry my little brother was playing *DEAD* [Furry Admin] Matsi xG:A : kick your little brother's ass for getting you permed then