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Posts posted by Matsi

  1. ---Cleared my previous post---

    -/+ 0. Going into race as a CT you can sort of expect you're going to have Ts following you into the area. It's a 1 entrance area technically. I know the doors both lead into the same area, but once they're shut, its two ways out. Win, or die.

    It's not a good idea to hide in race if you intend to finish it while camping. It would lead to either a mass freekill as a CT, or a mass teamkill as a T or CT.

    I disagree with this... I don't really think it should be considered mass teamkilling/freekilling if it is a map game... the other people could have decided to not enter the game in progress but instead they did and they died...


    HOWEVER, I do not think that anyone(or at least a CT) should be allowed to be in there waiting for someone to come in just so that they can finish and kill them.


    I do not think anyone should be punished for actively playing a map game on a freeday that leads to deaths to the losers.


    This being said, i was not there and I have not seen any proof of what happened... if he was waiting for people to come in and not finishing race then -1 for unban but +1 for 2 week ban, if he was actively playing race then +1 for unban now or definitely shortened

  2. Just don't be lazy and type out the entire thing. Don't copy+pasta.

    Yes but the issue happens most often when people mass tag like... this: https://xenogamers.com/threads/21479/


    I can quite honestly say the first time I did, which is why you'll notice deleted posts. The next two posts afterwards, however, were all typed letter by letter.


    Right, and I don't disagree... typing out each name is also a good way to make it work, but it's kinda a bad thing if someone copy pastes not knowing it wont alert in a post telling all the admins something very important, you know what i mean....


    Also... all of the admins should watch that thread, that way you wont have to type out all the tags each time you make a post :)

  3. Found the problem... the copy paste one does not work properly... the forum did not auto add the code to it


    See this, it's what I find when i edit each of those posts:

    >@DrPepperPhreak<--- copy paste tag

    Deleted the space because when I put it in here it then added the user code lolol but in the actual edit window for the post where I copy pasted it the code is not there as it is with the others.

    >@@DrPepperPhreak  <--- manually typed out tag

    >@@DrPepperPhreak  <--- clicked name from tag drop down


    Can anyone else verify that the ONLY tagging that isnt alerting them is the ones where people copy paste a shit ton of names?

  4. +1 cool and mature(except when he's killing me), active on TS, follows rules well.



    +1 good guy, doesn't work for the NSA.

    Plus he beat GTA San Andreas without cheats.

    Made even funnier to me because the one guy I know that HAS beat GTA SA without cheats worked for the NSA.... :P


    nvm he donated

    derp derp

    For some reason it seems his active group tag on here stayed showing member instead of the donators one lol

  5. Division:

    Counter-Strike: Source

    In-Game Name:

    Matsi / Like a GShep

    Steam ID:





    I know some people prolly still don't like me all that much, however I have been working hard to be a little less hostile in my opinions and such with people, I believe I have have been doing much better recently and ask that you keep that in mind when replying.


    I believe I would make a great addition to the staff of xG, I know the rules quite well and I am very active on TS in the event someone needs me or if anyone has a question about a rule.


    I am very active on the server and I am at my computer almost all the time! I even have my laptop with me while I am at work most of the time as well as having steam and TS on my phone.


    I am a very unbiased mod/admin and treat everyone equally, I try to help new people learn the rules and inform them of ways to donate and how they can apply to the clan.


    I believe that just because something says that if a certain rule is broken you CAN ban them for a certain amount of time doesn't mean you always have to, and that you should use common sense when determining how long the ban should be. Sometimes people break a rule on accident and I feel it is a mod/admins duty to teach them what they did wrong so that it doesn't happen again instead of just banning them.


    I record demos nearly ALL the time and provide them as proof of both innocence and rule breaking when needed.


    Thank you for your consideration :)

  6. Gonna post all my SFW stuff including things that I have commissioned :)


    Some of these randomly don't always load(for me anyways) if you see any cats running errors just right click them and open in new tab








    ^ I actually have a version of this tattooed on my arm :)








    This is my pet African Emperor Scorpion, Mr Stingies!














  7. I just hate how admins dont do their jobs , sometimes i have to be on admin chat telling them people are afk or someone is breaking the rule and they dont do anything about it cause they probaly are 'friends' or something or too lazy. They should really be on their game at all times.


    Really? Whenever I mention someone is afk it usually follows with a slay right afterwords. But I agree with the part when you said when someone is breaking the rules they don't do anything. From what I was told (can't remember who) the mods and admins won't slay unless they see it they will not except eye witnesses because they need proof like a screenshot.


    Admins/Mods CANNOT act on something they did not see, they can ask the person if they did such and such and if they admit to it they can act on that, but they cannot act based solely on hearsay.


    Try to remember that the admins and mods are there to play and have fun as well, they wont always see everything!

  8. I just hate how admins dont do their jobs , sometimes i have to be on admin chat telling them people are afk or someone is breaking the rule and they dont do anything about it cause they probaly are 'friends' or something or too lazy. They should really be on their game at all times.

    Pretty sure, unless it's LCT or warday, admins aren't allowed to slay people that are afk...

  9. @@Matsi I could still do a continuable day while they were in freedom pit if it were to reach 000, I could do a simple trivia for lr then the T lring can lr in there or do deagle on air and have an admin abort it, and its livable because of the washing machine being there, It is not guaranteed death unless they fall off the washing machine. And yes, it's easy to contact a DM, but it's THEIR job to let us know when a rule is changed, or other important news.

    The warden cannot order Ts to rebel nor order Ts to kill themselves/into areas that will kill them without a chance for the T.


    They cannot get out without having to "abuse" !lr powers.... Have some common sense...

  10. 1) Let's start off with the rebelling on LR rule thread. This thread has been open for 15 days as of right now and it more than enough support from every level of staff. This requires a simple MOTD edit, yet we keep waiting for silence to do something? What? Take control of your division, make changes for the better. Sitting here and putting it on someone else, whom is very busy, does nothing. You all want to become a better div, but not implementing good ideas doesn't do anything. This could have been taken care of a week ago, yet it still sits with any resolution.


    DMs dont have access to plugins and to make rebel on LR work you really just need the option in the !lr menu like CS:GO has... otherwise it'll just cause problems.


    2) Darkwolfs abuse thread. Yeah I know "stop trying to start something" blah blah, im not actually trying to start something, im trying to solve something. I hardly think closing that thread so quickly was the right thing to do. How are we supposed to question those with more power if the threads are closed right away. Nobody had really started talking crap in there, it was a more than legitimate thread. This has been brought up more than once, but kudos to Shadow for taking the first step. This isnt a matter of whether or not Dark violated any rules or failed to do his job. I bring this up to question our ability to question those with authority over us. If that was posted for someone like me, warriors, or really anyone not a DM then it would have been left open and a conclusion most likely would have been seen. But now what happens? What about all the people who want to say something but cant? I bet you more than just Shadow feel the same way.


    That thread was completely unneeded and had no purpose other than to start shit, if you wanna talk about abusiveness, how about we talk about shadow and his days which "borderline rulebreak/cause mass freekills/teamkills" Like giving a restricted freeday in freedom pit where Ts cannot move at all or they die, and they cant get out unless they have low grav on LR. pretty sure this was invalid and that him killing/telling the other CTs to kill all the people that didn't do it was something like mass freekilling.


    Also, trying to loophole MOTD is against the rules... the rules mention that games must end at 2-3 Ts remaining. REMAINING, not ALIVE meaning that they end when the amount of Ts playing reaches a certain number.


    TL;DR...He was told what he did wrong...There was no need for the thread other than to continue argueing something that was already decided.


    Mod applications were removed > Only DM's could now bring in new staff members


    They were removed because people would just get their friends to +1 them


    3) This encompasses both 1 and 2, and is what really bothers me and many other members, there is a huge lack of communication and ability to input our ideas on thoughts.

    I talk to 4-7 DMs daily, maybe you need to be more active on TS because it isn't that hard to contact the DMs...