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Posts posted by Matsi

  1. You all are looking at this as either a personal dislike for him as the reason for the abuse thread, or an isolated issue.


    You mean kinda like the issue where Jacob constantly spams/disrespect/pedos/etc....


    you're saying we should use all the previous things against darkwolf while deciding the punishment....


    well shouldn't we do the same with jacob with his spam/disrespect/etc? and kick him without warning him for 20th time.


    Also... even if it wasnt "spam" it was still disrespect and it was still the pedo thing that @@Forest mentioned when jacob got a week ban

  2. OH YA!!!! AND THIS plebwolf - Counter-Strike: Source

    and the message from Forest saying:

    Jacob was warned by myself (as well as several others) to not use that bind, as it is not only condoning pedophelia (which is not to be taken lightly), but also provoking further harassment of PuppyLuv, which she had reported was offending her. I had given out multiple warnings ingame just the other day involving the use of this bind to the point where I had to begin banning players on the spot for using said bind for the amount of an hour. It is getting out of hand (I have already banned Jacob for the use of this bind for an hour, and he still doesn't seem to get it). Shit isn't funny, nor is it something to be joked about.


    and here he is now... doing it again... WHAT A FUCKING SURPRISE!!!!


    @@Forest ?


    I do not see any difference between "so what if i like having sex with little boys..." and when he was spamming the one about puppyluv...

  3. Time for me to give my opinion

    @@Matsi It was all in one round, he didn't continue it the next round or anything.

    @@Warriorsfury The last 3 threads there were on darkwolf led to him being warned for the exact same thing, in baseball theres 3 strikes and you're out.

    With that, sorry darkwolf, but +1

    Everyone messes up, no doubt about that It's not like I dont mess up, and it's not like theres ever been a admin who hasn't messed up atleast once, But when the messing up is constant, especially if it's the same problem each time, it just goes too far with the making an exception.

    @@DarkWolf6052 I would hope you don't leave over this, you're a cool person, and you'll still have admin and a chance to re-earn it, same with me I know I have a chance to re-earn it so I dont take it in a bad way anymore, then again even if I couldnt get admin back I'd still stay, I spent too much time in xG to leave over that.


    He continues it daily...

  4. ok you guys are a fucking joke.... grow the fuck up... don't be a fucking hypocrite and say "i just want to be treated the same as everyone else" and then specifically target darkwolf with ever fucking little thing he might or might not have done wrong because you want him demoted.... it's the same fucking thing of bias that you claim he has against you...


    With that being said... seriously... jacob and a few others get warned ALL THE FUCKING TIME to stop spamming.... is there some set amount of time you get to wait before doing something you've been warned to stop doing again means you need to get another warning before the warning escalate to something like a kick or a ban....


    This thread is a joke... your maturity levels are a joke....Superkiller's post is a joke! GROW THE FUCK UP


    • Chat Spam
      Chat spamming will only result in a gag. If they continue after the round changes, that is a kick. If they still continue, it is a day ban. Anything above or below is breaking the rules.
    • If they continue after the round changes, that is a kick.
    • If they continue after the round changes, that is a kick.
    • If they still continue, it is a day ban.



    OH YA!!!! AND THIS plebwolf - Counter-Strike: Source

    and the message from Forest saying:

    Jacob was warned by myself (as well as several others) to not use that bind, as it is not only condoning pedophelia (which is not to be taken lightly), but also provoking further harassment of PuppyLuv, which she had reported was offending her. I had given out multiple warnings ingame just the other day involving the use of this bind to the point where I had to begin banning players on the spot for using said bind for the amount of an hour. It is getting out of hand (I have already banned Jacob for the use of this bind for an hour, and he still doesn't seem to get it). Shit isn't funny, nor is it something to be joked about.


    and here he is now... doing it again... WHAT A FUCKING SURPRISE!!!!

  5. If I'm correct, you were banned by @@Rhododendron with the steam group for [GG]. I don't exactly think it was smart of you to come on and go on a banning spree [banned Minecrack and Warriorsfury on Teamspeak].

    But I guess I'm at a +1 for unbanning. Kinda should get a little bit of input from Silence before proceeding to unban, regardless if its for the CS:S division or not.

    exactly. lol i sometimes question when people tag just dms etc. of the division the protest is made for when this is clearly something Silence, Serbian, and Forest have to talk about. and only they can decide

    I tagged forest and serbian too bitch! S my D

  6. reduce your graphics detail and/or view distance or get a better computer


    You don't need much more than 70 fps anyways, more than that is a waste...

  7. All SMAC bans are a day, whether it be wallhacks aimbot etc.


    Actually it sometimes perms people... I think if they continue after the day ban and it catches them again or something...


    I see no problem with un-banning.

    It was a 1440 ban. (1 day)




    Can you even unban someone banned by SMAC? I thought it ran on it's own database... you get bnned from one server with SMAC and you cannot join any others because the SMAC plugin will detect you as banned by SMAC and ban you again?


    Or I could be wrong...

  8. The most recent issue I have seen of this was mythic and onward... mythic intentionally killed onward (3?) times... 2 of which I saw... he would run up and kill him and then instantly slay himself.... onward would then complain to the admins yet none of them would do anything about it and would just say that onward is complaining too much and/or is annoying...


    I ctbanned mythic for a day after witnessing the second intentional freekill after which he asked in admin chat "how long is my ban going to be" showing that he knew what he was doing was wrong yet didn't care since the punishment was so lax...

  9. So, on my drive back from the furcon... I saw a sign about a law in Wyoming...


    The law says... if you are pulled over for something...I.E... speeding.... the police officer is allowed to check each person in the vehicle to see if they are wearing their seatbelt... anyone NOT wearing a seatbelt gets a ticket... but if EVERYONE is wearing a seatbelt you get $10 removed from the ticket fine for the original reason of the stop (if you even get written a ticket).

  10. +1 kid has like 14 bans total (ctbans and server bans) mostly for freekilling and INTENTIONALLY breaking rules.

    He also has a ban for "intentionally crashed server" which is something I think is a very serious offense and something we do not need from a member.


    Also, said he was leaving anyways:

    I was going leave xG, but now Im going stay just to make you mad.

  11. I wasn't there so IDK what happened on the xG servers... but you have bans for hacking on other servers as well...

    Banning of player Fusion.

    Church of The Deag


    And let's not forget you're previous steam account that got VAC banned:

    Steam Community :: ~~~~

    VACBanned.com - See the VAC status of any Steam account (Counter Strike, Left 4 Dead, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, etc)

    along with more bans from other servers for "sethhack", "multi-hack" and "walling"

    :: View topic - roL'd STEAM_0:1:13565884


    I have no reason to believe you weren't hacking here as well -1

  12. I dont feel like reading all the posts right now because I am too busy so I mostly read the OP...


    You fucked up and freekilled... for quite a while now it has been: if you say face a certain direction and then say to follow you they are allowed to face you because they can't follow you if they cant see you.


    That being said... you deserve a punishment for the freekills, however I do not agree with the black and white "3+ freekills = MASS = Perm" and I think permenant bans should be reserved for people that are intentionally freekilling.


    TL;DL +1 reduced ban to 1-2 weeks, this guy is very active and made an honest mistake.

  13. Well of course the series stopped being good over a decade ago. I just thought it was clever and liked the name. Also, of course I still live with my parents. I haven't finished highschool yet.


    It was clever when the first person did it 7 or 8 years ago...

    Obama was president/ a known senator 7 or 8 years ago?

    His presidential campaign started in like 2006-2007ish... I don't remember exactly

  14. And yes, a furry convention, it is very much fun tons of art to look at and buy, a ton of other stuff to buy as well, like collars, cuffs, leashes, and other bondage gear, porn, lots of porn! awesome and funny clothing, jewelry, commissions!


    Different panels for all sorts of things like how to make tails/ears/fursuits... card games, ADULT card games!

    Dances/Booze/Raves/Parties/Booze.... contests!


    Is there free weed?


    You could prolly find some in the floor parties...


    They have 2-5 FLOORS dedicated to room parties! anyone that wants to throw a party can request a room on the party floor of the hotel... the floors are lines with plastic and there's booze EVERYWHERE!!!!


    If I remember right there was a guy in a fursuit last year that was wearing a tank on his back full of liqour and he had a little tap in his hand and was going around squirting it into people's mouths

  15. And yes, a furry convention, it is very much fun tons of art to look at and buy, a ton of other stuff to buy as well, like collars, cuffs, leashes, and other bondage gear, porn, lots of porn! awesome and funny clothing, jewelry, commissions!


    Different panels for all sorts of things like how to make tails/ears/fursuits... card games, ADULT card games!

    Dances/Booze/Raves/Parties/Booze.... contests!

  16. Bronies have conventions nigga

    BronyCon 2016 but it's the SAME FUCKING DAYS as the furcon I go to every year! :(


    I jut find it extremely weird that someone is a fan of a cartoon or "furries" so much that they would attend conventions about them.


    I find it extremely weird that you themed your name from a series that stopped being good over a decade ago...


    And I'm sorry what kind of conventions do you go to? Oh that's right, none.... because you still live with your parents :finger:


    Well of course the series stopped being good over a decade ago. I just thought it was clever and liked the name. Also, of course I still live with my parents. I haven't finished highschool yet.


    It was clever when the first person did it 7 or 8 years ago...

  17. Furries, have conventions...?

    Anyway, the only true furry I will remember is Pyro.


    Bronies have conventions nigga

    BronyCon 2016 but it's the SAME FUCKING DAYS as the furcon I go to every year! :(


    I jut find it extremely weird that someone is a fan of a cartoon or "furries" so much that they would attend conventions about them.


    I find it extremely weird that you themed your name from a series that stopped being good over a decade ago...


    And I'm sorry what kind of conventions do you go to? Oh that's right, none.... because you still live with your parents :finger: