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Posts posted by Matsi

  1. Any baiting is slayable


    LOL...NO! You shouldn't slay someone for accidental baiting... like if the warden suddenly gives a dumb order and a CT can't get enough out of the way, or if a CT accidentally falls/teleports near the Ts, not knowing they were there.


    You slay them for intentional baiting... like if they tease the Ts by getting close and provoke them to rebel... or they run through them on purpose.


    I've seen people slain for "accidental baiting" from a T doing the exact same thing.


    I really hate when someone slays someone for something that is so obviously accidentally baiting... the lack of common sense is insane... but that's the world so... lol



  2. -1 because as far as I read before I got extremely bored with all the stupid... he was arguing about some crap about a game.... and the only thing I am seeing people say in their +1s is that he "channel spams or comes into the channel and trolls" so...blacklist him from your channel and gg kids...


    #close please before this cancer spreads further

  3. @@diabeetus still no proof of him using both accounts, a lot of people say hacks, and gg. Just because he did doesn't mean anything.

    So you're telling me that after his brother was banned from the server, that applejack came into the server with the exact same name essentially admitting to avoiding a ban literally seconds later? My argument wasn't hinging on the "gg" or the "Hacks for the win", it was the fact that he repeatedly said "It's my account", especially after I asked him why he was avoiding a ban. If it really was someone else, he would have most likely immediately questioned what I was talking about, instead of replying with "It's my account, gg". If someone was about to get banned and they knew it, don't you'd think they would make at least some kind of attempt to stop said ban from happening?


    All I have to say is that you all are a bunch of crybaby naggers... I'll admit that his choices afterwards were childish and questionable but knowing how some of you deal with "disrespect" he prolly shouldn't even have gotten banned in the first place.


    and megarobin has no life... rating my post within 2 seconds of me posting it.... gg find something to do instead of spamming f5

  4. If you have common sense... or already know what jailbreak is... you can join the server... read the basic motd... and be perfectly fine....


    If you don't... then you prolly don't read either MOTD when you join anyways....


    This thread is pointless... removing the basic motd is pointless... and will change nothing...

  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CNfRL7ce-K4

    So I ran across this in my videos folder and took a look at the entire video (which was 30mins long) I found something quite interesting about this clip.. Mind the singing and other random noises. At 0:16, 0:25 and 0:28 is when it all took place :p


    I edited it down to this, and I'm really surprised to see what I saw. 3 Times a T walks through or by a ct and john stares right at them and does nothing... I don't know what he was thinking at the time or maybe he wasn't thinking at all. The worst part about it was that the cts that baited were not even slain. So im encouraging mods/admins to pay closer attention to these kinds of things. Now this coming from a member idk what its like being a mod or admin, im sure its hard but things like these have to be accounted for. Sorry for the bad quality I tried my best!


    ~Thanks Eden


    I played it with the sound muted but likely why they didn't get slayed


    • All 3 times looked like a "delaying/detouring" T caused a CT to accidentally bait them

    Normally people will only get slayed for intentionally baiting... or by a slay happy admin/mod

    • Not once did the name of the CT get shown, meaning you wouldn't know which CT it was unless you immediately chased them to find their name.

  6. I find it funny that the evidence you have of him "admiting to evading a ban" is him saying "ya" 1 second after you asked if he was evading a ban.... gg...


    I also do not see what you mean by him being a constant troll and being punished very much... he only has like 5 bans combined on both accounts and 2 of them are from this incident... also... why was he banned for a day for disrespect? A ban for disrespect is supposed to be no longer than 6 hours....


    but aside from all that... he did evade the ban so he should be punished... maybe a week ban on each account... I don't think it should be any longer than that, there's plenty of people that are far more annoying and trolly than him...

  7. Division:

    Counter-Strike: Source

    Staff Name:


    Staff's Steam ID:


    Further Information:

    �[xG] �[xGHub?] chose to have Knife Fight with xG:M:F ♂GayBoi WolfDick♂.

    [xGHub?] suicided.

    �[xG] �[xGHub?] was slain for attacking xG:M:F ♂GayBoi WolfDick♂ with knife during LR.



    Guy LRed and chose to knife fight me... then console slayed him for attacking me with a knife.... demote console plz!


  8. So i was wondering if i could lower my CT ban.


    So heres my story i guess, it was a freeday and i was running from 4 t's, they were all knife but missing me one hit me with a right click and shot him then most of them stacked and stabbed more but they were missing i shot them in the head and it killed all of them so i freekilled 3 of them which im sorry for and i was wondering if it can be lowered

    Make a ban protest here: https://xenogamers.com/applications/4/respond

  9. Someone please move this to Ban Request....


    I would say that an ACCIDENTAL freenade that hits about 5 people should be a slay and him being moved or moving himself to T as a sufficient punishment...


    However... if he INTENTIONALLY cooked the grenade so he could run into the Ts and dmg them all with it... he should get at least a day CT ban...


    furthermore... I am uncertain whether or not he is allowed to warden... he sounds just like puppy if not worse... can we decide that now as well? Instead of some people saying he can and some saying he can't.

  10. So um, I'm new and I found the jailbreak server and I like it! I plan to settle in this community, It seems legit so far. I'll be in touch, peace.

    Welcome, hope you enjoy yourself and make sure you read the MOTD and learn the rules.

    Also, I remember someone in a previous clan that had your avatar as their in game spray >.>


    Considering we have 4 JB server (2 TF2, 1 CSS 1 CSGO) Im not sure what one you mean, but welcome to xG servers, have fun!

    He obviously means CS:S... the only GOOD one....

  11. I didn't record a demo, I'm sure @@Matsi did though, of just last map, on BlackOut, where he was wearing xG:M as a name, said he donated, lied about it. I went and asked Silence, and he said to perm him.

    So you got what you wanted. Hopefully Matsi has the demo.


    I have one but it's quite long, not sure you need one since he's already banned...


    Proof of impersonating is right here on his profile Steam Community :: Onward To The Edge

    This user has also played as:



    R.I.P. Cristo Ex G:A


    ex:g Onward ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)




    Onward To The Edge


    . .


    Mom's Spaghetti ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


    ex:g Onward To The Edge


    R.I.P. Cristo Ex G:Á


    R.I.P. Cristo Xg:Á

  12. I'll go ahead and sum up the "abuse" reports of Shadowspy, Chrono, Jacob


    @@xShadowSpyx Darkwolf abused because he slayed me for doing something wrong and then didnt tell me what i did wrong for the third time after I argued with him over it...


    @@Chrono Darkwolf gagged me cause I called him a nigger instead of warning me first.


    @@Jacob Darkwolf kicked me instead of warning me so that I could stop for a few minutes and then continue being a troll

    Your point....? Darkwolf was still given a warning after each of those abuse reports, and should have received the message not to mess up any more loud and clear. This has been said so many times I don't understand how you still fail to comprehend this.

    My point is that these so called "warnings" darkwolf has received are for him doing his job better than any of you and some butthurt troll getting mad that his loop holing failed...

  13. I'll go ahead and sum up the "abuse" reports of Shadowspy, Chrono, Jacob


    @@xShadowSpyx Darkwolf abused because he slayed me for doing something wrong and then didnt tell me what i did wrong for the third time after I argued with him over it...


    @@Chrono Darkwolf gagged me cause I called him a nigger instead of warning me first.


    @@Jacob Darkwolf kicked me instead of warning me so that I could stop for a few minutes and then continue being a troll


    Never said it was disrespect and dark didn't consider that disrespect either. He was kicked for spamming.


    You clearly need to learn what spamming is...


    Im sorry, could you explain what spamming is?


    Sorry I don't teach Elementary School


    In the OP Jacob clearly knows he was doing something wrong... and the argument is that he got kicked instead of warned first...


    Jacob is nothing more than a Troll... and you're stupidity is feeding him...