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Posts posted by Matsi

  1. You should always tell someone why you used powers on them, no matter how immature and annoying they are.


    No way to be certain about what exactly happened and either way it's a bit iffy, If he did say it was a warday (or "we are going to have a warday) most people take that as it is a warday, and if no time to leave cells was given when cells were opened then Ts would be allowed to leave immediately... not really sure how many people died or what happened so I can't really say whether teamswap was the best action or not, seems like it might have been a little biased but without more proof there's no way to know unless I was there.


    Swapteam is not only for switching people without mics, it's a great tool for those admins that don't want to be banhappy.

  2. His point is, why is it "wrong"(which can be wrong at times, but not in this case) in-game but not "wrong" in TS

    Because it's in a community channel. CS:S is a public server.

    I still don't think it's that big of a deal to say "nigger" though. I playfully say nigga all the time in game (and in ts) and no one tells me anything, I don't mean anything wrong by it.


    I do however understand that a staff member saying racial slurs in game makes the clan look bad. But so does a admin freeslaying/randomly muting other staff members.


    While they shouldn't be IMO... "nigga" and "nigger" are two very different things.

  3. @@Matsi I already know that you guys figured it out, and that the part of his name is still partially shown (I also know that darkwolf was so immature that he decided to blacklisted duckii jr after he found out THANK YOU @@Warriorsfury for talking to darkwolf about unblacklisting him.)

    Please stop with the fucking name calling, it's NOT going to help, like you have all told me! It's not immature if he wants to blacklist him... I am quite frankly annoyed that duckii jr copied that out of MY CHANNEL with it's sole purpose to add accelerant to an already burning flamewar...


    can we #close this already?

  4. Oh, I almost forgot to post this.

    Its just to give legitimate proof of what disrespect darkwolf said on TS about me hiding chrono and diabeetus

    Steam Community :: Error

    A screenshot of copy/pasta. +1


    OK I am really really sorry but I have to say this.... hold on let me stop laughing so I can type.....


    Ok, I think I can do it now.... @@xShadowSpyx .......you...... didn't cut all of duckii jr's name out of the picture! (y)(y)(y)LOLOLOLOL(y)(y)(y)


    :dead: x.x



    Just so that I am not completely off topic with this post... I do agree that @@DarkWolf6052 prolly shouldn't have said that behind your backs.... however... he was stressed and he vented in MY TS CHANNEL and I(and I am pretty sure you would all agree with me) am far happier that he vented that into TS chat instead of somewhere else like... the forums(this thread) or in game.

  5. Honestly you all just need to grow the fuck up a little bit.... We are supposed to be a community that helps each other make xG expand and become greater and you guys are acting like it's elementary school again, GROW UP!


    Stop acting so hostile to each other all the fucking time, stop looking for silly little mistakes the someone makes just because you don't like them.... nobody is perfect and everyone will fuck up once in a while.

    Nobody is perfect, true, cant say im perfect

    Everybody will fuck up in awhile, true, cant say I don't fuck up

    But when it comes to the point where they do something wrong EVERY time they're on, it gets pretty damn annoying, to the point where

    I have no personal problems with him, the only problems with him I have is his Hipocracy, Biased actions, and the fact that he is DM, when he was just a member, I had helped him out with all the situations he gave to me, and I had not a SINGLE problem with him, when he got DM he changed a lot, why? Idk.


    @@orangejuice as said in that teamspeak chat log, Im not mad that I didn't get DM, if there is anyone more worthy of having DM than me or anyone else, by all means, give them DM (once darkwolf is demoted, lol), as far as it looks, you and many other of his "friends" just side with darkwolf to get promoted(and hey, maybe YOU don't, but all his other "friends" do, and I quoted friends because if they only side with him to get promoted, they aren't exactly friends), so to say that about me is funny, look at the people you hang out with on TS.



    You(@@xShadowSpyx) need to stop saying that everything he does is wrong, because it's not... he does quite well for a DM, He is ALWAYS asking around for input about rules and "abuse" and other things... and you need to stop being so aggressivly hostile in your posts towards him


    @@DarkWolf6052 you being the DM you need to help solve the problem that is spreading among the CS:S Div, which is that the staff are split into 2-4 little "cliques" because one of the worst things for staff is for them to be in competition with each other and be trying to take each other down rather than lift each other up.


    @@Chrono you need to stop being such a troll that doesn't even lift! Even when I was trying to talk seriously to you the other day all you kept saying was something like nigr nigr nigr...


    @therestofyou need to stop with the flaming and give some helpful criticism and feedback that will actually HELP rather than just threats and insults.



  6. Honestly you all just need to grow the fuck up a little bit.... We are supposed to be a community that helps each other make xG expand and become greater and you guys are acting like it's elementary school again, GROW UP!


    Stop acting so hostile to each other all the fucking time, stop looking for silly little mistakes the someone makes just because you don't like them.... nobody is perfect and everyone will fuck up once in a while.



    @@xShadowSpyx he told you why you were slayed, it was for playing FR/LR with 2 people...


    @@Chrono he didn't telly ou why you were gagged but you being a DL should have the common sense to know you were gagged for what you typed 3 seconds before the gag... aka saying Nigger... WHICH IS ONE OF THE THINGS YOU GUYS REBANNED LQ FOR!!!

  8. It just blows my mind that Darkwolf and his furry friends say nigger all the time in Teamspeak (Public Server, anyone can join) and for some reason is OK. But a simple name call that is not meant to be offensive in admin chat (a private chat) is an instant gag/mute.

    I don't say it, I kick people from the channel on TS when they say it offensively lol

  9. I have NEVER EVER been warned BEFORE being gagged/muted for disrespect


    You guys seem to be looking for any reason to complain about darkwolf.... isn't this the same thing everyone got mad at me for when I was posting abuse reports when admins were "messing up minor things that don't matter so much?"


    This thread is an abuse report over a FUCKING GAG!!!!!!! enough said....

  10. > Dickwolf wasn't camping | He did, i counted his steps from 4:12 - 4:00, not 10 steps in 10 seconds

    He was typing, also the movement on the ladder counts and that is definitely 10 ft

    > Chrono was mic spamming whistling |Then he should have been warned(which he wasn't) then muted, not gagged


    Mute/Gag can be used as the warning... you know damn right you have never "warned" me prior to muting/gagging me for "disrespect"

    > Chrono said nigger | Darkwolf said "Being called a nigger doesn't effect me" in the quote above, and the rules say it cant be used in a disrespectful or excessive manner, and that if a admin deems it as disrespect it must be stopped immediately. He said it once, nobody on deemed it as disrespect (darkwolf didn't either).

    You do not need to be offended or let a comment offend you to make the decision that a comment was disrespectful...

  11. Ok so....

    > Dickwolf wasn't camping

    > Chrono was mic spamming whistling

    > Chrono said nigger

    > Chrono got gagged for saying nigger AND for "spamming/misusing admin chat" (which was kinda dumb.... since it WAS in admin chat, gagging him wouldn't prevent it again.... should of kicked him instead...)

    > Chrono, being a D himself should know better than to call people nigger


    >#close plz

  12. literally the gayest thread to date

    I can do better if you'd like?


    like your drawings thread leleleleleleel

    Thanks :)

    I have more but they have penis and sex