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Posts posted by Matsi

  1. However darkwolf, I would suggest reading our server rules before flat-out saying that the use of the word "nigger" is completely not allowed on our servers, as you're wrong. In the server rules, it states that language should be kept pg13, however you will NOT BE GAGGED/KICKED/BANNED for using stronger language, unless you're doing it excessively with the inention of being racist/troll or spamming.


    Try reading them again: "11. Racism and sexism is frowned upon in our servers, using it excessively or in an insulting manner is not allowed at all. IF a mod or higher warn you to stop (by gagging, muting or simply messaging you) , you must stop. This is the first and only warning you get and it must be in this manner. If you do say something racist or sexist, it must be very minimal and not in an offensive way and if not stopped after a warning, you will be punished severely. The person these comments are directed too and any staff member can at any time state that these are offensive and you must stop immediately."

  2. awww.elementwheels.com_vehicleimages_300zx.jpg.dbc662bdcd0eedd0bdd43f3620171166.jpg

    This isn't a real picture of it but i got this baby sitting in the garage for when i get my license

    A Nice 1996 Nissan 300zx

    Looks basically the same in the picture except its red and has different rims :)

    How many miles on it?


    When you do start driving, be careful on rainy/snowy roads, Rear wheel drive is suck for maneuvering and traction.

  3. Okay, so you came in my room two (?) days ago and were being rude to aubri and others. I pulled you up to my room and you instantly went back down to annoy aubri. I pulled you up again and asked if I could speak to you. You replied with: "Suck my dick you little faggot". I then blacklisted you and kicked you with the reason: "Blacklisted" You joined again and I banned you for an hour.


    That was when I blacklisted you.


    I just recently banned you again because you decided it would be fun to troll in my room with others WHILE you were blacklisted.

    It is an hour long ban (Probally like 30 min right now) just wait it out.

    You had all that written on your chicken? or did I totally misinterpret that?

  4. Division:

    Left 4 Dead 2

    In-Game Name:

    Three Typeable Letters

    Steam ID:



    I was wrongfully perm banned from CT for a "mass freekill." What happened was I left the room to get my vodka and my fish came into the room. He doesnt really know how to play and such, he just started playing tetris and now this. So anyways, my iguana is playing as CT and he grabs a P90 and freekills 3 people. I had no idea my dog did this so when I came back i was in utter suprise.



    If this story didn't convice you I can make up like 3 more.

    LMFAO I thought this was legit until the word "Fish".... right before that I was like WTF WE HAVE JAILBREAK ON L4D2?!?!?!?!?!?!


    How were they to know if two people already started it? At the start of it you CANNOT see the end.


    Honestly people who enter race should accept the fact there is a possibility that someone could finish it at any time.



    If they didnt get killed by the CT they would have still died when Shadow finished since he was at least (halfway?) finished.


    Also they could have seen shadow already in there on their minimaps, I am 80% sure they would have also seen the CT on their minimaps as mincecrack said he was in Line of Sight of Shadow.

  6. ---Cleared my previous post---

    -/+ 0. Going into race as a CT you can sort of expect you're going to have Ts following you into the area. It's a 1 entrance area technically. I know the doors both lead into the same area, but once they're shut, its two ways out. Win, or die.

    It's not a good idea to hide in race if you intend to finish it while camping. It would lead to either a mass freekill as a CT, or a mass teamkill as a T or CT.


    This being said, i was not there and I have not seen any proof of what happened... if he was waiting for people to come in and not finishing race then -1 for unban, but if he was actively playing race then +1

    I was going back and fourth on the last part. I saw Shadow and I playfully taunted then finished the race. If it wasn't him I would've just baited out a T to attempt kill me so I could shoot them. Or some other form of baiting to get them to knife me, I wouldn't have straight up kill them.


    edited that already lol... from what you say then... I think waiting in there for LastCT is fine(even if the finishing jump is nearly impossible) however when you decided to then finish so that you could kill shadow, that was a freekill because you werent actively trying to finish until you saw him in there...

    Since you say you did not know the other Ts were in there I think you should be punished for the one freekill and a little more for the accidental other two...


    TL;DR +1 shorten ban to 1-2 weeks