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  1. Agree
    Matsi reacted to Ohstopyou in Citizen_ - Team Fortress 2   
    First of all, I don't think I made a mistake. If you take the time and compare his shots to the other aimbotter, you'll see the similarity. Second of all, he's been banned in the past for BM (I was not aware of this until I was told literally 10 minutes ago), so therefore this other evidence is still valid.
    Also, not a perma for bm bullshit. He said "I'm into transvestite suicide" after bm-ing a "tranny".
  2. Disagree
    Matsi got a reaction from citizen_ in Citizen_ - Team Fortress 2   
    -1, most obvious aimbot in the fucking world.....
    plus the guy is an asshole in every post he makes, which btw is against the rules of protesting a ban. :)
    +1 for forum ban for disrespect :P
  3. Ding!
    Matsi reacted to Scootaloo in Citizen_ - Team Fortress 2   
    Honest opinion?
    I watched the demo. The 15 seconds that were captured of this user snagging those headshots looked remarkably botted. I don't care how long the video was, what was CLEAR AS DAY were the horizontal and vertical movements that were precise enough to be suspicious. I don't care HOW many hours you have clocked in on TF2, or how many kills your gun has, or how many UGC events you participated in. NOBODY twitches perfectly horizontal or vertical like that. It's my honest opinion that was assisted by some form of bot. The crouching for headshots is also a pretty dead giveaway, especially when so many bots utilize that as a quick Y-axis shift.
    That's all BEFORE we even consider the BMing he has been banned for in the past. The guy is purely toxic and, once again, is my personal opinion that he has nothing to contribute to this clan. Hell, he even came in here with an attitude, slinging daggers before anyone even got the chance to approach the situation whatsoever. That leaves a pretty bad taste in the mouth about him as an individual. Had he come in respectfully, humbling himself and requesting an unban in a kind way, I may have been prone to spout the whole "He cares enough to protest" schpeal, but he was an asshole right out of the gate.
    -1 for unban. I've dealt with my fair share of aimbots in the past, and if you honestly watch that footage, skim the first 15 seconds, and say "naaaah, that's not a bot," you need to learn what botting looks like.
  4. Ding!
    Matsi got a reaction from Forest in Unban Me Csgo Ct   
    mass freekilling on CS:S Jailbreak
  5. Informative
    Matsi reacted to Hidingmaster in Well That Was Unnecessary.   
    Proof of trolling and disrespect is as follow, i even highlighted the parts that all culminate to create was is clearly deemed as "trolling and disrespect"

    In case you didn't get the memo, not once did she ask for your opinion regarding her decision. It was not needed nor welcomed in that thread. We already explained to you that if you want to voice opinion, then fine, but do it at the appropriate place and at the appropriate time. Feel free to post on threads if you would like, but no matter where, whether it be an internet forum or real life, there are things that should not be said. This issue gets brought up again and you're getting banned, permanently. This is because I don't want to hear about it, im sure most of the community doesn't want to hear about it, and because im going to make the executive decision.
    Think of it this way: That thread was 100% fine until you posted an opinion, and turned very quickly to a more negative light. Also, it borders, if not is, cyber bullying.
    If you do need to talk more about it, send me a private message, but expect me to say the same thing said in the original thread and this one.
  6. Agree
    Matsi got a reaction from Egossi in Swedish - Team Fortress 2   
    close please he got mod in promo/demo @kbraszzz @Moosty @Ohstopyou @Rejects you're all soooo fucking slow :P
  7. Like
    Matsi got a reaction from xGShadowSpy in I'm Back!   
    It doubles as a quarter! Heads/Tails :P
  8. Agree
    Matsi got a reaction from Osiris in Jb Admin Abuse Day Poll   
    correct me if I am mistaken... but only 7 of those 11 events are crashes, and they appear to be 1 per server.... not 1 server 7 times.... ??
  9. Salty
    Matsi got a reaction from Egossi in Jb Admin Abuse Day Poll   
    correct me if I am mistaken... but only 7 of those 11 events are crashes, and they appear to be 1 per server.... not 1 server 7 times.... ??
  10. Salty
    Matsi got a reaction from DemonicDisaster in Jb Admin Abuse Day Poll   
    correct me if I am mistaken... but only 7 of those 11 events are crashes, and they appear to be 1 per server.... not 1 server 7 times.... ??
  11. Smelly
    Matsi got a reaction from Egossi in Jb Admin Abuse Day Poll   
    I have not seen the server crash during my admin abusing in over two months.... and that was when i spawned a ton of bosses....which i don't do anymore.... so.... ya.... :)
  12. Salty
    Matsi got a reaction from DemonicDisaster in Jb Admin Abuse Day Poll   
    That's dumb... maps last a very long time... how about we don't fuck with something that isn't a problem apart from people not overdoing it and crashing the server... I've learned where this happens and avoid doing too much all at once... but there was nothing bad about the day that happened in the youtube. :)
  13. Salty
    Matsi got a reaction from Ohstopyou in Jb Admin Abuse Day Poll   
    That's dumb... maps last a very long time... how about we don't fuck with something that isn't a problem apart from people not overdoing it and crashing the server... I've learned where this happens and avoid doing too much all at once... but there was nothing bad about the day that happened in the youtube. :)
  14. Agree
    Matsi got a reaction from Egossi in Cross Forum Examination   
    The fuck you talking about???
    Never heard of any of those people.
  15. Salty
    Matsi got a reaction from Egossi in Jb Admin Abuse Day Poll   
    That's dumb... maps last a very long time... how about we don't fuck with something that isn't a problem apart from people not overdoing it and crashing the server... I've learned where this happens and avoid doing too much all at once... but there was nothing bad about the day that happened in the youtube. :)
  16. Salty
    Matsi got a reaction from Egossi in Jb Admin Abuse Day Poll   
    Are you seriously quoting the guy that also said in the same post that admin abuse day gave his computer a virus..... gg
  17. Agree
    Matsi got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Jb Admin Abuse Day Poll   
    That's dumb... maps last a very long time... how about we don't fuck with something that isn't a problem apart from people not overdoing it and crashing the server... I've learned where this happens and avoid doing too much all at once... but there was nothing bad about the day that happened in the youtube. :)
  18. Agree
    Matsi got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Jb Admin Abuse Day Poll   
    Forgive me if I don't give a shit what people (aka the one guy that said that) thinks of a server they have never been to and are basing their opinion from a 15 second clip... not to mention he was prolly joking.
    Egossi your single vote, which was prolly a lot of 1spam means Jack shit considering I have had votes for abuse days outside of lr on a server of 20+ people have vote 95% or more yes for the days
    The solution is simple if you don't like abuse days for lr don't ducking pick it for your lr... and try harder to win lr so someone else doesn't :)
  19. Not Funny
    Matsi got a reaction from Egossi in Jb Admin Abuse Day Poll   
    Forgive me if I don't give a shit what people (aka the one guy that said that) thinks of a server they have never been to and are basing their opinion from a 15 second clip... not to mention he was prolly joking.
    Egossi your single vote, which was prolly a lot of 1spam means Jack shit considering I have had votes for abuse days outside of lr on a server of 20+ people have vote 95% or more yes for the days
    The solution is simple if you don't like abuse days for lr don't ducking pick it for your lr... and try harder to win lr so someone else doesn't :)
  20. Agree
    Matsi got a reaction from Egossi in Jb Admin Abuse Day Poll   
    Thank goodness he wasn't recording for one of the pumpkin bridge days ;)
  21. Informative
    Matsi reacted to Dethman in Jb Admin Abuse Day Poll   
    I looked all the way till about 19 pages down on mobile. no one complained and all I saw were jailbreak is better in css, jailbreak is a bad gamemode, and my favorite one, they did it just for you.
  22. Salty
    Matsi reacted to Egossi in Jb Admin Abuse Day Poll   
    Here is what the server thinks:

    fyi this was the vote "sm_vote 'Should the Admin Abuse Day be removed' 'Yes, its nothing but a massive clusterfuck' 'No'"
  23. Agree
    Matsi got a reaction from Osiris in Jb Admin Abuse Day Poll   
    Out of all the recording he took on our server the admin abuse day was the only thing that made it into the video implying it was the funnest thing that happened while he was on the server....
    I have seen none of these alleged complaints on the forums... don't pull shit out of your ass @Egossi unless you have proof to back it up...
    I have never seen anyone legit complain about abuse days... I've only had them ask for more and more.
  24. Salty
    Matsi reacted to Vector in Complaining like the kid i am   
    so strict? Just don't wear the tags. it's not hard jesus christ. You can't join because you didn't join xG, we can't deny people joining the server and the xG steam group is for all to join and be apart of the servers. Also, when is being 14 year old requirement strict? just wait a year, even then i don't think you would want to join xG especially for what it's turned into. but that is up to you honestly. I'm sure if you play on the servers more and get people to know you, i'm sure you'll get in. just don't worry about it.
  25. Optimistic
    Matsi got a reaction from Egossi in Muselk Visit Jb   
    Lol awesome... I remember him saying that that day too "your breaking the map" haha good times...
    Don't see how that was bad rep... he seemed to be having a laugh... it was great...
    Also @Moosty yes it was abuse :p lots of it hehe
    It was abuse day which is why there were hammers and godmode on everyone too :)