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  1. Agree
    Matsi got a reaction from Izanagi in Gtx 980 Or Gtx 980 Ti?   
    yes, LOADING.... and once that is done, it doesn't make a difference anymore. Isn't that what I said? yes, definitely put your OS and startup programs on it so you can boot fast, but don't buy more of them or bigger ones just for games, it's a waste.
  2. Agree
    Matsi got a reaction from Floppy in {xg:m Hue}hina-san - Team Fortress 2   
    Body/Building Blocking is when you get people stuck in you or your buildings when they go through a teleport, block doorways that don't have teleporters is perfectly fine
  3. Useful
    Matsi got a reaction from Rejects in Re: Lct + Melee Wardays   
    While a melee warday, regardless if the cmd !mwarday is used or not, When LCT is activated the LCT CAN use guns and is NOT restricted to melee only.
    LCT ALWAYS overrides the current day.... the day becomes "LCT" and is no longer melee warday.... same thing for freedays and hide and seek, etc...
    This is why when LCT activates on warday/freeday, the last red gets LR (normally there is no LR on freeday/warday)
    Could staff members please try to enforce this properly so that people will stop being confused and such on the server? THANKS!
  4. Funny
    Matsi got a reaction from Egossi in Vector - Team Fortress 2   
    I am sort of confused as to the motive of this thread.... since Vector commented on my post with "i don't want to get unbanned i just wanna see how the ban protest goes so badly"
    Is this Ban Protest simply to grief???
  5. Agree
    Matsi reacted to Goblin in Vector - Team Fortress 2   
    Fair enough, but I'm not sure complaining about and mocking the tf2 division every single day is going to make us +1 you.
  6. Agree
    Matsi got a reaction from Egossi in Vector - Team Fortress 2   
    If you want to get unbanned so badly, and want to "support" the clan.... why not just donate $$$ and get unbanned or Mona Pizza it up like Egossi :)
  7. Winner
    Matsi got a reaction from ChickenPanda in Vector - Team Fortress 2   
    If you want to get unbanned so badly, and want to "support" the clan.... why not just donate $$$ and get unbanned or Mona Pizza it up like Egossi :)
  8. Winner
    Matsi reacted to ChickenPanda in Vector - Team Fortress 2   
    "I'm not gonna lie and say i'm sorry for what i did/said because i'm not a chicken fudge and i won't tell you what you want to hear. I still to this day think i "din do nuffin" but that's up to you to decide."
    He straight up told us he won't change. Just throwing that out there.
  9. Agree
    Matsi got a reaction from Dethman in Possible Replacement For Server?   
    I think private gun mettle servers are silly and pointless as they do not work for completing contracts objectives =/
  10. Agree
    Matsi got a reaction from Egossi in Atticus - Team Fortress 2   
    the screenies.... they just kept coming and coming while I was scrolling down.... holy shit.... +1
  11. Disagree
    Matsi got a reaction from Osiris in In Regards To "death Threats" And "encouraging Suicide".   
    I normally gave people a warning beforehand anyways and they usually stop right then. Seems good
    I would like to say that I feel like this should mean that the several recent perm bans, like @jrulez8 , should be lessened in respect to this new protocol.
  12. Dislike
    Matsi reacted to diabeetus in Egossi's Mona Pizza Challange   
    Why do people +1 these things?
  13. Drunk
    Matsi got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Hi Every Body,i'm Back!   
    *edit* I'd like to thank to person that linked this to me today saying it was recent.... what a dick...
  14. Agree
    Matsi got a reaction from DeKoi in In Regards To "death Threats" And "encouraging Suicide".   
    As far as I could tell he was banned for disrespect and trolling, and then it was increased for the "death threats" after that...
    I don't think the disrespect warranted a week ban but meh.... better than a perm I would think.... he was never warned or anything about death threats until in his ban protest, so I think he should be cleared of them, he know not to do it now.
    As for the "evasion" I am unclear whether he actually evaded or if he just said he was going to, if he ACTUALLY used his other account to evade, it should only be banned for as long as his main one.... evading bans does not increase the ban length as far as I know.
  15. Sad
    Matsi got a reaction from Haruka in Swedish - Team Fortress 2   
    +1 he's active a bunch and helps enforce rules and reports problems...
    Pluus he's a furry :P need more of those around!
  16. Funny
    Matsi got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Swedish - Team Fortress 2   
    +1 he's active a bunch and helps enforce rules and reports problems...
    Pluus he's a furry :P need more of those around!
  17. Agree
    Matsi got a reaction from Egossi in Jrulez8 - Team Fortress 2   
    It seems like this shitfest is handled mostly... though I would like to comment on a few things that I think need to be handled better...
    First... why are you handing out 1 week bans for disrespect to people with no previous ban history..... @Flareon Those should be 6 hr bans at the most, increasing if they are repeat offenders....
    Second... It would be nice if staff would not punish people and call it "admin disrespect" as being an admin does not make you more special than a normal player.... there is no such rule as "admin disrespect" or "disrespecting staff" the rule is "disrespect" it applies to anyone and everyone.... please don't only enforce it when the disrespect is towards a staff member.... enforce it when anyone is disrespecting anyone, and enforce it the same way all the time. calling a staff member a nazi is no different than calling the warden a nazi when he's being super strict.... seriously, put some thought into what you're considering disrespect and at the same time, think of what you say to other people and try to work on your faults... try not to do something tomorrow that you punished someone else for today.... (this is not directed at anyone, but at everyone in general)
  18. Not Funny
    Matsi got a reaction from Kypari in Swedish - Team Fortress 2   
    +1 he's active a bunch and helps enforce rules and reports problems...
    Pluus he's a furry :P need more of those around!
  19. Useful
    Matsi got a reaction from Kypari in Rakin! - Team Fortress 2   
    Hub Titles and stuff are a dead giveaway ;)
  20. Funny
    Matsi reacted to SupremeWolf in Goodbye, Sweet Sweet Xg ;-;   
    @Matsi Is it a new record now? I mean, her submission wasn't even fully accepted.
  21. Like
    Matsi got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in In Regards To "death Threats" And "encouraging Suicide".   
    I normally gave people a warning beforehand anyways and they usually stop right then. Seems good
    I would like to say that I feel like this should mean that the several recent perm bans, like @jrulez8 , should be lessened in respect to this new protocol.
  22. Agree
    Matsi got a reaction from DemonicDisaster in Death Threats   
    @metalslug53 Why not just call it cyber bullying :P
    @Vector The rule has NEVER been "admin disrespect" in the ~5 years I've been around this clan.... people just enforce it when it's against a staff member more and call it admin disrespect or mod disrespect, which is the problem that I think needs to be fixed... especially when most of those same staff members say similar things to OTHER PEOPLE.
    I like that xG has been taking a stand against comments like these more recently, they should.... it's something that should not be tolerated and it's something that if ignored could have grave consequences for the clan in the event someone actually does kill themselves and an investigation leads to xG.
  23. Funny
    Matsi got a reaction from Ohstopyou in Death Threats   
    I freak out every time a bunch of people in JB say "kill yourself" to the last red with LR after he gives it, expecting someone to ban them for death threats xD
  24. Winner
    Matsi got a reaction from Dethman in Death Threats   
    I freak out every time a bunch of people in JB say "kill yourself" to the last red with LR after he gives it, expecting someone to ban them for death threats xD
  25. Agree
    Matsi got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Jrulez8 - Team Fortress 2   
    It seems like this shitfest is handled mostly... though I would like to comment on a few things that I think need to be handled better...
    First... why are you handing out 1 week bans for disrespect to people with no previous ban history..... @Flareon Those should be 6 hr bans at the most, increasing if they are repeat offenders....
    Second... It would be nice if staff would not punish people and call it "admin disrespect" as being an admin does not make you more special than a normal player.... there is no such rule as "admin disrespect" or "disrespecting staff" the rule is "disrespect" it applies to anyone and everyone.... please don't only enforce it when the disrespect is towards a staff member.... enforce it when anyone is disrespecting anyone, and enforce it the same way all the time. calling a staff member a nazi is no different than calling the warden a nazi when he's being super strict.... seriously, put some thought into what you're considering disrespect and at the same time, think of what you say to other people and try to work on your faults... try not to do something tomorrow that you punished someone else for today.... (this is not directed at anyone, but at everyone in general)