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  1. Like
    Matsi reacted to Tsuchikure in Matsi / Like a GShep - Counter-Strike: Source   
    Why are CS:G- I'm not even gonna ask, Just gonna go with it. :3
    Highly active, Very mature, Highly active on TS, Almost always has a demo recording in case something goes down, Knows MOTD and helps out with rule breakers.
    Honestly i thought i'd never +1 any person for a mod app because i thought they were so derpy and i just couldn't imagine them as a mod, But this once.
  2. Like
    Matsi reacted to Enforcer in Matsi / Like a GShep - Counter-Strike: Source   
    +1 great guy, very active and has been here as long as I have.
  3. Informative
    Matsi reacted to Rhododendron in Matsi / Like a GShep - Counter-Strike: Source   
    No fear, not worried about speaking the truth, and his reports tend to be unbias which is extremely welcomed and encouraged!
  4. Useful
    Matsi reacted to Hidingmaster in Matsi / Like a GShep - Counter-Strike: Source   
    Just opened yesterday.
    Just tone down the excessive arguments, you seem to do it a lot. I'll still +1 because of your activity and knowledge of rules.
    A: 9/10
  5. Useful
    Matsi reacted to Vector in Matsi / Like a GShep - Counter-Strike: Source   
    apply for mod is back Applying for mod?
  6. Like
    Matsi reacted to TheKingBaby in Matsi / Like a GShep - Counter-Strike: Source   
    +1 I didn't know we could apply for mod? But Matsi is a good guy, we have our disagreements but most people don't agree with me anyway. Knows the MOTD very well and is calling people out and helping them with faults.
  7. Ding!
    Matsi reacted to kbshooter2 in Matsi / Like a GShep - Counter-Strike: Source   
    +1 mature knows the rules and I like u haha only when u don't kill me
  8. Informative
    Matsi reacted to mtown81 in Matsi / Like a GShep - Counter-Strike: Source   
    Although I am not in the CSS Divison, and my vote probably wont count I have to +1 Matsi
    He is active and mature.
    He is always recording incase a demo is needed.
    He knows the rules quite well
    Active on Teamspeak
    Not afraid to call others out in the clan if they do something wrong.
    A 9/10
  9. Optimistic
    Matsi reacted to Jaybreeze in Matsi / Like a GShep - Counter-Strike: Source   
    -1 too many furries in power.
  10. Informative
    Matsi reacted to DarkWolf6052 in Matsi / Like a GShep - Counter-Strike: Source   
    He is always recording a demo when he's playing.
    He's improved greatly from when he joined, and I think he'd make a great mod.
    He knows the rules and continuously helps when there are rule breakers.
    Active on Teamspeak and the servers, has improved his attitude, mature.
    -Dat furfag DarkWolf6052
  11. Like
    Matsi reacted to DaddioDoug in Matsi / Like a GShep - Counter-Strike: Source   
    +1 as chrono would say big dick
    no but hes very active and knows the motd and never really breaks any rules.
  12. Informative
    Matsi reacted to xGShadowSpy in Matsi / Like a GShep - Counter-Strike: Source   
    +1, can do some annoying stuff sometimes (Like I don't? ) but is active, mature and should do good as a mod, has also dealt with the previous disrespect he had towards players.
  13. Like
    Matsi reacted to MineCrack in Matsi / Like a GShep - Counter-Strike: Source   
    Although he is sometimes rude and annoying, he will get the job done.
  14. Funny
    Matsi reacted to Rhododendron in kbshooter - Counter-Strike: Source   
    +1 good guy, doesn't work for the NSA.
    Plus he beat GTA San Andreas without cheats.
  15. Informative
    Matsi reacted to diabeetus in Matsi / Like a GShep - Counter-Strike: Source   
    +1. While I don't agree with you in many cases, we need some more people added to the staff roster who aren't afraid to call out the stupidity of other players/staff. However, Matsi does know the rules well, is very mature, and certainly displays qualities that would be great for a mod. Good luck, and I hope to see you with mod tags on soon.
  16. Informative
    Matsi reacted to Rhododendron in Applying for mod?   
    Alright I enabled it but it will only work for donators. Basically you must have donated within the past 7 days or you will be unable to make an application. We need money so it would really help out! Good luck!
    So when you have donated (within 7 days), how do you go through the process of submitting one? Upon donation, will a new section be opened under "Applications" in which you can fill out a Moderator Submission? Or if upon donation you will be able to "Post a Thread" under Moderator Submission?
    Upon donation you are added to a usergroup called 'Donation' and will stay there for 7 days upon automatically being demoted back to whatever you were to begin with.
  17. Agree
    Matsi reacted to Chrono in This Clan Is Shit   
    Sure is a funny way to just "raise awareness". You flat out said xG is shit in just your title, then you made claims on admins being bad abusive etc. put up the proof, or you are part of the problem.
    Closed because you asked.
  18. Like
    Matsi reacted to Rhododendron in Applying for mod?   
    Alright I enabled it but it will only work for donators. Basically you must have donated within the past 7 days or you will be unable to make an application. We need money so it would really help out! Good luck!
  19. Informative
    Matsi reacted to JakeEnglish in Uguuu   
    im jake and im gay
  20. Smelly
    Matsi got a reaction from Genesis in Matsi's Art Thread   
    Gonna post all my SFW stuff including things that I have commissioned :)
    Some of these randomly don't always load(for me anyways) if you see any cats running errors just right click them and open in new tab

    ^ I actually have a version of this tattooed on my arm :)

    This is my pet African Emperor Scorpion, Mr Stingies!

  21. Agree
    Matsi got a reaction from Tsuchikure in This Clan Is Shit   
    Really? Whenever I mention someone is afk it usually follows with a slay right afterwords. But I agree with the part when you said when someone is breaking the rules they don't do anything. From what I was told (can't remember who) the mods and admins won't slay unless they see it they will not except eye witnesses because they need proof like a screenshot.
    Admins/Mods CANNOT act on something they did not see, they can ask the person if they did such and such and if they admit to it they can act on that, but they cannot act based solely on hearsay.
    Try to remember that the admins and mods are there to play and have fun as well, they wont always see everything!
  22. Winner
    Matsi reacted to Pepper in Why can't we address these issues?   
    Lol whaat? You went back in time to apply?
  23. Ding!
    Matsi reacted to Warriorsfury in Why can't we address these issues?   
    Someone remind me to edit this comment. I'll make a wall of text of my own tomorrow...
  24. Useful
    Matsi reacted to MuffinMonster in Travtman   
    It didn't notify me...weird, but closed nonetheless, if you don't have proof I can't do anything for you.
  25. Agree
    Matsi reacted to Vector in Travtman   
    no proof whatsoever, can't do anything about it. -1
    please close