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Everything posted by Necromancer

  1. Ok I got a plan, carpet bomb the entire area of where Dora lives, including city, they might take that as mercy from that kind of torture
  2. When you are AWPing and a teammate gets in your way when you are taking a shot and you team kill, losing money. Some times I kill the teammate and the enemy Shooting someone in the head 10 times and only do like 18 dmg When point blank nova fails When god-like five-seven fails me I HATE WHAT THEY DID TO THE DEAGLE AND ITS RECOIL you move not even a step when throwing any type of nade and it misses Dust 2 being #1 map p90 bullshit that makes stop moving when hit by it I don't mind the enemy using Autos or other noob weapons, I take it as a compliment and usually kill them and take it for myself
  3. If it is gonna kill us all, then trying to survive is kind of pointless :P
  4. It shouldn't be a big deal, not really a crime or violation
  5. Necromancer


    Sure as long as people will go on it at least once a while
  6. 1: Blame the DL's even though it may or may not of been their fault 2: They dead 3: Cause a lot of people are like "let's play CS:GO jailbreak" populating it to like 10 people, then leave in less than 5 mins because they want to play some irrelevant game, making the people in there leave, because there are almost no people on the server anymore D: 4: Because Trade servers OP and probably due to F2P (not sure tho) 5: Because they probably think it doesn't need improving, which it obviously does. 6: l4d is kinda of a meh game (doesn't catch my attention at least) 7: Blame the person who is suppose to do it 8: When the servers went to shit 9: Because deep inside you want it to be back the way it was, but most likely wont
  7. If only csgo had sprays in the first place
  8. Good, @Bleed is a bad driver most likely.
  9. Necromancer


    probably would +1
  10. Place where brain cells die
  11. I don't know but I'm blaming @Bleed Just pretend its his fault
  12. Well I know the original owned of the Oculus Rift is having a nice vacation for life.
  13. Q: Why are 9/11 victims considered the fastest readers in the world? A: They went through 90 stories in 30 seconds
  14. Q: How are black people and semen the same? A: Only one in a million succeed Q: How do you get an emo down from a tree? A: You cut the rope Q: Why do Orphans play baseball? A: They'll never find home Q: Why is there no black guy in the game "clue'? A: Because then it would be called "Solved" Q: Why did Hitler commit suicide? A: he saw the gas bill A Muslim walks into a bar... no one survives
  15. +1 seems like a cool guy, active from what I see and knows what the fuck he is doing on CSS soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ya Also @@Chrono is a baddy
  16. BOUT FUCKING TIME I would like a mini-games and scrim server too
  17. also wtf is with you not able to say f*cked
  18. Canceled because Ohio has shitty weather