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Everything posted by John_Madden

  1. Wait a minute, Penguin did this? Oh lawd. Finally playing something other than League I See :british:
  2. @[2889:@kbraszzz] remember that the USS Kick Ass rekt'd ur civ
  3. He's a pretty chill guy. Knows the rules and is mature. +1 M: 8/10 A: 7/10
  4. I followed procedure correctly: I asked AdamStoe if that was a pic of him IRL in the spray. He said it was him and believed his privacy was being compromised. I requested you change it and you didn't. You were not banned for spamming jump rope music on the sand map, you were banned for refusal to change your spray which a member believed was compromising his privacy. -1
  5. Actually is nine. One came from a non-member.
  6. I've seen him. Would be good addition. M: 8/10 A: 8/10 +1
  7. Has 11 Valid vouches. @kbraszzz
  8. Said user is no longer in clan. Also please don't gravedig. #close pls @kbraszzz
  9. John_Madden

    New Staff

    But can we still hate @ThePenguin for delaying promo/demo because he was playing board game online?
  10. John_Madden

    New Staff

    I called it @kbraszzz . 100th "we need more staff" thread! Congrats OP, you are now the most hated person on forums. Sorry @ThePenguin (promo/demo?) but you knew someone was gonna take the title. :british: (Also close this bull or move it)
  11. Now you decide to apply you lazy bastard? :rage: Either way it's about time. Mature and very active. Would be welcoming addition to the clan. +1 M: 8/10 A: 10/10
  12. If I counted right, it's 2 more vouches.
  13. Changing to +1. However, if applicant ever attempts to persuade users to vote someone off from the servers that a ban will be mandatory regardless if it's successful or not. M: 7/10 A: 10/10
  14. This is a member app. Members don't have any staff powers. Oh really? :coffee: #Paidformodyourself
  15. Nearly all of the TF2 Staff had to deal with you and tell you the same thing over and over: Stop being an asshat. If that message couldn't get through to you until you got banned permanently then I doubt it still has gotten through to you. -1
  16. As a warden, user has told other users on the server to votekick or voteban one certain user on the servers to give them a freeday in return. This qualifies as abuse of the vote system. I don't trust that user left GGF. We have previously had a member from their group apply and successfully gained membership, only to find out that said user was still a staff member with GGF. I have no bad feelings towards said group any more but if any evidence is found that user is still a staff member with said group a member protest will appear for the applicant. As of now I stand at 0. The main factor being that user has abused the vote system. I do agree with everyone else that applicant is active, in my concern about his maturity is a major question at the moment. M: TBD (If I have to give a number it's 3/10) A: 9/10
  17. Holy Crap, what the hell just happened.
  18. +1 would be a good addition to xG M: 8/10 A: 8/10 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P3ALwKeSEYs
  19. Users application has runs is course after 30 days. @kbraszzz close.