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Everything posted by John_Madden

  1. 10 +1s overall 24 hours (or whenever) @kbraszzz
  2. I would agree that user is active and mature. +1 M: 8/10 A: 8/10
  3. 10 vouches. Close at 9:30 tomorrow @kbraszzz
  4. To add, not even a day after a one week ban expired you decided to do impersonate me AND also changed your name to "pls ban me".
  5. Let's see. You get banned from another group's server, you take my entire profile description and use it as your own and impersonate me. Sure why not let's unban you. User is immautre, racist, irrational, and impersonate staff both on xG servers and on other TF2 servers. -1
  6. Sh!tpost of the year Close or delete @kbraszzz @DrLee
  7. >mfw promo/demo and see who was promo/demo'd
  8. Probably won't get banned but a warning at this point, idk about centipede, but adam has had a history of using strong language towards others and a ban of 6 hrs max is called for.
  9. Some of the behavior on this thread from our members is atrocious and needs to stop or else it could get you forum banned. I will check chat logs to see if they did this in text chat. Otherwise @kbraszzz , please do not close this thread.
  10. +1 user is active and has matured M: 8/10 A: 9/10
  11. -1 immature and has become inactive on servers M: 3/10 A: 3/10
  12. Any abuse of the vote system, either by having no reason to vote ban someone or because someone is telling them to do so. If someone is telling them to vote you off the server (either via kick or ban), then they can be banned because they cannot influence such a decision. Each is entitled to their own opinion on whether you should be removed. I will be checking logs to see if he said this in chat (or you can provide a demo of the incident), otherwise this claim cannot be verified. Also, a heads up to other admins, we do have the ability to cancel all votes by doing any of the vote commands (i.e. "votemap", "votekick" etc.) and choosing back and going to cancel votes. There you can cancel votes for certain choices.
  13. Never seen him break rules, no maturity issues. +1 M: 9/10 A: 8/10
  14. Does BCGAD still have a/ny server(s) up and do you have any staff powers on said server(s)? Just wondering.
  15. Since one certain topic (staff activity) has come up a lot in this thread, if you wish to inquire or have any concerns/complaints/questions about staff activity, please contact any admin or @kbraszzz , OR feel free to start the 100th Lack of Staff/Staff Inactivity/Make Me Mod thread of the year (special prize if you do :coffee:). Or otherwise any other rage comments, bring it up in the rage thread (thank you @Mr.Fink for creating this thread: Tf2 Rage Thread | Xeno Gamers and maybe Sticky it @kbraszzz :british: ) This thread is to focus on if anyone thinks we should and when we should have a Populate Saxton Hale day (thanks again to @HachikoTachibana for bringing it up initially in shoutbox!) Just to point out that this is an open invitation to everyone in TF2 Div, staff and non-staff alike!
  16. Well when you put it that way let's go whack some Saxton... 100% Cosa Nostra Italian Businessmen Approved
  17. So how about he have a pop Saxton Hale Day! You are probably asking yourself, "Why @John_Madden? Why should we do it since you are a badmin?" Here are some points: Saxton is one of our most populated servers usually averaging 15-24 people at peak times. Staff is rarely on. Most of us stack ourselves on Jailbreak #1 or Trade Gaming History. Get to met the regulars who might be interested in joining XenoGamers. Just to have some fun. What could be more fun than killing an overhealed Australian that can one hit kill you? (Not to mention the homing ball for Scout :D!) So who else is in? (All credit to @HachikoTachibana who is the one who thought of the initial idea in shout box!) Tagging people's: @kbraszzz @ShockeDeel @Goblin @ThanatosTelos @HachikoTachibana Comments welcome!
  18. I've run through ranks and haven't found your name. What server are you most active on?
  19. Oh lord, read the submission guidelines @kbraszzz
  20. +1 very active, nice person overall M: 9/10 A: 10/10