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Everything posted by John_Madden

  1. How do I counted +1? :derp: Btw He still needs two more +1's from the community
  2. Why were/was @kbraszzz and/or @DrLee not tagged for badmin(s) of the year? :coffee:
  3. Is this shit serious doe?
  4. How do I +1'd correctly?
  5. +1 has been active for A LONG time, mature M: 9/10 A: 10/10
  6. Btw why the f*ck was I tagged when I'm an admin now? :coffee: Edit: BTW we should shut down Deathrun for the time being. One, it's broken. Two, staff can just use it to boost their ban list.
  7. I'm active on both jb servers and on Pokemon trade. Death run is broken to be honest. But I will start getting active on saxton hale more often.
  8. This application expired on April 4th. @kbraszzz @DrLee Close please
  9. 9 +1's as of right now (for anyone who wanted a count :british:)
  10. Perm this man @diabeetus
  11. -1 Immature and acted childish, doesn't know the rules, abused the vote system. A: 7/10 M: 0/10
  12. The rule regarding abuse of the vote system is one of the first things that show's up on the MOTD/Jailbreak Rules. And I quote, Abusing the vote system (besides votemap) will result in a ban. See you in Three Weeks buddy. :coffee: -1
  13. Can we seriously close this thread? It's a massive cluster fuck in here. @diabeetus @ThePenguin @Hidingmaster @Gawd @DrLee @kbraszzz
  14. If your claims are correct, then the accused should be banned for two week for abusing the voteban system, and an extra week for having a bullsh!t reason for votekicking you for a three week ban. The one's who were convinced to vote should be banned for 2 days each for each vote they gave. @kbraszzz
  15. Please close this @diabeetus @ThePenguin @Gawd @Hidingmaster
  16. #close please @kbraszzz before more shots are fired
  17. I get no credit for this, I get it huehue ;_;