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Everything posted by John_Madden

  1. There goes that promo to admin @kbraszzz
  2. @ 8 o'clock tomorrow @kbraszzz
  3. We shall take this as law my lord #thewordofthelordforest :hail::hail::hail::hail::hail::hail::hail::hail::hail::hail::hail::hail::hail::hail::hail::hail::hail: On a serious note (and to get it off my chest), 90% our staff is active on teamspeak. It's just the TF2 server activity for staff is getting bad to the point where some sit in the Jailbreak servers waiting for bans (@Matsi huehuehue) or 5 staff members at a time being present on JB#1 (won't tag any people) and the other servers not having even one staff member, hell even no xG members present. I've brought the "lack of staff activity" up before, but it seems the more mods we get, the same promoted mods decide to stay on one specific server. I do agree we (yes including myself :( ) lack activity like @Mr.Fink says, but making people do shifts just makes it an unpaid babysitting job and the strike system will just be a flawed as what we got now. Honestly, if you want to complain about staff inactivity, talk to @kbraszzz or any of the staff, don't start the twentieth "Staff inactivity thread/we need more staff" thread of the year. @kbraszzz (or any staff member for that matter) is the one who will go tell people to stop lazing around Jailbreak and/or pick up the slack.
  4. So every promo/demo we would have new mods/admins/dm/dl since half the staff plays league or sits in Jailbreak. @whoeverthenextdmis #justsaying :british:
  5. Wait, didn't we agree that we, the staff, were all badmins. #Close #Worstthreadever @kbraszzz edit: IDK about anyone else, but this is my two cents. #maybebestthreadever2012
  6. So GMask and Febreze can become staff with your system ...
  7. @African Since your active as hell on Pokemon trade :british:
  8. Either change it up, or lay off it for a while. Learn 2 read pls. :coffee:
  9. Just to point this out, HE NEVER SPAWN CAMPED. If that were the case, then it is abuse that I kicked him. Didn't kick him out of rage, but because he had begun to piss off the entire team he was targeting. If he had been camping as an engi in frewie's room then I would have allowed him. If a sniper was sniping right into spawn then that's not being an ass, it's spawn camping and it's allowed. OP was running away after killing and not letting red team get him, at least another sniper could counter the spawn sniping sniper and kill him. So I answer this question, Why was OP kicked? First, ignoring a staff member. I asked him to change his class or to just hold off on doing it for a while because he was pissing off red team. I asked him several times and remind you this is bannable. Second, acting like a troll. Like any other player, we think avoiding a kill is important. They will probably get you but you have no idea. But if you do it to the same people over and over again and never give them a chance, then it's a dick move. Now may I ask you this, would have slaying him been more appropriate? In my mind no. It would be the same as if I had gone into buddha mode and killed someone, it would unfairly get someone a kill. Also to add, I never told him to stop going demo, but to at least change it up. Go scout or soldier or any other class rather than just go demo and then fly away. If you are gonna be a dick, then at least dominate with numerous classes.
  10. Not for that, but it was for being an assh0le {not sure if that gets censored so 0 added :british:} as a demo and flying back and forth just picking off snipers and just being an asshat by flying away 2 seconds later. I understand snipers MOST LIKELY can't see you, which is why you probs did this for a good hour, but I had asked you to stop. NOW, if I had banned you, you then have a case. But it was one kick after I had told you to change it up after a good hour of you doing this. Also, if you read the rules. I did enact the "listen to our staff" rule. Also, it's about everyone having fun, not pissing off an entire team. If thats your kinda fun, then please find a server that allows this type of fun.
  11. Before Kbraszzz closes this, I asked you to stop since you were pissing off red team. It wasn't spawn camping rather being a demo, killing people and not giving them a chance. If you kill them, fly back to spawn, you aren't giving red team a chance to fight back then you're pretty much a dick.
  12. I agree. RIP in Peace OP as member @kbraszzz It's confirmed, we are all badmins. Please #Close.
  13. +1 is active, mature. Would be good addition to community. M: 8/10 A: 8/10
  14. Took you long enough Also congrats to the promo'd. :smuggrin:
  15. @me I was the one who banned him, since it was unintentional I decided a month ban was good. I would agree to it being reduced. @kbraszzz
  16. Probably confused "Being in xG" as previously populating the servers.
  17. +1 active, mature, fun guy overall. Would be good addition to the xG community. M: 8/10 A: 10/10 @Vector @Maymalays @Huster_Salvador @Barmithian
  18. But why doe? Active, mature, agreed that #Originsisbestadmin2015 +1 M: 10/10 A: 10/10
  19. aeiouaeiouaeiouaeiouaeiouaeiouaeiouaeiouaeiouaeiouaeiouaeiouaeiouaeiouaeiouaeiouaeiouaeiouaeiouaeiouaeiouaeiouaeiouaeiouaeiou
    1. Crona


      John Madden
  20. +1 Yup, Perm CT ban incoming :coffee:
  21. He has THREE member apps up. WTF are you doing?