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Everything posted by John_Madden

  1. You can thank @apuppy for adding this to the rules :rage: (according to Kbraszzz)
  2. Potato day Potato days must be declared at the start of the round by the warden, Potato days can only be played when given as a LR. potato days can not be done back to back, All prior rules regarding rebellion DO apply during potato days. Ex: Hitting vents, going into tardis, etc. When the potato day first starts all potatoes (Reds) must go to the ordered spot and be crouched at the time given by the warden. At first potatoes are not allowed to swing melees, stand up, or move around, failure to comply makes you a rebel, the Warden is allowed to create a question in order to determine who the "Potato king" is, the potato king is allowed to give orders to the other potatoes, who must follow the orders or be killed The potato king may not give a order that will give the other potatoes no chance to live exemple "All potatoes drown" The Potato King is also allowed to "evolve" the potatoes to make them move around, go into water,able to swing melees, etc without being killed by the blu team, The potato king may not order the potatoes to rebel. The Potato King must have a workable mic in order to give orders correctly to other potatoes. -From Jailbreak Rules
  3. Comments are welcomed. :) @kbraszzz
  4. @diabeetus you heard him
  5. ^ This and this v "May 6, 2014 at 12:10 PM - IceSlice: Lazy people in this group, i see why this is a awful society, grammar and laziness." By the way, you have mistakes. Let me correct them for you. :coffee: "May 6, 2014 at 12:10 PM - IceSlice: Lazy people in this group. I see why this is an awful society. Grammar and laziness." Also to add, he always put his nose into business he had no reason to be involved in. For example, I had seen him talk trash or just plain non-sense in other people's member apps. He is also VERY disrespectful towards a lot of people. +1 for permanent forums ban. I don't know about a ban for game servers though (maybe a permanent ban for that as well.)
  6. no (Also congrats to everyone except @KendrickLlama huehue:british:)
  7. John_Madden


    Beat me to it ;_;
  8. John_Madden


    Such gravedig @ThePenguin @diabeetus
  9. Active mature person +1 M: 8/10 A: 8/10
  10. Kbraszzz its urgent
  11. You do realize that there is a bug/suggestion thread on forums for TF2 div: Bug Reports/Suggestion Thread | Page 11 | Xeno Gamers @kbraszzz Close
  12. Would be subject to 20 +1's
  13. @kbraszzz has been open long enough.
  14. TF2 Logic dear Leader :hail::hail::hail::hail::hail::hail::hail::hail::hail::hail::hail::hail::hail::hail::hail:
  15. It's not deny unless you do it when they have already stated their LR. If what you did was wrong then LR would be denied the moment a blue was killed by a red.
  16. BTW, most of the time they use melee weapons to do this, rarely do they have the common sense to get a gun :coffee:
  17. y u make me sad ;_; #DemoteForest2012
  18. What @kbraszzz has told me is that if someone's LR is kill all blues and you slay yourself you are to slay yourself the next day or else its deny. You did deny. Personally I hate this rule since why would you want to wait for the Last Red to go around and have to kill everyone. Also doesn't "kill all blues" technically violate the "don't rebel during your LR" clause of the rules? >inb4 banned for 1 hour for trying to find loopholes :derp: