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Everything posted by John_Madden

  1. 9 as of right now. 10 if @Bell fixes her vouch.
  2. @[51341:@DrLee] @[2889:@kbraszzz] @[51361:@ShockeDeel]
  3. @[51341:@DrLee] @[3217:@Bleed] @[51361:@ShockeDeel] @[2889:@kbraszzz]
    1. John_Madden


    2. John_Madden


      Summon diabeetus pls
    3. ShockeDeel


      @[51361:@ShockeDeel] >:3 i summon mehself!
    4. Show next comments  39 more
  4. -1 trolls by constantly telling people on the server to send it to Legojail. Immature. M: 1/10 A: 6/10
  5. Oh hey, we already have this thread: Bug Reports/Suggestion Thread | Xeno Gamers (AND IT'S STICKIED! YAY!) Also we get it, stuff is messed up :coffee: @kbraszzz (and/or @DrLee ) close
  6. Oh hey look, it's been 30 days. @kbraszzz close
  7. It's a ban from all XenoGamers Team Fortress 2 servers. Getting banned either directly on a server or from source bans will ban you on all of those servers. Stop trying to troll us because it is seriously gonna end up being worse for you. Also, you've acted the same way as before, annoying and irritating, and you don't seem to know when to stop. These kind of actions are what will get you banned again if you don't change.
  8. He was initially given a permanent ban. A month was seen as fair from all other infractions brought forward from other members and staff members.
  9. Justice was served when you were banned. I don't have visual proof but I sure as hell have seen you and your friends act like assholes. As you have posted numerous ban request and refuse to accept this I believe a one month ban from forums should be added to the punishment.
  10. Anyone who vouches for him should take the multi-clanning infraction into mind. Regardless, he is a staff member in said group and that group does have servers similar to ours.
  11. A. You're in another clan. We've tossed another one of you guys (SirWaffle) from xG and denied two others (Snowy and another guy.) B. You started acting like warden, tricked reds, and received permission from @kbraszzz to ban you. Close this, user is in another clan.
  12. I honestly don;t think you're taking this seriously and I think you should get banned from forums. If you refuse to accept the ban and admit that you did something wrong then it's gonna end wrongfully on your part. @diabeetus @kbraszzz
  13. @kbraszzz breaking two rules 1. In another clan 2. Under 14
  14. Edit: because dasmowski was trying to pull the same crap again.
  15. Bannable offense. Proof to why this ban is justified. Still agree with you that the ban is too long.
  16. Yup. I've warned you guys enough times to read the rules but you act as if they are nothing but constraints on you guys having "fun".
  17. I have warned you and your friends to stop trying to loophole and being disrespectful to staff and other xG members, stop using inappropriate language, and to stop being assholes. This hopefully is a wake up call for them. I will recommend that op be unbanned after 3 months but permanently be banned from being on CT after being unbanned.
  18. I still don't want you unbanned because of the sh!t you and your friends constantly pulled off and you had this coming.
  19. Please don't start a flame war. The sorry bastard of op can't help himself.
  20. -1 you don't deserve to be unbanned. You constantly loophole rules and troll. I've warned you numerous times to drop the act but you refuse. You and your friends have the same problem and seem to get a kick out it.
  21. +1 is a good player, active and mature M: 9/10 A: 9/10 @kbraszzz
  22. -1 You're on the same level as Febreze and GMask, you constantly were (probably still) annoying on the mic. M: 0/10 A: 5/10