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Everything posted by John_Madden

  1. User is suspected of Multi-Clanning. @kbraszzz
  2. Can I haz the top spot on Pokemon trade?
  3. The main rule about the Gift Game is that you must do trivia when doing the gift game. If trivia is not included then it's just first reaction/last reaction. (btw jump for LR is invalid becauses it's basically the same thing as First Reaction/Last Reaction)
  4. Congrats to the promoted especially @Maymalays, we need our Trade Servers represented.
  5. @kbraszzz This app had 5 +1's from before app was to be closed. Should have been accepted a long time ago :british:
  6. RIP in Peace Ponyspencer, we hardly knew ye
  7. User already has an application up. Requesting this closed. (Link to active application: Bambampayday - Team Fortress 2 | Xeno Gamers The applicant is reminded that they need only one application up. @kbraszzz @DrLee
  8. +1 Infractions: Spammed for Warden Freekilling Disrespect towards server users General Rule Breaking Suggested Punishment: 4 Week CT Ban
  9. +1 Though the ban would be no longer than 1hour.
  10. Nope, still need 5 more +1 vouches
  11. +1 Sorry for having to get your old thread closed a while back. Anyway, user is active on the servers. Maturity a non-issue. M: 8/10 A: 9/10
  12. If I may give my two cents, +1. He's done this numerous times before including a time where he froze everyone on Pokemon Trade, slapped everyone, causing everyone to fly, get fall damage, and resulted in people leaving.
  13. I'll give my insight to what I know: 1) a. Well, asking something specific to be added to the LR I think is the reason why some might think it counts as 2 LR's. I don't see any problem with your suggestion of allowing "first game" or "all day" as long as someone gets LR. b. There is no specific rule for how to handle freeday other than what reds can or cannot do. Also LR rules kind of allows Blues to delay it as long as there are 5 people on red. I would suggest that Freeday rules and/or LR rules be updated to make it all day freeday if some chooses LR. c. I haven't stopped anyone from putting up a Sentry, though I have never checked with DM/DL. Also if you do a Hide and Seek day during the day then Blue's are re-entering with no reds inside, thus a slay would be needed. d. @kbraszzz 2) a. Not answering b. Well, I would say Warden didn't give orders unless he DID say "Out of Cell Rebel". So yes it is a freeday regardless, its the same thing as if someone had opened the doors before any orders were given. :/ 3) @kbraszzz 4) a) Not allowed since it is FR/LR, I've tried to stop people but they always kill the person before I'm able to unmute myself or type it all chat. b) Well yes and no. Yes, it is Teamkilling. No, Warden should not be slayed. People on Blue should have the common sense to know not to go into any red area's that could get them killed. c) IDEK 5) a) Yes, I've allowed it in the past. As long as the DM/DL said it was okay I've allowed it. b) Well, that's all on the Last Red. :coffee: Also to your quick mention: "Last requests must be followed, if not, the warden and/or accompanying blues can be slayed." And yes it is TL;DR :british:
  14. See the screenshots here: Steam Community :: |xG| Sprunk :: Screenshots
  15. 1. Yeah, I agree with that statement. Anytime we get a new game mode we hype it up but then none of us populated it after a couple of days. Hopefully it changes this time. 2. RIP in Peace MvM server
  16. OP's application has run it's course on February 28th @kbraszzz close
  17. See this thread: We Will Not Have This. | Xeno Gamers Will await the Division Manager's decision on if OP is allowed to apply for xG membership.
  18. We have had a regular and still have (a special) MvM server. I wouldn't mind a randomize weapon server (trade/idle or competitive map) If we do get a new server regardless we need to populate it well for a while so it becomes popular (@alljailbreakusers)
  19. Several other members and the two you mentioned were warned by Nomulous to leave the clan (Kbraszzz relayed that to me). Insane told me he left, not sure if Goblin and Your Average Merc (who is mentioned in the About Section) have left the clan.
  20. There is a feature on most of our jailbreak maps known as Arena, you can let reds fight among their teammates by turning on friendly fire. Turning it on without warden or staff saying so is bannable.
  21. If you check at the bottom of their About section, you will find this: "GORILLA GLUE FANCLUB JOIN THE NEW GGF SERVER! connect" Also, a gaming clan is considered a group that has set up their own server with their own rules. GGF follows this definition.
  22. From the MOTD in regards to your complaints about the third ban I mentioned: Do not hit the arena button to turn on friendly fire without permission, you will be banned. So you're saying that I should throw the rules down the toilet when someone hits a button they should have never been near the first place? More rules; Sondresten (or whatever his name is) was not speaking English and had an immature voice. User (F.A.G.G.O.T) would not leave me alone and was constantly pestering me to the point where I muted him. Your friend was banned because I said anyone who keeps this up will be removed from the server. I asked numerous times to stop and you and your friend refused. Why do you insist that you had every right to troll? It's in the general MOTD, no trolling, I typed the first thing that I could think of that was similar to what you guys were doing. The Staff warned you to stop. THE STAFF! I COUNT AS A STAFF MEMBER!
  23. Let's look at each ban one at a time (going clockwise from upper left): 1. Fine, I didn't follow the protocol of warn/silence/kick, sue me. But user was trolling along with OP. 2. User was constantly annoying on the mic and had continued to bother me even after I warned and muted him, and eventually kicked him. 3. That one, if you read the MOTD for Jailbreak, is an offense that gets a ban regardless if they meant to or not. 4. User would not get off the mic (not speaking English), warned numerous times when he was on, muted him every time he came on, to the point where I banned him. So congrats on trying to get me in trouble and (possibly get me) demoted kid, I applaud you for your attempts but you obvious have it out for me just because I didn't let you act like the immature child you are with your butt buddies.
  24. Member's Name: [xG] Sirwaffle.exe Member's Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:60754469 Information: User is multi-clanning and is a part of GGF (Gorilla Glue Fanclub: Steam Community :: Group :: Gorilla Glue Fanclub User is accused of being a moderator in said clan (name has an M tag) User admitted to me that he was in said clan and was multi-clanning Tagging anyone who has a position of power in TF2 division and any xG CL's and Leaders. @kbraszzz @Nomulous @Rhododendron @Hidingmaster @diabeetus Tagging accused member: @SirWaffle.exe