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Everything posted by John_Madden

  1. The return of @SpeedOfFreedom #welcomeback Muffin you can guess why this one was posted you Canadian weirdo...
  2. - Mass Freekill is Perm-CT - Mass Freekill and leave is Perm from server We need @kbraszzz or @Deidara to give some insight on what happened to clear up the six kills OP had (if all were Freekill or if some of them were because the red player rebelled or had purpose for doing so)
  3. Didn't I suggest you make an app like 2 months ago? Anyway, +1.
  4. Well since I'm the only person to -1, user states in his application that he acts immature sometimes (while on the servers). I honestly believe that adding more immature members doesn't help the overall xG community and is not a good trait in a potential member. He also has 6 +1 vouches, which I believe overrides my -1, which is why I tagged you to add the acceptance message and close the thread.
  5. Also tagging @Deidara, since you were one of the people killed by OP. Adding this as well, Xeno Gamers - Player Events History @MuffinMonster
  6. If you left after freekilling 3 or more then its a perm, and according to the logs you killed 6 people in a span of 3 minutes (we can't tell if you freekilled all of them or some of them rebelled/ignored wardens orders). If you freekilled 3 or more of these people, a permanent ban was justifiable and you should not be unbanned. If you freekilled 3 or less of these people, we're talking about a month ban (at most).
  7. +1 active on servers, mature and knows the rules Tagging people who are active on Goldenrod @African @Barmithian @magikkarpFAIL @MuffinMonster
  8. -1 not mature, get more active on the servers (keyword servers)
  9. Can we refrain from spamming this post with non-vouch posts?
  10. 1. Sorry for tagging telos, I meant @Kyokasuigetsu3867 :coffee: 2. I don't think he's been in any clan, maybe he's confused on how to apply for clans (checked his profile). @devin.howard20 heads up, if you keep wearing the xG tags, this won't reflect good on your member app.
  11. Two things: 1. @ThanatosTelos @HachikoTachibana What clan would that be? Proof pls. 2. @devin.howard20 Don't wear xG tags, you have not been accepted into the clan.
  12. I'm changing mine to 0. You're active on different xG servers. (Keyword: Servers) Improve your maturity and I may change my mind. A: 9/10 M: 4/10
  13. So the immature Jailbreak members have decided to add more immature people @MuffinMonster
  14. Some proof (I guess??) User still has xG tags in his name (as of February 17th at 4:11 PM). User has been warned numerous times, has ignored us numerous times, and has been banned for refusing to take off tags. I don't think a long ban is requested.
  15. As much as I would like to +1 and agree with this, you need visual proof. Find some please.
  16. I'm bumping this because this voice changing thing is starting to get annoying. I've asked Febreze too many time to stop doing this and refuses to do so. We need a rule. @MuffinMonster
  17. Oh, well then we should add the rule. How does this sound. "No trolling anyone. This includes tricking someone into doing something that modifies game overall, NOT the server." (Possible punishment: Gag/Mute. Kick if person still continutes.) Adding that last part is done so we don't get spammed with "people are engi-camping, isn't this troling?" posts.