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Everything posted by John_Madden

  1. Now falls under you responsibility @kbraszzz (and Nom) look into :british:
  2. We already have a thread, please keep it to one thread. (Btw you replied to it) Suggesting Changes For Pokemon On Jailbreak | Xeno Gamers @DrLee close please
  3. Higher power is not enough I need this :coffee:
  4. Let the :british: ratings for OP begin :coffee:
  5. +1 is active and would be good addition to xG.
  6. Vouch is invalid until user becomes a confirmed member.
  7. #DemoteLee #PromoteForest
    1. DrLee


      Congrats on the promotion, @[2300:@Forest].
    2. Forest


      You all suck
  8. #GmaskisthenewMagicalPurple @DrLee (our temp DM), Is it possible to move this to Ban Request? :british:
  9. @MuffinMonster #close ban was for one hour and it has expired.
  10. I'm going to be honest, today was the first time I ever saw you on the servers. Not gonna make quick judgement, so I'll leave it at 0.
  11. If you wanna protest the ban that was for one hour, then it's a dumb idea. If you wanna claim admin abuse then do so on the other section of forums. Either way, You were banned for blocking and constant trolling. You have constantly trolled, and have admitted that you're only on the server to troll and act like a total dick on the server and don't do anything other than troll red team into chasing you and allow blue team to troll the red team by preventing them from moving around on the map. I have asked you to chill out and stop being a dick but that never got to you. For those who want to argue that I'm out of line, then RTFM. As for the door blocking, I still don't think that it was an accident as you lay the sentry down right at the door. I stand by my ban. -1
  12. I declare this rating "Super British" @Forest
  13. -1 When you sign up for xG and apply for member you don't app for staff, you apply to become a member. M: What the hell are you thinking/10 A: I've never seen you before/10
  14. @SpeedOfFreedom @kbraszzz
  15. I'm not gonna vouch, but I am gonna give you advice that I've told everyone that has asked me about how one becomes a mod/staff even before they've been accepted or they've even applied for membership. When you apply for xG, focus on becoming a member first, never focus on becoming a staff member. It takes a while for one to get staff powers. Once you get to wear the tags, then focus on how to become a mod. Don't mention anything about mods in your application, don't even mention that you've been a mod. Just focus on your qualities that would make you a good xG member and how long/what servers you've been active on the xG servers.
  16. Known him for a while. Active and mature. +1
  17. Wait 24 Hours till we spam either DrLee or Muffin
  18. I think it violates two rules actually: You can only tarp after 5:00, meaning simon says and other tarping games can be played only after 5:00 Have a good mic so reds can hear you clearly. Since you can't tarp until 5:00, and it happened before 5:00 then its a mass freekill. Also if he did this intentionally to prevent red team from hearing him then the mic rule applies as well. G Mask has constantly done this sh!t and its getting old. I've banned him for doing this in the past. I think this should be moved to Ban Requests because G Mask won't stop doing this until he's learned his lesson. And if it does get moved to ban request: +1. I would suggest that a permanent ban be placed (either server or CT) and stripping him of Membership since he's done this numerous times. A permanent server ban is not recommended but should be considered as the user in question, by technicality of the rules, has logged off every time he's done this either to avoid being banned or because user simply got tired of playing. The removal of membership is highly recommended as user does not present a good example of our community and his immaturity is not what we look for in members. @MuffinMonster EDIT: I watched the demo, it's tarping if you try to trick red's into rebelling and/or to kill them and it clearly occurred well before 5:00. User in question also freekilled five people during this event which constitutes the right for any staff member to perm CT ban immediately for these actions which OP has presented. Any further punishment(s) to be dealt out should be handled by leaders of the division or overall community.
  19. Adding: User is active on Goldenrod Trade Server
  20. Load of bull, you're not annoying at all (but you are active :british:) +1 M: 7/10 A: 9/10
  21. @Nomulous Also I agree with Barm on everything he said, we had trouble with the maps yesterday and we should pop it more often :coffee: