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Everything posted by John_Madden

  1. Says the member that is a member (and possibly a moderator) in another clan
  2. And it keeps going. Good god kid, do you have control? Honestly, I have no idea how you got into xG if you are immature and have no self-control regardless if you are doing intentionally or if you have some bullsh!t excuse to say why you can't act like a normal human being. You state that you want no problems, yet here you are continuing the same sh!t. The two of you claim that there was abuse, I asked him and others to stop about 5 times and time and time again he did not stop. Again, ignoring and attempting to troll mods, and trying to get others to join your immature f*ckfest was enough for me to kick you. Forest is right in the fact that we had right to remove you from the server, and if I recall correctly you were muted/gagged at one point. Messing around is a very broad term, and in this case (knowing that you're immature) you meant to mess around with intent to cause anger. About the other people spamming chat, I don't recall this. @SpeedOfFreedom should know that no ghosting is allowed and that he broke the rules when he did. Regardless of what you said he had no right to silence you. Regardless, if you or anyone ever has any complaints about Staff Abuse, post it in the right section of forums. @kbraszzz #close since this is going off topic.
  3. I accept OP's apology and confession admitting that he was trolling. Nonetheless, trolling is not allowed and actions taken were necessary. He admit to acting like he did and cause the staff to get angry (aka Trolling). Do read the MOTD :coffee:
  5. So just because you're friendly to everyone and everyone knows you, you think you can get xG membership? You are damn right you can get xG membership you lovable loon. +1 active, mature, knows his sh!t, would be good addition to community :british:
  6. 1. You're applying for member, not moderator. 2. Fix your SteamID, find it by going to Steam ID Finder and follow the steps 3. Rarely see you, so 0 for now.
  7. Holy F*ck, where do I start? - You've lied about your age numerous - You have opened more than enough member apps while the original one was open - You are not mature - You're activity is lacking - If you don't understand the forums rules, I'm sure you don't know the server rules Let me repeat: YOU ONLY NEED TO MAKE ONE MEMBER APPLICATION AND THEN WAIT FOR PEOPLE TO VOUCH AND ITS OPEN FOR A MONTH! Tagging anyone who has forums powers so they can close this thread: @DrLee @diabeetus @Tsuchikure @Hidingmaster Link to original Member Submission: Chote_chior - Team Fortress 2 | Xeno Gamers
  8. We (myself and @SpeedOfFreedom) asked you to stop like nine times. You said the word every time you spoke in voice chat and in text chat and you were doing this (to apparently) annoy one of our other mods. You also started spamming it in chat and getting other people to join in on the spam. So I would guess that in your book this equation is in it: ignoring mods + spamming chat + being annoying in general = I'm a funny cool guy™ Also it's still the same jailbreak just with some rules updated and if you don't like the new rules well then deal with it :coffee:
  9. Why not use the perm options for CT/Server Ban in /admin menu? Regardless, +1. Perm CT banning him would be best. Server Perm in my opinion is not called for in this situation and is too drastic as the user did not leave after mass freekilling. Also, @Matsi you freekilled too at the beginning gg :coffee: @kbraszzz
  10. Bleed demotes self to member, two weeks later... Promo/Demo #91: CS:GO Bleed from Member to Division Leader Manager
  11. >implying the title was not enough to tell us you were going inactive Come back and get your stuff together so we can gg everyone. :D
  12. You don't need to ban people every time :british: >inb4 kick
  13. >mfw OP Says he's leaving xG Still populates 3 max room on teamspeak with circlejerk of friends that left xG #areyoueventryinghomeboy (either way, farewell and good luck with your future endeavors)
  14. Because this total solves everything right? :coffee: We're talking about how to deal with a mass influx of people that come on when there staff is rarely on and also having to deal with a population in which some people that might not understand English. That was the main concern brought up, and I honestly believe promoting people doesn't solve anything in this situation.
  15. Or Russian and have it spam the Soviet national anthem
  16. Let the record stand that if I see OP attempt to voteban me I will not be easy on the gg'ing :coffee:
  17. Is there any rating we have that is equivalent to confused?
  18. >your face when Ponyspencer goes up I'll have you know that there are people who put up Ponyspencers on trade gaming history, And I only raged for 20 minutes. BTW I agree, Bronyspencers (as I call them :coffee:) are annoying and just block out background music (especially on Goldenrod Trade) and I just don't want to hear "F*cking Ponyspecners" and listen to a whole 30 minute server debate about Pony's (halp me @kbraszzz pls)
  19. Rude, user uses disrespectful/racist terms. -1
  20. Refer to this post about how to get promoted :coffee: : Member Acceptance Message | Xeno Gamers
  21. So can we have a final decision on what happened and not argue about admin handbooks. :coffee: