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Everything posted by John_Madden

  1. Gonna tag people who populate Jailbreak so they can give their opinions/suggestions/comments: @ThanatosTelos @Barmithian @Insane @samit @StarmiX (again) @Bell @apuppy @Deidara @pootisman @devin.howard20 @Gwoash @Rfivealive555 @Rejects
  2. Our Deathrun server is broken (again). People are allowed to use rtd and can use atomizers/bonk punch to make their way onto cap spaces to cheat their way to wins and hidden areas, delaying the game overall. Some people are even getting ammo! Deathrun was never like this, and it needs to be rebooted or shut down. People are finding ways to cheat their way to win on the server. @Nomulous @MuffinMonster
  3. Tagging people: @StarmiX @SpeedOfFreedom @ThanatosTelos @Bell @Nora @Barmithian @kbraszzz @Rfivealive555 @Theneva (<-the almighty knowledgeable one)
  4. I agree, Brian added these when he was DL. RTD ruins the game and scout should have never been unbanned.
  5. Please refrain from sh!tposting or starting conversations. Also the answer to "Where is Muffin? What have you done with him?" is "playing payday and being a Canadian"
  6. @DrLee requesting this closed as it is becoming a shitfest
  7. Note: I'm not blasting anyone, but trying to rally all of us to start getting active on other servers. It's not that big of a concern, but it's one we should try to avoid! I have noticed that we have a lot of members and staff who are active on one server or game type (i.e. Jailbreak, Trade) and aren't as active on another type of server xG has set up for the TF2 Division! My main concern is mod spam! What is mod spam? When more than one mod is on one server while the other servers lack a staff member. Why is this a concern you say? Well for one, having one server populated with staff members while the other doesn't help xG's clan image. I have noticed Jailbreak #1 populated with Six Staff members all at one time. Is this good? In some way yes, but it would be awesome if instead of spamming mods on one server we can diversify our activity. What brought this to my attention was a post here on forums (won't mention him) from someone who populated Deathrun and noticed no staff members were on. Having an entire divisions staff and members who populate xG servers of TF2 would help recruit more members and give off a better vibe and look on what xG is based on, a clan that welcomes all (except SNG huehue) and show that xG and it's staff members care for it's diverse population! Regular non-staff members this helps you too if you want to become staff! By becoming more active on other servers you show that you are ready, willing, and able to visit our other servers and being more active presents yourself in a more positive light! So let's get diverse in our activity staff and non-staff, let's start populating our other servers! As always comments/opinions are welcome! :coffee:
  8. @DrLee (as he is defacto closer for TF2 Div)
  9. @MuffinMonster since we need his Royal Canadianess to comment
  10. Consider that if it is played with less than 6 people like the suggestion says, it would cause the Red Pokemon Master to become last red and choose !lr.
  11. Note: This is subject to editing to reflect any changes people present. DO NOTE: As this game is not an official sanctioned game in the rules, staff members may, if they choose, not allow the game to be played. You may follow these suggestions at your own risk. To be honest, this game is being overplayed and I am presenting changes that propose the prevention of the game from being spammed on Jailbreak. Here are some changes I suggest (including to Pokemon and in General): Can be played when there are less or until there are less than 6 people on red team. EDIT: The only time Pokemon can be played to start the day is when there are no more than 6 people on red. EDIT: Cannot be played for !lr Red's cannot be Pokemon Master, Warden or any blue team member chosen by Warden can be Pokemon Master. This can be done to prevent favoritism on red team as Master could become last red and choose !lr. If !lr is Pokemon, it cannot be played until there are no more than 6 people and no less than 5. EDIT: Any variant of Pokemon (other than Normal and Pokemon in Pool) must be approved by Staff Members. Don't call Pokemon Days or any games that were played in the previous THREE rounds as warden at the start of the day or choosing this as your !lr. Water Pokemon (Pokemon in Pool) cannot be chosen as an !lr, but can be chosen by warden. (This is done since it can trigger an all Pyrosharks red team to appear) EDIT: If a staff member believes that any game has been overplayed in the previous 20 minutes or 3 rounds, they can deny the game from being played. Don't call Pokemon Days or any games that were played in the previous THREE rounds as warden at the start of the day or choosing this as your !lr. Also a general suggestion to prevent a game from being chosen over and over by red's at start of game. If Warden ask's red's what to play they cannot spam previous games that were played within the last day. Now you notice that the number 6 appears a lot. This is to reflect the game IRL as you can only have 6 Pokemon in your party. Why are these suggestions being brought up? To speed up the game and to prevent people from spamming the game to the point of being overplayed. This is also a request to add it to the MOTD/rules page for TF2 Jailbreak to make this an officially sanctioned game. Feel free to add anything and tagging anyone who you think should comment. Any other suggestions/opinions/comments are welcome! :coffee: Keep it clean people, don't curse at people and respect other people suggestions/ideas/comments. If you need any clearing up, feel free to ask. Also, refrain from sh!tposting and starting/continuing conversations on this thread. If you feel the need to start a conversation with anyone you may Steam Chat them instead.
  12. [qReuote=Origins, post: 188589, member: 50908]All right, the Helix is here to save the day, (not really.) 1. If one moment of disrespect/immaturity is gonna cause everyone to get their Jimmies rustled then most, if not all, of you should have never been accepted into xG. (Sorry but it's true. :coffee:) 2. Focus on his overall maturity and his activity, not just one moment. If he had mass freekilled then I can understand why he would get negative spammed by all of the jailbreak users. 3. I don't understand the chat log @Gwoash posted. Did OP state that he was a secret mod or was it someone else saying they were a secret mod? Until #3 is cleared up, my vouch is 0. User is active, maturity is growing but still not there. M: 7/10 A: 7/10 Okay so according to chat logs he states that he is an admin. OP should realize that this could have gotten him banned for a day and this is not acceptable. Regardless if he disrespected, he should have never said he was an admin. Impersonating an admin whether meaning to or not is never taken lightly. Also reading through chat logs, you seem to be very angry. As much as I do agree with the fact that you do know the rules and are active, you should never EVER claim to be a staff member. -1 M: 3/10 A: 9/10
  13. All right, the Helix is here to save the day, (not really.) 1. If one moment of disrespect/immaturity is gonna cause everyone to get their Jimmies rustled then most, if not all, of you should have never been accepted into xG. (Sorry but it's true. :coffee:) 2. Focus on his overall maturity and his activity, not just one moment. If he had mass freekilled then I can understand why he would get negative spammed by all of the jailbreak users. 3. I don't understand the chat log @Gwoash posted. Did OP state that he was a secret mod or was it someone else saying they were a secret mod? Until #3 is cleared up, my vouch is 0. User is active, maturity is growing but still not there. M: 7/10 A: 7/10
  14. 1. Honestly I try to get on as often (I'm a mod on TF2 servers BTW @Torixon, hi!) Hell, I populated this server WAY more when I was a non-member. 2. I agree, since we have this on jailbreak, lets add it to death run and saxton, two servers that aren't usually populated with mod. To that I will add that mods should get active on other servers other than mod spamming on JB1 huehue. 3. If someone is cheating (or has cheated) and you have a demo or pics to back it up they could be banned by posting it on our ban request page here on forums. Other than that, enjoy this cup of coffee! :coffee:
  15. So here's what I think: 1. Hapless should have had his tags on, it's a rule in the handbook that all staff members shall have their tags whilst they are on a server they have staff powers. Should he get in serious trouble for this? No. Should he do this again? No. 2. I do believe that he could have accidentally hit the wrong button causing him to slay someone with no intent to. 3. Let's focus on this incident and not the one's that happened when he was an admin. Muffin took care of it by removing his admin powers. I honestly don't think he should get demoted for this unless this becomes a recurring issue. But I do believe that he was wrong for going secret mod for no reason AND using his powers unless he was doing this to catch someone using hacks. I'll +1 for secret modding for no reason, but -1 overall since he did nothing that serious this time around. @MuffinMonster
  16. Omanyte blesses you for a thousand years for this post. +1
  17. Screw the rules, I'm +1 M: 8/10 A: 10/10
  18. No, its because you're a Jailbreaker and Jailbreakers don't visit our other fine servers :coffee:
  19. Take the xG tags out, you have not been accepted as a member. You may only wear tags if you are accepted as a member.
  20. Also my -1 from your original submission stands. You have no idea what you're doing.
  21. I have proof that "/slap @all" has happened before