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Everything posted by John_Madden

  1. Can we seriously consider banning oWn people from xG servers like we did to SNG
  2. +1 also oWn is a bad clan full of parasites #banoWnlikewebannedSNG
  3. I checked his previous names because I didn't recognize him and checked to see if he played under another name and possibly recognize him.. Then I saw that one of his previous names was "xG"M Bell". If I had been on when he did this, I would have given an hour ban for "Impersonating a mod". My -1 stands as is. (Also #giveMintyhismodback :P)
  4. RIP CS:S RIP Speed RIP TF2 div All hail the glorious @Tsuchikure
  5. Dicking around is not an excuse.
  6. Bell (see his "user has also played as" list)
  7. John_Madden

    Hub Update #2

    No Trade Server hub >Favoritism
  8. I just asked Muffin, its been a rule and even he told me he was making it a rule. If it teleports you into another room (like going into the radio tower,bike shop etc.) its blocking.
  9. @Travtman If it prevents players from moving, its not allowed. I got trapped in it when I went to check if you were and it was blocking.
  10. TF2 Trading Server Rules | Xeno Gamers Yes it is
  11. +1 He also slayed @ShockeDeel numerous times Had to ban him earlier for blocking with a dispenser numerous times and for slaying ShockeDeel @MuffinMonster @Nomulous
  12. Find your SteamID by using Steam ID Finder
  13. John_Madden

    League Is 3 Love

    League is bad, League is gay Maybe if someone told me how to play the game, I would say its love/life.
  14. General Server MOTD/Community Rules. | Xeno Gamers Number 12. No voice changers in-game, unless a mod asks you to turn it off. I've asked users mentioned in OP's post (not the staff) to stop using it every time. I personally don't find it funny and it's overall obnoxious and annoying. Also if they're warden (on JB), it could have a negative consequences as Red's might not understand orders. On the trade servers, its just annoying.
  15. I agree with this, if a Pyro taunts with the Rainblower/Shotgun/Reserve Shooter/Flare Gun/Detonator and they are near blues they can mass kill. I witnessed this earlier on JB #2 with a Pyro mass killing 3 reds by taunting. Also any pyro can freehit A LOT of people with their flamethrower. Better to remove Pyros and be safe than sorry so to prevent from perming a kid who didn't mean to mass kill.
  16. Server: Pokemon Trade Center Bug or Suggestion: Suggestion Adding a rule that prohibits Sentry's inside the elevator. Reason: When a player on the opposing team enters to take down the Sentry, the Sentry shoots at one of the buttons to go to a different floor. When the floor is hit, and there is another player who isn't getting hit by the sentry, both players get teleported to the floor and get stuck inside each other. Technically this is body blocking, since neither player can move, and is an advantage to the player who didn't get hit by the sentry and can constantly kill anyone who tries to take it down since they have had most of their health taken away from the sentry.