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Everything posted by John_Madden

  1. Wait, so someone seriously fell for this on our servers? #thisisaseriousthread?
  2. >Implying African is not a youngster >inb4 "this was a joke" thread but if serious doesn't suggestion rule go under trolling?
  3. Oh my fuking god. Now you guys are getting annoying.
  4. -1 You're immature and you annoy me.
  5. +1 Though user plays league, user is active on TS and should be in xG.
  6. I mean we should have more staff from TF2 div have their say rather than just have majority members +1 a mod submission
  7. Minty beat me to it. #Close pls
  8. IDK, I think we should have more staff members have their say. @MuffinMonster @African @kbraszzz
  9. Have this map replace Legojail #Legojailisbad #Legojailisgay
  10. Changing my stance on this issue. +1 Active, knows the rules, is active enough on Teamspeak. Maturity: 8/10 Server Activity: 8/10 Teamspeak Activity: 5/10
  11. Trust me when I say you don't want to know.
  12. Yes, I know, but to let him know or else he will be uber Canadian and ignore it
  13. No +1 Active, mature, knows rules. M: 8/10 A: 8/10
  14. Quote from the Jailbreak rules: "You can choose to play it with the blues of the current round, or the reds of the next round. You may only have 1 game/day/choice during LR (you can't choose to kill all blues now and have a game tomorrow for example)." So I guess (if following this rule) this would mean both are invalid next day LR's since Pokemon requires blues to fight the reds, and hide and seek requires one team to find the players of the other team who are hiding. @MuffinMonster PS Also, if said rule makes Pokemon invalid it makes me happy. THANK YOU BASED GGJESUS!
  15. @StarmiX dat spam -1, if you agree to acting immature then you're not mature. M: 4/10 A: 6/10
  16. I'll +1 Active on the server(s) (might have seen him on goldenrod)
  17. Has to be closed. Rfivealive555 - Team Fortress 2 | Xeno Gamers See Muffin's post, can't apply until end of month. @MuffinMonster
  18. You wait for vouches -1 Immature and doesn't know rules.