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Everything posted by John_Madden

  1. How about getting rid of "Out of Cell rebel" order?
  2. @Nomulous @MuffinMonster Update the MOTD for Jailbreak so this doesn't happen.
  3. Kid, you're just trying to hard.
  4. This is the $hit that makes you unqualified for mod
  5. No/Yes/Yes/Yes/Yes/Yes Please enjoy the ggjesus for you just got served.
  6. Is this a joke? Because I'm laughing so hard.
  7. Active on Teamspeak, as in regardless if you're in game or not, be active.
  8. We do need more, but not ATM. We need more staff between May to September when School is out and the servers get populated with people on their summer breaks
  9. There are usually 4-6 mods on the jailbreak servers combined, (not including admins/dl/dm). I've made it a goal to be active on JB. Also realize that we have things to do IRL, which means some of us can't get on to deal with any issues that come up.
  10. I'm not trying to rain on your parade, but two things you did wrong: 1. You slapped people like crazy, slap them once is okay but don't spam it. 2. You teleported to another part of the map. Be if you didn't mean to, this is still abuse. Like @Vector said, this is to solve the issue at hand. Talk with Muffin or Nom (via Steam message) if you have to so they can understand what happened. @MuffinMonster +1
  11. Changing it, you're not active on teamspeak, you're not active on the other servers, you're not mature in any way.
  12. #WeneedaDM I seriously think we should make it a rule that you need to be active on more than one server though.
  13. Also, be more active on the others servers. M: 1/10 A: 3/10
  14. Same thing is happening right now, we've gained more and more Jailbreak users/mods and none from our trading servers. As a result, it's becoming more oriented towards them, and we have more and more mods on JB than we do on Goldenrod or Trade Gaming.
  15. -1 We don't need more staff, also you're immature and you hog warden. M: 2/10 A: 8/10
  16. I agree with Minty (@Theneva), on that we remove any mods/paid mods who aren't active, and I agree with @Volt that we don't need anymore at the time being. Also I think we shouldn't allow donations to allow people to get mod powers and should be earned instead overtime. We gained three mods via donations, thus increasing the number when promo/demos came out if you include those who were given earned powers. I also think that we should make it a requirement for someone to become mod (and to be a member as well) that they be active on both JB/trade (our two most populated server types) so we can ensure that they won't just stick around one server type. Now that I got that out of the way, what we do need is a Div Manager, so we don't have to @Muffin every time someone gets 5 +1s or to deal with all the div's drama and stuff. By promoting one of our Admins to that spot, we now free up an admin spot, thus promoting one of our mods to admin, reducing the amount of mods we have and reducing the amount of stuff Muffin has to deal with.
  17. Who gave him No-Clip powers? @MuffinMonster @Nomulous
  18. League is bad, League is gay >inb4 Penguin
  19. You forgot the most important mod @Origins :( Also last time I checked the vote mute function was up. I remember because people were voting to mute a squeaker, and I muted him because he was being annoying.
  20. @SpeedOfFreedom >inb4 Insane, Charing or any other studio gangsters reports abuse on Speed because squeakers are getting muted