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Reputation Activity

  1. Like
    Scootaloo reacted to Liekos in Xg Event Server Monthly Schedule   
    xG Talks...the horror of Staff being dumbnutz....
  2. Ding!
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Bach in Xranth - Team Fortress 2   
    Well, since everything seems to be done, I'll go ahead and close the thread.
  3. Agree
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Flareon in Giraffes   
    Keep it civil pls. If you disagree with someone's vouch, there's no need to call them out on it or question their reasoning. I won't have yet another member submission degrade into a raging shitstorm.
  4. Winner
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Red in Giraffes   
    Keep it civil pls. If you disagree with someone's vouch, there's no need to call them out on it or question their reasoning. I won't have yet another member submission degrade into a raging shitstorm.
  5. Agree
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Haruka in Giraffes   
    Keep it civil pls. If you disagree with someone's vouch, there's no need to call them out on it or question their reasoning. I won't have yet another member submission degrade into a raging shitstorm.
  6. Like
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Crona in Crona   
    Dry cereal stopped cutting my mouth ages ago. You kiddies just need to tough it out.
  7. Like
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Flareon in Bomberman 64 - Blue Resort   
    Steam Workshop :: Skyscraper (Mario Kart 64)
    Steam Workshop :: Double Deck (Mario Kart 64)
    Steam Workshop :: Block Fort (Mario Kart 64)
    Also found a few MK64 maps, but I'm not sure they'd be that great. But it's still worth noting that they exists! :D
  8. Agree
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Vacindak in In Regards To "death Threats" And "encouraging Suicide".   
    In light of recent events, the DMs and DLs of our TF2 division have congregated and discussed at length how our Mods and Admins are to handle specific offenses, those of which are directly related to "Death Threats", "Encouraging Suicide", and "Disrespect" as a whole.
    @Vector created a thread on the forums last night that directly addressed these issues. If you haven't seen said thread, it can be read here: Death Threats | Xeno Gamers
    In this thread, many good points have been made about the validity of individuals being banned for using such harsh terms as "Go Kill Yourself" and whether or not these kinds of insults should be tied into the "Death Threat" category. On one side, many of our members are of the mindset that this is the kind of language and treatment we want to avoid on our servers at all costs. The other side feels that we are making too many leaps and bounds to ensure that people aren't being offended. Both are valid concerns, and I can say a decision has been made.
    Henceforth, the way we handle these kinds of offenses is to change. Before this, we were permanently banning individuals for using such harsh language towards others on our servers, but now, we are going to be a tad bit more lenient. To all the Mods and Admins reading this thread, you are expected to follow the same measures as we have always expected of you when dealing with said issues: Warn, then Mute/Gag, then Kick, then Ban if the offenses continue. No longer are we expecting immediate bans of any sort. Instead, you are to follow the same procedure as with any other disrespecting individual. ANY MODS OR ADMINS NOT FOLLOWING PROCEDURE AS WE EXPECT WILL FACE IMMEDIATE DEMOTION. You are all expected to follow procedure with a level head, to the tee. Absolutely no exceptions.
    The DMs have all unanimously decided that members telling others to kill themselves is NOT as severe as telling someone that they are going to be murdered. That being said, this offense will still be met with a matter of severity.
    If you encounter any individuals who continue to tell others that they need to kill themselves, even after the warnings, then the offense will be met with no lower than a week ban at minimum. This is ONLY to be dealt out if said individual continues to ignore warnings and persist with their behavior. As I stated above, any Mods or Admins who are NOT following the given procedure to deal with offenders will be met with immediate demotion. PLEASE ensure you are following correct procedure and giving warnings, using the mute and gag systems, and using the kick function before issuing bans. This should be the norm with ANY issue you face, and bans should only be used in the most extreme cases. As always, when bans are administered, please also do your best to collect the proper evidence if you feel it necessary to possibly seek a permanent ban down the line.
    We do not want ill-spoken users making anyone's experience negative, but at the same time, we don't want to turn into Nazi's trying to censor everyone and cater to the smallest hurt feelings. No longer will we treat "Go Kill Yourself" offenses as permanent bans, but will handle them as any other form of disrespect.
    If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to post in this thread. Thank you.
    @Moosty @Rejects @Ohstopyou @kbraszzz
  9. Winner
    Scootaloo got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Xranth - Team Fortress 2   
    Well, since everything seems to be done, I'll go ahead and close the thread.
  10. Agree
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Vacindak in Surf Maps   
    I go on surf plenty. It's just at ungodly hours when not many others are surfing. T.T
  11. Friendly
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Snackbar in Csgo Activity And Cls   
    Don't think, by any means, that I am underestimating or devaluing your experience in managing clans. Truth be told, I don't know you too well, but I have seen amazing things accomplished since you were given your position. I am certain it isn't going unnoticed. But as you reflected, I think there are just people who ALSO don't know you as well as they probably should, which in turn leads to doubt. I wouldn't take it personally. Keep up the excellent work! :D
  12. Like
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Rhododendron in Csgo Activity And Cls   
    Don't think, by any means, that I am underestimating or devaluing your experience in managing clans. Truth be told, I don't know you too well, but I have seen amazing things accomplished since you were given your position. I am certain it isn't going unnoticed. But as you reflected, I think there are just people who ALSO don't know you as well as they probably should, which in turn leads to doubt. I wouldn't take it personally. Keep up the excellent work! :D
  13. Like
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Snackbar in Csgo Activity And Cls   
    I appreciate the support Chrono, and I wish to comment about your points you've made.
    1. I could be wrong, but I am not sure that Snackbar was instantly being considered for a CL position. I believe, if I understand it correctly, that he was to become DM of CS division as a sort of trial period to see if he has the qualifications needed for such a promotion. But, I don't think he was to become a CL immediately. But then again, I am not 100% sure on those intentions, so I may be wrong.
    2. I sort of disagree, but I also sort of agree as well. A CL should be someone who is fully committed in bettering the community as a whole, not just the division they are in. I personally want to become more in touch with the members and staff in our CS:GO division, especially if I am being considered for a CL position. And you can be assured, if it DOES happen, I will become as knowledged and as versed in how the CS division runs and operates, so I can fully be utilized by our community, not just the TF2 division.
    That being said, I also feel that outside the qualifications, a CL should be as active in as many divisions as possible, if not at least being knowledged in how each division operates. So, I partly feel that a CL should be selected from a choice list of representatives from each division, but I don't think they should ONLY represent that single division. It should be as widespread as possible.
    3. I appreciate your support in this. Thank you much. =)
    4. I have spoken with Nomulous in the past, but I cannot say I know him very well. I like to think that Silence is a good friend, because we actively communicate about stuff. But I am not sure completely removing them is the correct answer. Obviously, the owner should have SOME say in what happens with the servers. I feel that having them on the board of CLs keeps it fair for not only the community, but for them as well. Keep it a democracy and make sure it doesn't turn into a dictatorship, sort of thing. =)
    And to address the inactivity, I personally have had to take a leave before (New member of the family arriving,) so I fully think it's 100% understandable if you guys need a bit of a leave. Life happens. We have to ride the waves the tide gives us. ^-^
  14. Agree
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Vacindak in Surf Maps   
    Also, @Vacindak ....who the hell are you?!
    I mean absolutely no disrespect. It's awesome that you just randomly showed up and started helping, but have I met you before? :D
  15. Like
    Scootaloo reacted to Vector in End Of An Era + New Beginnings! (announcments!)   
    Alright, now you say you want to get in a better relationship with people in xG but you then post stupid sh*t like this. There aren't DL or DMs of CSS. Regardless of having powers or not. Wanna know why? because you never used them, you never used them to get CSS going. So why should you be considered DL when the Div is dead and nothing is happening, no discussions, no operation populations. Also this was in the presence of silence, and he agreed, this decision does not effect you in anyway nor is it a big deal. WHY do you need to know about it? What would you have contributed if you would have agreed anyway? Hell, many of the oldfa*s would love to of known this but didn't but do you see any of them complaining? no. Now this right here, this thread is ANOTHER reason why no one talks to you, wants to talk to you, or feels the need to talk to you. You add hardly anything to this and i commend @Snackbar for being so active and doing so much for xG in the such short time he has been back. Why can't you do something similar? Something that you can follow? I honestly don't even know why you're CL and this is being completly honest. I hardly see anything from you and it's just snippits.
    if my opinion means anything the three most qualified members of xG to be CL would @Snackbar @Tsuchikure @metalslug53 <---- these three here have demonstrated unbias and level headeness. they each have their own unique characteristics. Snackbar dealing with server events/forum orginization, Megarobin dealing with forum conflicts, bringing logic and reason to both side of an argument (whether it be in a smart ass way or not) and scootaloo who is a damn good tf2 admin and gives them a great representation of tf2. like i said this is my opinion but i feel since you guys lost 3 CLs it's best to get this back up and going.
  16. Funny
    Scootaloo got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Metalslug53 - Team Fortress 2   
    Also, let's talk a bit about the quality of the person making this ban request, as I feel it IS relevant.
    The user in question has multiple negative marks against him on bp.tf for scamming, as well as an open report on SteamRep. Also, in case anyone is wondering, he's 14.
    BP.TF: ⁢'s Trust - backpack.tf
    SteamRep: Pending - Report: 76561198166492015 - ([TF2] Team Fortress 2 Items) | SteamRep Forums
    Very shady steam interaction: [MEDIA=imgur]a/dPHdh[/MEDIA]
    Mixed with the fact that he literally just threatened the entirety of our server, I am denying your motion. Your ban will stay in place and will not be lifted.
  17. Salty
    Scootaloo got a reaction from BlueRonix in Whyte - Team Fortress 2   
    O rly? And you want us to do what, exactly? I mean, he CLEARLY told him not to hold gates, and I am assuming he did so anyways. What did he expect to happen? Either way, that has nothing to do with YOUR ban, so unless something is brought forward relating to that, it's irrelevant here. We also don't accept copy/pasted chat logs. We need screens.
    Rules for Death Run have been made clear, over and over again. WE consider using hidden spaces in maps for your advantage as an EXPLOIT. Whether or not you agree is irrelevant. You don't use the spots deemed as exploitable because it creates an unfair advantage. WHAT IS SO HARD TO UNDERSTAND ABOUT THAT?
    -1 for unban. Wait it out. Don't do it again or the ban will be lengthened. Whyte did nothing wrong.
  18. Like
    Scootaloo reacted to Matsi in Whyte - Team Fortress 2   
    -1 My favorite part was the proof that shows... him getting banned... (y)
  19. Agree
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Moosty in We Need The Teamspeak Tags   
    Pls bae? =3
  20. Agree
    Scootaloo got a reaction from DemonicDisaster in Sooooo Much Inactivity   
    inb4 "Bach just got admin and he's already inactive."
  21. Agree
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Egossi in Sooooo Much Inactivity   
    inb4 "Bach just got admin and he's already inactive."
  22. Winner
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Egossi in Metalslug53 - Team Fortress 2   
    Since there has been an apparent lack of input from the accusing party, thread is now closed.
  23. Like
    Scootaloo reacted to ChickenPanda in I Need Input For Our Surf Server. Please Read!   
    There's a few I have in mind, but the first map I thought of was surf_fruits. I'll be back tonight.
    Edit: Jk you already got it.
  24. Like
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Tekk in Add !unusual Back To Tgh   
    I mean, it works on Surf. Not sure why it was removed in the first place. I'll +1 this as long as it didn't cause any conflictions. :D
  25. Like
    Scootaloo got a reaction from Rhododendron in I Need Input For Our Surf Server. Please Read!   
    While this may be the case, there were a LOT of complaints about these very things. /cptele was being used as an escape and a means to camp. Utopia became a deathmatch map and nobody was surfing. We currently are looking into an alternative for cptele, as in a way to load specific stages for maps with them. They caused more headaches then they were worth, so things were changed and we aren't going back.
    Like I said, this is how things should have been implemented from the beginning. This is a SURF map, not a deathmatch map with added surf areas. The last thing we need to change is how combat works, and by the looks of it, we will be going the route of regular combat with the friendly plugin, minus cptele for escapes and camps. Sorry, but if people want to focus on fighting, they can go to Pokemon or TGH.

    I agree. I feel this is the best option. And we already beat you to the punch. Killing yourself no longer takes away credits. =p