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Posts posted by Muzzle

  1. It's as if none of you guys even frequent Unusual servers, as this is literally the core ruleset shared among literally every popular Unusual Server in TF2. I honestly have no idea what you guys expect out of this server, but I can tell you that it isn't just another trade server. If it is populated, it will need to be strictly monitored and the rules will need to be strictly enforced, as Unusual Trading is a BIG DEAL in the TF2 community.


    Disagree with the rules all you want, but anything less than this won't fly. This isn't a server where the main focus is coming in to kill other players. Don't forget that.

    First things first mine was a joke. Second I am frequent on the unusual server bruh. So don't get them panties in a bunch. People just think that this isn't so official due to the fact both of you are only mods. My sugesttion is getting on ts and discussing this with Kbraszz or Nom

  2. So @Barmithian had this idea that what if we had a story mode tf2 game mode. The way he explained it was pretty cool. I thought that with @Nomulous coding and @ColdEndeavour map making we could make this work. So barm I'm going to explain what i remember fill in if I'm wrong. You explore around a wasteland or something and fight enemy bots. Now Barmithian had something like with bosses it would be like slender but instead of just running away you fight them. Just think it as a co-op tf2 campaign. doesn't even need a damn story line just a cool little adventure thing. Barm fill in what I missed.

  3. What a do, scrubs? Muzzle is back. The most autisic thing sense canned bread. Although I prefer the term artistic. -.- i actually waited for my time to be up unlike a select few of scrubs who will not be named (@FoRgE @Moosty) :) anyways I am back! I don't know if I'm staying long but for right now I'm back