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Posts posted by Muzzle

  1. I've seen to notice whenever the server on JB or anything else the spect slots go up and I forget which server it is that doesn't kick for afk. I think that specators that are gone for more than five mintues should be kicked due to inactivity. Whenever a server is full it's impossible to get on. So this is why I believe this should be a rule thank you -Muzzle

  2. Well, considering it was Nom himself who asked us to not only design the server, but the rules as well...how unofficial do you think this really is?


    I'm just doing what I was asked. I was tasked with completing an Unusual server rule list. I made a thread taking suggestions about it days ago where we pulled some of these rules. Others came from other servers. Now it's finished, Nom has approved, and it has been finalized. This isn't a thread to discuss the rules. This is a thread to let Nom know they are finished.
