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Everything posted by Muzzle

  1. They can sometimes be funny but I guess in cases like this it would not be acceptable
  2. Silly Insane this isn't until next year
  3. +1 sexy fun and cool guy. M:9/10 A:10/10
  4. I would check the forums but I pulled a Cheesy
  5. Holy Scrub you scared me!
  6. You did good son. Real good.
  7. That would take a lot of time and a lot of Steam IDs
  8. It's really OP and more complicated then that. The scouts get away fast and when it comes down to just hale and a scout. Hale decides to be a pussy and cap
  9. Muzzle

    Question Game

    A: Neither the real choice is Barmithian. Q: Explain love in 3 sentences
  10. Can't we just get rid of the homing balls or at least reduce the scouts running speed a bit
  11. Are you trying to say something to me Fink?
  12. Muzzle

    Question Game

    A: Awesome Sex Q: what song was my first question from?
  13. +1 cool guy awesome friendly mature active M:10/10 A:8/10
  14. +1 fun active awesome guy M: 9/10 A: 9/10
  15. Muzzle

    Question Game

    A: what didn't I eat for breakfast ( ͡° ͜ ʖ ͡°) Q: Explain how @KendrickLlama is a scrub
  16. There is really no down side to it. Red can just get shot down and blu will come down I don't see a big problem
  17. Muzzle

    Question Game

    A: potatoes because I couldn't live without French fries Q: Are you burning through the skies at 200 degrees, do they call you Mr. Fahrenheit, do you travel at the speed of light. Do you want to make a super sonic women out of me
  18. Have you ever wanted to love the life of Riley well now you can with the easy payment of 3 keys. Be the envy of your friends as you drink beers and live like Riley
  19. Muzzle

    Unusual Bug.

    Could it possibly have to do with the Love and War Update
  20. So do you think you should just remove the slay all command for moderator?
  21. I didn't think it would be something with the server more of a bug from the current update. My Unusual Nanobalaclava Aces High keeps revolving way to far way or way to close in. I don't seem to understand I just traded this and it seems like a bug @KendrickLlama
  22. Says it right there I believe forest +1