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Everything posted by Muzzle

  1. Shouldn't you be playing CS:GO or not checking the forums like ever
  2. Rule breakers will be rule breakers give them a ban for however bad the situation was and send them a link to the thread. Not much too it. They aren't going to read the motd.
  3. -1 I have suspicions of you being 14, but either way you may be active but barely mature M:2/10 A:6/10
  4. Humph... I guess we should get replays on the server. It happened once. Not much evidence to go off here
  5. Apparently everyone on trade game thinks you're some dickbag. A user named I AM JEW recorded you. Everyone has believed that you abused. I have no idea but until I hear back from I AM JEW I was going to watch it.
  6. +1 lol sorry for accusing you of Aimbot. Cool mature active A:8/10 M:9/10
  7. There is currently a riot or protest on trade game
  8. Holy shit this thread HAHAHAHAHA
  9. Kitty let's both be princesses and kill Moosty
  10. I swear if I don't win
  11. Then select a damn princess