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Everything posted by Muzzle

  1. TF2 Outpost / Trade buy my unusual pure @BelloWaldi
  2. I get you I get you. I honestly don't care I'm just saying what I think. I'm not trying to defend him whatever happens to him is completely out of my hands
  3. Fridge, I'm back for more sack! First off can you tell me all of the models that you have in SFM. Secondly I want another request. I won't make it, to complicated because I love you. But I want my original soldier with doctors sack, bearded bombardier, and Kringle Kollection. Then I want him in high tower at the snipers nest in mid air with the eviction notice. Okay then I want him looking down at a sniper with the graybranns. Okay forge I love you and could you tell me when you get the chance what models you have kthxbai
  4. Just because you receive likes doesn't excuse you for what you did on that server. But is there really a reason to punish someone out of the clan. Honestly just because he was with speed and Nora doesn't really account as our responsibility. I say we should give him the opportunity to make a member application and see what other members decide. Like a regular member application. Also this was quite some time ago and Sven is actually a pretty decent guy
  5. They ain't got swag that's it.
  6. Muzzle

    Love And War

    This isn't even tf2 anymore this is hat and dance simulator 2012
  7. Yeah some may argue that the newer taunts ruin the game but I think they are fucking fantastic. But rules need to be established I'm not letting you take my conga
  8. I'm sorry I'm sorry I honestly just wanted to know what was going on. I wasn't seeking attention
  9. Another clan that took a lot of our mods and admins in the 2013 era
  10. I have a mac so I have to play fallout on my 360
  11. I was on my friends list yesterday and I happened to see a couple of my friends with the SNG tag and I was curious. Does this mean that they are back or people just forgot to change there name. It's the little things that matter
  12. save money for the fat engineer and conga.
  13. I think this is a great idea! Ever since the update the servers have been full and chaotic. Now I'm going to say something you guys will probably crucify me for but I would prefer a Zelda trade server over a Pokemon Trade. Three servers does sound like a big limit where we could replace that with a smash bros, warioware, surf(not really), competitive, etc. +1 for Zelda trade
  14. African baby that is a sexy ass map. You deserve twenty awards. I fucking love this map. +1
  15. The right AWNSER isdgkfmjfmfdm give to muzzle
  16. Muzzle

    World War Xg

    I lost connection and I pressed create thread so let me fix this shit
  17. Muzzle

    World War Xg

    Alrighty then. Hello comrades time for another forum game/politician discussion. Okay so basically you want to pick a nation. I have Russia because fuck you that's why. You want to pick your arsenal of weapons it could be anything. Same thing with soldiers and war machines. You are your nations leader name yourself any thing to your likeness. Pick what kind democratic society you want to live by. Make something up if you really want you I don't give two shits. Pick allies or make enemies. How it works is everyone selects a nation and choose where they want to strike first. Each nation has there own resources such as: Russia: Bears Italy: Pasta Noodles Sweden: Sacrifices Poland: Ice England: Boats America: Fire arms Israel: Jews Africa: Jungle wood Australia: Koalas Scotland: steel Afghanistan: (okay if I offend anyone with this one sorry) Explosives Germany: meat Ireland: booze I can't think of anything else. Okay now for the different choices in democratic societies: Communism Democracy Presidential Semi Presidential Monarchs Custom (Etc.) Every time you attempt to take over a country you are successful. But that costs troops at least 150 every take over. You lose 1500 resources each attack. You start off with this Troops:3000 Resources: 15000 You gain 50 resources each attack. When you are out of troops you are defenseless. People can attack you without loss of troops. Build structures to gain troops or gain resources. Every turn you gain the number per level. Fucking I don't know I thought this would be fun @BelloWaldi Please try and understand my autistic writing. If you could improve on this please fucking do. I choose Russia Communism Alright gooooooo