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Everything posted by Muzzle

  1. +1 fun as hell cool guy M:10/10 A:9/10
  2. "Muzzle is basically becoming the new G Mask" - @[50908:@John_Madden] 2014
    1. Egossi


      "Egossi is the new Duckii Jr." - @[50908:@John_Madden] 2009
  3. Have a good time... :c
  4. Muzzle


    I'm the team manager so I choose the name and I declare it to be "Big Sexy Robocats"
  5. Muzzle


    Scout called it but @BonfireCentipede would be a good heavy or demo
  6. I'm just here for the negative vote :P
  7. Glitches are glitches. Why waste time on a small exploit. If it happens it happens. Nothing much you can do about it
  8. Muzzle


    I don't believe robster is a member. Try going under ban request inside next time
  9. I have an unusual that's worth 36 keys with your name on it
  10. +1 active, mature and fun to play with M:10/10 A:10/10
  11. Wow nice I don't recall seeing you at all though
  12. PS2: War of the monsters Star wars battlefront Godzilla Destroy All Monsters Melee Godzilla Unleashed Godzilla Save The Earth Castlevannia Symphony of The Night Madagascar (it's actually a decent game). Xbox 360: BioShock series GTA IV and GTA V (for the story mostly) Halo 3 Orange Box Banjo Kazooie and Tooie AvP Gotham City Impostors Saints Row 2 Buttcraft Dead light. Add me on live: RU551AN J35U5
  13. Robots will fuck us up one day. It will start on Internet forums and then the world.
  14. It be cool if he killed someone and just kept saying LIEK SONIC LIEK SONIC or STOP DENYING MY AGE
  15. I have a couple of ideas: MeM SammyClassicSonicFan Swag lord 696969 matthewbt Origins .3. Bill NYE Mass Freekiller (Gibus Pyrovision pyro) Grandpa Sniper Hitler Shrek
  16. Muzzle


    13/10 wouldn't buy unturned