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Everything posted by Muzzle

  1. Wait my mistake I here that the servers are down for real. But I don't understand how you got MvM to work?
  2. First off do we even have an MvM server anymore and second of all where the fuck have you been Mr. Snake. I'm not at home to clarify this but you might have an older version of the game
  3. Deciding a douchebag on Friday
  4. Angry Moose Jr is that you baby? +1 out the ass love dis son of a birch A:7/10 M:9/10
  5. Muzzle


    You know what I would say in this situsiuation. What would mr. KRABS do
  6. my birthday c:
    1. Muzzle


      I didn't ask for your input, Scrub.
    2. Barmithian
    3. Muzzle


      I love you scrub lord
    4. Show next comments  84 more
  7. Muzzle

    Down With Shaq Bot

    He is Also responsible for this
  8. Muzzle

    Down With Shaq Bot

    How could you not want this infernal robot from haunting these forums
  9. Okay this robot is spamming up the damn Shoutbox. It pisses me off. This wouldn't be so bad if the links actually went somewhere. It's useless. The little things piss me off too god damn much. liek comment subsrcribebebe if you agree
  10. Adam I feel the same way after every promos and demos. I get pissed off too no end because I didn't get promoted. But the next day I accept it and I say there is always is the next time. Especially after this whole vector thing everyone is very uneasy and everyone hates everybody. Adam if you don't want to be pissed don't cause problems
  11. Where dreams come to die.
  12. Muzzle

    [xg:a] Vector

    Here's the door. Now get out
  13. Muzzle

    [xg:a] Vector

    Here's the new rule: you can only respond to this thread with a -1 or +1 rating. Along with a reason