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Posts posted by Moosty

  1. Requesting this be closed, toxxic aka blitz told me he wont use this account anmore since he could not update his gmail.


    @Moosty @Rejects @metalslug53



    Those who +1ed please remember to do so on his other submission as well.

  2. I mean, I don't think any of the CLs do a bad job. And their role is predominantly to moderate the forums, so it's not really the biggest issue, but it always has kind of irked me that outside of Bach's extremely brief tenure as CL, I haven't seen a CL on our tf2 servers since mid 2014. And that was only once or twice within a single week (you're the best @DrLee) other than that time or two, and having played on the servers almost daily since early 2013, I've never seen a CL on the server. The average tf2 player on our servers has no idea who you guys are, or what CL even stands for (I've had to explain many a time). Like I said this isn't the biggest issue, but I still think it's an issue. I don't want to start anything, which is why I'm posting this here where only the staff can see it. You guys represent and make decisions for all of xenogamers, and I feel like even if we don't currently have a CL that originated in the tf2 div, if you guys make an effort to get to know the tf2 servers and community a bit better (or even a more intimate knowledge of the game itself, I noticed that some of the posts in the bach thread yesterday assumed recognizing an aimbot would be as easy with a pyro's airblast as it would be with say a sniper rifle or minigun, that's simply not the case) that your guys' decisions on tf2 matters would be a lot more effective. Just a thought, not the biggest issue, but I honestly think you guys being more of a part of tf2, or even eventually promoting a CL that originated in the tf2 division, would help things quite a bit.

  3. Now, he did use the alt-account and used aimbot on our servers. But....he used to only show scootaloo what it would look like on dodgeball. I dont think it is that bad, plus it was only with xG members on teamspeak at the time on the server and we where to perm it after he was done. i will stay neutral for now.


    Can this be confirmed with evidence? If it was to actually show @metalslug53 what an aimbotter looked like on the server(assuming that was scoots' reasoning for wanting to see, to more effectively moderate as he is really the only active staff on the server) and considering the account was permed after, this wouldn't be as big of a deal. I'm going to 0 for now wait for this to play out and more evidence to surface.

  4. Seems that he told you all. Yah thats my secret. thanks whyte and i hope to see you in hell.

    If (fairly large if) you actually have evidence against dethman and hachi, that's fine and you should make an abuse report. Otherwise arguing and carrying on like this isn't helping anybody(especially if acting out gets you forum banned so you couldn't make a report if you wanted too). It seems to me like this is equal parts h0b0 wanting to get back at xG (atleast hachi and dethman), and whyte wanting his association with h0b0 and his history in xG to not endanger his place in this clan. It's understandable, but reading the logs it seems like this all stemmed from personal problems between the two of them. I'm going to go with a 0 for now. If we get some more concrete evidence I'll change my position, but I don't really like taking these chat logs as solid evidence, as they were obviously both very emotional at the time, and most likely said some things they didn't really mean. When we get some solid facts, we'll figure out what happened here.




    Edit: wow so much happened while I was writing this


    Edit 2: wow now I feel like crap I thought the secret h0b0 was talking about was that he was making an abuse report

  5. [attach=full]21191[/attach]

    I believe you can turn the music down on the the updated version of Cyberpunk via the options menu. The lack of music is depressing due to how many songs are available as of now.

    Yeah we would have less songs to choose from but the original version forces a song to finish before it can be changed, and that's one of the biggest complaints people have

  6. So i did some digging, and it turns out the version of cyberpunk that we use was edited by someone other than the original creator who made all of the textures. it also turns out these problems are only present in this specific version. he added the light changing, he added the no killzone in the party room, and unlike the original the songs don't complete once started. to be fair he did add a bit more to do in the map, but by reverting to the original (which is perfectly stable same aesthetic but fewer songs and paths to disco and no sniper towers)all of these problems would be solved. so really it's up to the communities preference


    TF2Maps.net - Map Downloads - Cyberpunk 2 - the version we use


    cyberpunk (Team Fortress 2 > Maps > Death Match) - GAMEBANANA - the original

  7. 5451-c855e9a4cfc2a9a99516e5a5be954d60.jpg




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  8. would there be a way to edit the music so that once a song starts it finishes like we have on goldenrod? that would fix a lot of issues.



    I made this thread because i've been playing with some old friends today, each of them had these complaints without me asking their opinion. people who hadn't seen the map before felt this way, and I feel we should have a discussion about the map. change would be great, removal would be fine, or i'm wrong and i'm the only one that dislikes it, also fine. but this and the hyrule situation are different spawn wise. in hyrule, you spawn in your own spawn, then choose a common area to teleport too. in cyberpunk, each team has a sniper tower that the other team can't access, but they can for some reason spawn there. the hyrule spawns are made to be for both teams, it's a common area, the cyberpunk towers were made to just be for one team, and spawning there breaks that. a lot of people like cyberpunk, a lot of people hate it, I just want the map to be less of a point of contention. we need some sort of compromise here.