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Posts posted by Moosty

  1. Ban from 2013 says it's for threatening.... which I buttume means threatening to hack or ddos the servers... if the ban was so unjust why wait 2 years to protest it?


    I say -1 people that threaten to hack or ddos the server shouldn't be unbanned



    If he threatened to DDOS than there should be no chance in unbanning. we have delt with people ddosing us and those communities are ultimately banned for their threats. We take these threats VERY seriously and it's not even just DDOS threats. because someone "matured" is no reason to unban someone in this sort of case. Also it isn't irrelevant. Something must of happened if all of a sudden in those years he just decides he wants to be unbanned.

    As far as I can tell we have no way to prove that he threatened to DDoS us, Unless @Rise makes a comeback. This guy still cares about xG after two years of not playing, the admin who banned him obviously doesn't. None of us were there, giving a -1 for a DDoS threat you can't confirm doesn't make sense to me. That being said, if either of you have or can find evidence, I'll change my vouch.

  2. Welcome to the clan!





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    #PostinginClosedthread #Hasntbeen24hours

  3. 10 vouches.

    @kbraszzz @Rejects and I'd imagine @metalslug53 now that you're DM ;)

    And @BelloWaldi since he has brought upon himself to act as DM even though he isn't one.


    Bruh I'm gonna do it just to spite you for not tagging me

  4. @metalslug53 @DonDingler @Foxy @Bach (as two zero four). And they weren't members but Bolbi, Alita the angel, vixen+kitsune, flapjacks, and Ambassador Jamal of Nigeria.


    Summer 2013 were the fuckin days bruh.