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Posts posted by Moosty

  1. Hey welcome! What do you need to know about the tf2 div?


    I'm a Division Manager/ bad Highlander coach/ lazy stoner


    @kbraszzz doesn't want to be roped into this


    @Rejects is lagging


    @metalslug53 is bae


    @Ohstopyou is a cutie pie


    @Insane can't even trickstab fite me m8



    The trade servers are a clusterfuck, but our clusterfuck


    Don't go to jailbreak 2


    Do we still have a deathrun server?




    Come on teamspeak if you actually want to meet people


    Seriously I don't even know what happens in jailbreak 2 anymore you shouldn't go there
















    @Bach is probably going to BM you but he's great.


    Id say that's a pretty good starting guide.

  2. Thanks for that Dethman, but since this is the first DOCUMENTED incident we've seen, I think we can safely give Flareon an official warning about his actions.


    Flareon, it's probably best to ensure that if you are engaging the enemy team AT ALL, don't have any active commands that could potentially give you an edge to the fight. Make sure things like resize commands, low gravity, speed, and the such are all reset before actually fighting and trying to affect the enemy teams. Also, that goes for God/Buddha mode too. Since this is your first offence, I don't think any drastic measures will be taken, but should it happen again, there will be a possible ramification you'd face, up to and possibly including demotion.


    If this is sufficient to the other DMs/DLs, I think we can close the thread and move on. Flareon has received his warning, and should he receive his warning and change his actions, I feel no further punishments need to be given at this time. Just don't let it happen again, yeah? Consider this a probationary period of sorts where you'll be monitored for any additional wrongdoings.


    @Moosty @Rejects @Ohstopyou @kbraszzz


    If sufficient, we can close the thread and be done with it.

    i'm fine with this

  3. My graduating class we all walked out after first period one day, then came back that night, covered a big statue called the "Jock rock" with toilet paper, then we all parked four cars deep in the student parking lot so the lanes were blocked and nobody could get in or out. whenever one of us was confronted by the parking attendant the next morning we denied that they were our cars and walked away, the pandemonium lasted for three hours, only two fender benders total.


    it was all really childish but we had fun.


    aathletics.cratercomets.com_wp_content_uploads_2009_01_jock_rock.jpg.1e50fcfdd62ac06ab7bacd5b32aff7b5.jpg here's a picture of the statue

  4. -1 1. Not actually 19,

    2. Bought me a B.M.O.C a long time ago with parents credit card without permission and got old account banned. (I have witnesses to support my claim) Had to pay $75 out of my pocket to recover steam privaleges for about 3 months before permed when i suspected he stole again.

    -1 can confirm. I don't think he even meets the age requirement.

  5. I've only played DnD once and I sold my cousin as a sex slave to draconian merchants because I was the only person in the party who spoke draconian. 10/10 would play again.

  6. Not happy with that kind of language on the servers. It's blatantly obvious they were trolling. So to list all of the reasons for a ban: trolling, racial slurs, not to mention they're fricking filling up the chat with spam and stupid comments. I'd be down for a three-day ban as they both came on the server with the intent of causing mischieve.

    Totally agree I just wonder if they were doing this in retaliation to something that was said. They're obviously responding to specific messages but the ones they're responding too weren't screencapped. I think it's possible they were provoked.

  7. Also in some of these logs they seem to be responding to things you've said (the republican comment mostly) that you have neglected to screencap. You obviously said things to them that you didn't record, I'm not super comfortable with only one side of the story being told.

  8. I don't really know here. This isn't great obviously but as far as what I've seen this isn't that bad. It looks to me like some memelords just wanted to be edgy and irritate someone on the internet. I'd be okay with a day or two ban as a deterrent, but anything more seems like an overstep. Read all of the chatlogs and nothing really stands out as perm-worthy. I'll wait for more opinions before changing from 0.

    @kbraszzz @Rejects @metalslug53 @Ohstopyou

  9. @Rejects just used the valve sniper rifle to kick another player on TGH the other day so staff can abuse it just as much as any other lol.

    Wait valve sniper rifles are a thing? I never use the command I thought it was just the rocket launcher.