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Posts posted by Moosty

  1. constant complaint's about the music, constant complaints about the lights, constant complaints about the random spawns. the songs don't keep playing once you pick them, so you hear a different song intro blaring every 5 seconds, people refusing to stop flickering the lights even though a staff member told them that one of the users was dyslexic. that kid left and never came back. you can spawn anywhere, even in the other teams sniper nest. you can't enter it from the street but you can spawn there? that's bad map design. I understand people like having so much control over the map, hell, they can even change gravity and damage output for anyone in one of the rooms. but the fact is, our population isn't mature enough to have these nice things, it devolves into cancer everytime. the population usually drops on the map once people refuse to stop music spamming. this map gives players the freedom to do a lot of things, but that doesn't mean they're responsible enough to handle that. other than that, the map is a constant headache, the lighting in the main world is hell, and the server would be better off without it in my opinion.


    @metalslug53 @Rejects @kbraszzz @Kypari @Vector @Tekage @Rhododendron @anyone else with an opinion


    my opinion is obvious, what about you guys

  2. I'll check the demo when I'm back on my pc, but I've been hearing really different stories from people about how well the map runs. And glitches or no, the map advertises the servers of the group who made it, I'm perfectly fine with taking it off just for that, but bugs just add to the case for it to be removed.


    @metalslug53 @Rejects @kbraszzz @Vector @Kypari and anyoone else who has an opinion


    I think it should be removed since it advertises other servers everywhere on the map


    Thoughts everyone?

  3. Jorah kills dany with a block of salt, smokes a cigar right after. And born amidst salt and smoke we have Ajorah Ahai.


    Jean snow moves to france and breaks his vows, has a son with a summer islander, being beheaded for it. But "Black Snow" lives to get revenge on those who killed his father. Before he dies jean Wargs ghost and lives out his life getting with wolf bitches.


    Ramsey defeats Arya in a final battle for the iron throne, he eats her corpse to gain it's power. He becomes unstoppable and leads westeros into 300 years of tyranny and pain.

  4. No no, wait; I remember this. This was back when Rise was the DL and we were more strict about these things. I'm pretty sure he was a sniper and people were complaining to us about how he was doing too well, so he had to be hacking or exploiting. It was sketchy evidence at best, but I guess he was perm'd.


    Either that, or I'm thinking of another time. >fuk

    I trust you and that aligns with his story.

    @kbraszzz final verdict?

  5. Put yer tags on scoot already posted the acceptance message. Congrats mang.






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