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  1. Agree
    MrJeeblez reacted to Yu_Narukami in Megarobin Is A Sister Fucker 2014 Edition Super Siscon Suplex Hold In Sister Arena!   
    So @@MegaRobin just gave me a copy of this game he was playing!
    In it you play as Megarobin and you fuck one of his 14 sisters (3 more in the exclusive Sister Fuck Arena DLC) with the tightest, most wet and juicy vagina's in all of Akihabara, Tokyo!
    After fucking 13 of his own sibling, he learns that the 14th is a trap and turns gay for the rest of his life, then building the plot for Megarobin is a Brother Fucker 2014 Edition Super BroCon Suplex Hold me tight Senpai editon.
    In a secret ending, Megarobin rapes @@Kyoko in his tight (I mean REALLY tight) butt hole. He j-j-jams it in ;_;
    I swear @@MegaRobin is a total siscon.
    gg, to our local Sister Fucker @@MegaRobin !

    Sister Complex Salute!
  2. Optimistic
    MrJeeblez got a reaction from MrSaturday in My Mom   
    Thankfully, it wasn't a heart attack. Unfortunately, it was something serious. It seems that her heart wasn't pumping correctly, which led to fluid getting backed up into her lungs. There could be blockage in her heart somewhere. She already has multiple (17 to be exact) stents in her heart, so this isn't very good news. They admitted her last night, and she could be out by sometime tomorrow, or the next day. Thank you all for the support.
  3. Sad
    MrJeeblez got a reaction from MrSaturday in My Mom   
    My mom is in the hospital with possibly her fourth heart attack in the last year. Please keep her in your thoughts/prayers. I will keep everyone posted.
  4. Agree
    MrJeeblez reacted to Forest in Concerning Both Cs:s And Cs:go   
    If you don't have active and dedicated regulars on a Server, nothing will be achieved. Nothing.
    Hub won't change that
    More Servers won't change that
    Consistent threads from Members or Players regarding this won't change that
    Like DrLee mentioned:

    Ingenuity. Creativity. Patience. Dedication. Four requirements of a happy Server that I am sorry to say are lacking in most of our playerbase. Concentrate on one thing, and work at it.
    Server too boring? Start getting more enthusiastic and spontaneous. Do things that are out of the "norm". Who cares if you end up dying more, it makes it a much more enjoyable experience for players to see someone having a good time who emanates a sense of "fun".
    Repetitive Wardens? Do something about it by calling Warden. Have some fun, do things that may end up with your CTs demise (I know, it isn't your job to get them killed). Doing so will get the T side more actively involved and they'll be more likely to have more fun. Don't do votes to see what they want to do as that kills the creativity.
    Too quiet? Not enough action going on? Liven things up. Mock the Warden, mention some fun things to do, make our players feel welcome to the Server by actively talking or saying things like "This guy (random player) is my best friend now, and if he dies, so help me god I'll avenge him". Chances are that player will feel more welcomed to the Server.
    Little to no people on the Servers? If you aren't busy and have nothing planned early the next day, why not grab a couple friends and mess around on Jailbreak or RPG surf, or have at you. Dedicate 1-2 hours of your time every day at a certain time frame (Morning, Afternoon, Evening). This is called dedication. There are times where if you have the right attitude and are enthusiastic, you can have the Server grow from just two people to 14 in the middle of the night. (I have done this many times, it takes effort and patience.)
    All in all, the only way to make a difference is to do it yourself. Don't wait on others to do it for you. If you want to make improvements to the Server, you can do it by changing your outlook on everything and doing something. This applies to anyone in general, not anyone specifically.
  5. Agree
    MrJeeblez reacted to DrLee in Concerning Both Cs:s And Cs:go   
    To be honest, there are other things other than hub that can help our JB. Any original skins, adding new maps more often, or even just adding LR's once in a while - Though I'm not blaming our DL or L for not doing this much. A decent chunk of our CSS does a lot of talk, but won't give many ideas other than hub. Not everyone, just a lot of people. And saying 'add more servers' isn't exactly helping. Working on the current ones - Or removing a lot of current ones - is vastly more important. Then we can move on.
  6. Friendly
    MrJeeblez got a reaction from DrLee in My Mom   
    Thankfully, it wasn't a heart attack. Unfortunately, it was something serious. It seems that her heart wasn't pumping correctly, which led to fluid getting backed up into her lungs. There could be blockage in her heart somewhere. She already has multiple (17 to be exact) stents in her heart, so this isn't very good news. They admitted her last night, and she could be out by sometime tomorrow, or the next day. Thank you all for the support.
  7. Sad
    MrJeeblez got a reaction from DrLee in My Mom   
    My mom is in the hospital with possibly her fourth heart attack in the last year. Please keep her in your thoughts/prayers. I will keep everyone posted.
  8. F!$k Off
    MrJeeblez got a reaction from DCook in Slight Inactivity   
    You'll be missed*

    *By missed I mean not missed, at all. Please never inform us that you are back. Stay gone. kthx :giggle:
  9. Agree
    MrJeeblez reacted to DrLee in Slight Inactivity   
  10. Agree
    MrJeeblez reacted to DrLee in Minecraft Christmas Party!   
  11. Agree
    MrJeeblez reacted to Tsuchikure in Minecraft Christmas Party!   
  12. Not Funny
    MrJeeblez reacted to Tsuchikure in Minecraft Christmas Party!   
    Every damn time....
  13. Agree
    MrJeeblez reacted to Forest in I Really Need To Stop Leaving Finals Project Until Last Minute   
    A+ material right there.
  14. Like
    MrJeeblez reacted to Voly in Minecraft Christmas Party!   
  15. Like
    MrJeeblez reacted to Audible_Savage in Minecraft Christmas Party!   
    What else might we partake in on minecraft?
    Christmas themed greif contest?
  16. Agree
    MrJeeblez reacted to diabeetus in Genesis/black Rock - Mmo   
    +1 demotion isn't enough in my opinion, let's excommunicate this jap-loving communist liberal hippie queer.
  17. Like
    MrJeeblez reacted to Vector in Hi   
    just when things were finally looking up for xG
  18. F!$k Off
    MrJeeblez reacted to MineCrack in It's Here!   
    Out of curiosity, will this crash and burn such as the DayZ epoch server did?
  19. Agree
    MrJeeblez reacted to Lemons in It's Here!   
    Out of curiosity, can you shut the fuck up unless you have something useful to say on the topic?
  20. Agree
    MrJeeblez reacted to Vector in Sick Of Ur Shit, Xg   
    reloading your weapon that has infinite ammo on last CT is what is ruining xG. we need to purge anyone that does this, no second chances, no bull shit excuses, no bias friendship crap. if we ban them, then we save xG and possibly CSS it's self.
  21. Not Funny
    MrJeeblez reacted to LeToucan in Sick Of Ur Shit, Xg   
    I usually dont even kill anyone, i just reload the entire time.
  22. Drunk
    MrJeeblez reacted to Rhododendron in Sick Of Ur Shit, Xg   
    I reload when I kill someone. Always.
  23. Agree
    MrJeeblez reacted to SpermytheCat in Sick Of Ur Shit, Xg   
    Anyone who reloads their weapon during Last CT deserves to be banned, unbanned, then permabanned.
    Then we send a rabid chimpanzee to their house to rape them anally.
  24. Agree
    MrJeeblez reacted to DrLee in Jailbreak Maps - Updated Or New   
    Can we also get rid of razor electric beta v2? It's very, very bad. Glitches, missing textures, and very little to do.
    Not to be confused with electric razor.
    Tagging some higher-ups: @@MegaRobin @@Forest @@Hidingmaster
  25. Informative
    MrJeeblez reacted to speedlimit56kb in Mrjeeblez   
    +1 he's been around for a while now, and even though he had left before, he diserves a 2nd shot like i did. P.S he likes to give 5 year olds hand jobs ;)