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  1. Funny
    MrJeeblez reacted to AdamStoe98 in Im Done.   
    it because of shit like this. People making fun of me because i put my feeling on a fucking thread. Screenshot by Lightshot
  2. Agree
    MrJeeblez reacted to Haruka in Im Done.   
    You know what, if you said you were leaveing, why are you still here? Making suiside threats won't make anyone feel fucking sorry for you. Don't be like me and say your gunna do it and chicken out. You wanna die? Go ahead and die then. (Props to you if you get the reference :nerd:
  3. Agree
    MrJeeblez reacted to diabeetus in [xg:a] Vector   
    Improper ban reasons =/= reason to remove membership
    allchat abuse =/= reason to remove membership
    two people complaining about vector =/= reason to remove membership
    However, it is pretty clear that vector is taking the disrespect too far. Staff members are supposed to be mature and (relatively) indifferent in pretty much every situation. Vector's behavior as of recently does not reflect the behavior that should be practiced at all times by all of our staff members. There is no situation in which it is justified for a staff member to use their powers to disrespect any player, or really to disrespect in general. That being said, this is not an abuse report. While I think that Vector should face a warning and/or another form of repercussion for his actions, I do not see any reason to remove his membership. @Gawd @Hidingmaster @ThePenguin @Nomulous please leave your thoughts below.
    ~still closed
  4. Agree
    MrJeeblez reacted to Haruka in Im Done.   
    Suicide threats won't help anything, Adam. Don't turn into DuckyJr.
  5. Funny
    MrJeeblez reacted to Muzzle in Im Done.   
  6. Like
    MrJeeblez reacted to Haruka in Im Done.   
    Not his fault it's true doh... Jkbby
    Still fucking seeing dead people
  7. Ding!
    MrJeeblez got a reaction from Osiris in [xg:a] Vector   
    > Says this thread is exploding his notifications
    > Is the one spamming the thread
  8. Funny
    MrJeeblez got a reaction from Kypari in [xg:a] Vector   
    > Says this thread is exploding his notifications
    > Is the one spamming the thread
  9. F!$k Off
    MrJeeblez got a reaction from Forge in Im Done.   
  10. Funny
    MrJeeblez got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Im Done.   
  11. Agree
    MrJeeblez reacted to Vector in [xg:a] Vector   
    there is one staff member on because i RECOMMENDED THEM FOR ADMIN. the people who are staff now on gaming history were once regulars that i felt were dedicated enough to be moderator. these people include
    Maymalays (lol)
    and so on.
    You can ask any other member of xG and they will tell you there was a time where gaming history didn't have any moderators on. This was before you joined and before you got moderator. I'm not trying to take full credit but i helped get multiple regulars into xG:
    Chaos Dragon Heart
    Princess Dashie
    and so forth. Also penguin, i'm not saying it's right or he said she said, i'm saying that why is it when i say it it's a problem yet when people who are constant offenders do it and are not punished? and Don't bring up the staff shit because staff are not above people. Also no one made a thread about this before. The closes thing that did was gorilla and that was resolved and even then it was from misunderstandings and problems. there was no vector was mean to me!!
  12. Agree
    MrJeeblez reacted to African in [xg:a] Vector   
    -1 I've known vector for quite some time. #twerk 4 jesus. He's a pretty nice guy, but can be a dickhole just like everyone else. You people should know what it's like when there's the Minecraft map up and the 12 year olds just get magnetized to it. It's a pretty rough server to be on, but Vector's on there to keep it in line. I think maybe, he should add a reason for the ban. But when the bans are on just 11 year old squeakers who break the rules by just talking, I think it's perfectly acceptable that unknowing young ones who don't read the rules shouldn't need too much of a reason for a ban if the next thing they do after this is just go find a different minecraft map to play on. Vector has some wrongs, and some rights. But with the kids he's dealing with, I think it's okay to make a ban for autism to have a joke every now and then since he's the really active one on TGH
  13. Agree
    MrJeeblez reacted to ThePenguin in [xg:a] Vector   
    But they're judging his actions! i would consider that the pages of the book, not the cover
  14. Agree
    MrJeeblez reacted to Izanagi in [xg:a] Vector   
    Urban Dictionary: circle jerk
  15. Agree
    MrJeeblez reacted to Vector in [xg:a] Vector   
    Also i wanna again go on the record that most of the disrespect was actually encouraged by @Maymalays. When we were on the servers he would generally go "HERE WE GO AGAIN" and say "i hope vector goes on his rant" So where does all this HE'S AN ASS HOLE come from? i can test that every single person on gaming history knows maymalays did this and infact, actually joined in on the fun. Also don't deny it maymalays because you did the same exact shit as i did and the only reason why you are actually saying something now is because YOU are now the one who is feeling he is being attacked. Why does everyone assume now people who support me are afraid of me? How come it's not because maybe they actually like me? Couldn't that be considered disrespect? Disrespect is the most retarded rule with the largest grey area because what is disrespectful to him might not be disrespectful to her. There is so much "disrespect" and "Shit posting" that most of the time it doesn't get handled but when someone who has powers says something it's a crisis. What about rabid? no one does shit about rabid because "he is just rabid" fucking lol. Or when other members call others retarded for not going on with what they think. Also keep in mind the date. i LOVE how this thread is posted the same day as promo-demo. Get some fresh air kids and be sure to go to your parents whenever someone says something bad to you on the internet.
  16. Agree
    MrJeeblez reacted to Vector in [xg:a] Vector   
    LOL jesus Christ what a bunch of children. You know when someone like me says something everyone gets a bit mad but when you see what other shit posts no one does anything. and don't bring up the whole "b-b-b-b-b-but you're staff" because that doesn't change anyone who they are especially if they do their job well. Grow a second skin for gods sakes and don't take everything you see on the internet so seriously because i'm not gonna change from this member abuse thread because some kids are QQing because i called them a name. Also keep in mind forge that was directed at you because you insulted 4 members within the your little shit fight with insane. So don't act all innocent. As you can see with the Rotten russian man. It was supposed to be a 1 week ban and i didn't realize it fucked up Russian was disrespecting multiple players as he is a little kid on Relms. he proceeded to call a few other kids retarded and that his items were worth more than what they are. Space was another one who was spamming on and on about selling a "strange scattergun" over and over again. and you know what's funny @Maymalays YOU were the one who called me up at 1 am to come and get them and i did and you LAUGHED when i put that reason. so when you put this up now shows that you only care when something happens to you. Also most of these only come up since you're upset your friend didn't get unbanned. Pepper was mic spamming incredibly loud (he was never on the server) and the next Aprizim was another account of his and he comes on mic spamming again. if people are that butt mad because i put dumb reason names but can remember what happend then i really feel sorry for you kids. Green monstas was another person who from a trade decided to be a real shit head by going off on when people's trades weren't up to standards. After him insulting me and a few other i muted him and then proceeded to spam in chat admin abuse. Keep in mind these people who are banned are not regulars and have only appeared on the server once to break a number of rules. With dark spy, dark spy got up in all pissy because i kept body shooting him and after he got upset and threw a hissy fit he proceeded to mute me. Also Adam, the fact of the matter is, you honestly don't know the servers. i never said i owned the servers, i said that i helped elevate the server into what it is today, with new moderators and admins, new maps plugins and so on. Keep in mind adam was just upset because i muted him for screaming into his mic and because i didn't have tags on (oh lawdy lawdy call the police) he called in multiple admins on who pretty much said. jesus shut the fuck up. Also the ponyboy thread had no indication of disrespect at all? where the fuck does this come from at all? i gave clear evidence on why he shouldn't be unbanned. Barm you don't know shit about the server because you are never on it. Especially before i got TF2 mod. Also swift i used the same damn words as everyone else on the server so why is it you get more pissy when i use them and others don't? good job bringing that up. also origins, that's pretty funny that you want me demoted for things in the thread when you get just as mad as me when for example, denied Hachi the right to do a raffle for no reason and then proceed to bitch out for 10 minutes for literally no reason and then kick yourself. Also people keep bringing up this is a member protest. Why do you keep bringing up admin problems from what i did? that doesn't make any sense there for isn't valid. Also origins keep in mind that EVERY single person in pokemon trade is upset with you, so why are people not saying they would support you in anyway out of fear? maybe it's cause your shit at your job and you're just like me if you want to put it that way. "muh disrespect doe" . people bringing up the ponyboy thing, we had a conversation about what was going on with the ban protest in a conversation and we had an actual civil conversation.
    http://puu.sh/9wd4R/1fade9218c.png <----- here you can see he insults and threatens me about not unbanning ponyboy.
    also why are people ignoring the fact that i was actually nice to him?
    no here are some invalid ban reason if that is even a thing lol.
  17. Agree
    MrJeeblez reacted to ThePenguin in [xg:a] Vector   
    I'm saying that No one except Nom and Silence had any real say in that matter. Nom wasn't given a chance by anyone except Silence, who btw is the leader of xG, and so, has the final say in everything, even if it worsens the community *cough cough* Nom abuse *cough cough* However, that doesn't mean we shouldn't do something about something that won't get instantly closed by Silence
    Great now im getting off topic
  18. Agree
    MrJeeblez reacted to ThePenguin in [xg:a] Vector   
    I'm assuming you mean the Nomulous incident, to which Silence and Nom himself dealt with without any regard for what had happened or what the community thought, and i quote "Alright I've talked to @Nomulous and he has promised to not do it again."-Silence. I agree with you it was completely unfair, but sadly, nothing will be done about it because those two are above everyone (especially since CL's have so much say in what's been happening recently)
  19. Agree
    MrJeeblez reacted to Moosty in [xg:a] Vector   
    only comeback is "this isnt an abuse report" has no real evidence to support his opinion. wont give reasoning when presented with an actual argument for vector remaining a member. 10/10
  20. Agree
    MrJeeblez reacted to Gwoash in [xg:a] Vector   
    i know this isn't relevant whatsoever, but wow forge
    fucking internet explorer.
  21. Agree
    MrJeeblez reacted to BonfireCentipede in [xg:a] Vector   
    -1 For any punishment.
    Like moosty and hachi said, he only disrespects when people deserve it. I would only say it's abuse if he does it to random people for no reason.
  22. Agree
    MrJeeblez reacted to Moosty in [xg:a] Vector   
    -1 when you essentially keep a server alive on your own and work hard to make a server what it is you can have fun with your job. The people he bans deserve it. They ARE breaking the rules.does he need to be such a dick about it? Obviously no, but vector is probably one of the better admins so it doesn't really matter. And he won't ban someone until they break the rules. Also, how is him making fun of you in shoutbox admin abuse? Is liking forge an xG rule now? Bring your concerns about his conduct on the servers here, your not having thick enough skin to take somebody not liking you isn't a bannable offense, stop whining, sorry your feelings were hurt. So sad.
  23. Agree
    MrJeeblez reacted to Crabman in The Cringe Thead!   
  24. Agree
    MrJeeblez reacted to denwaotoko in The Cringe Thead!   
  25. Agree
    MrJeeblez reacted to Rabid in Nigga Wtf   
    Just like your mother doesnt care about you, Or how those 8 niggers dug up your dead grandmother and gave a whole new definition to skull fucking.