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Everything posted by Waimalu

  1. Pls never post anything ever again, while I rate every post blaze it. #420
    1. Bach


      I swear to god waim
    2. Waimalu
  2. Too bad my makes it an invalid vouche so +1
  3. Make up your mind if you wanna stay or go! But until then welcome back m8 :D A:8/10 M: 9/10 (Imma join the shameless promotion)
  4. Here you go modern(?) and circles :D
  5. Fuk I just got home and there's a lot already Isn't modern mostly simple?
  6. Does it need to have the 1 or can it just have a + sign? @Rhododendron
  7. "I ain't making no damn meatloaf" -Hachi's Dad 2015
    1. Waimalu


      "Meow" -Hachi's other mom
    2. Haruka


      My dad said the meatloaf thing xD
    3. Waimalu
  8. I get my wisdom teeth pulled in two months ;-; I'm afraid of what I'll do after
    1. Ohstopyou
    2. Dethman


      Question? Do you act like a complete dumbass when on the loopy drug things and is it all the time or at certain times?
    3. Ohstopyou


      Not reallly. The anaesthesia makes you forget like everything. The pain killers make you feel warm, calm, and pain-free; but they have shitty side effects. They can make you itchy and they make you constipated. FUCKING SUCKKKS
    4. Show next comments  27 more
  9. "I've only had three beers!" *throw up noise* -Rejects 2015
  10. Thunder is Hina-San confirmed, never talks because he doesn't want anyone to know its him, kb would never give him mod so he created hina to get mod. Clever.
  11. Random screaming in teamspeak makes me crai inside... But who cares am I right? :llama: #200 @Hachi
  12. You can never leave HAHAH! Welcome back m8. +1 A: 8/10 M: 9/10
  13. @Dethman There can't be any communication if everyone is gonna be at each other's throats...
  14. Tomahawk seconds before his computer broke...
  15. I wanna believe that you guys can stop the toxicity but I just can't see that happening with the fact that some people hate others and they can't just ignore them cuz the other person will bring up shit and then you have whole fucking storm of hate which is why I had to leave ts twice Saturday...
  16. You're a bun ❤️
    1. Marceline
    2. Goblin


    3. Marceline
  17. Je suis fatigué...Tu parles français?
    1. Kypari


      Oui, je parle français. Je parlai Espagne, mais c'était ennuyeux.
    2. Goblin


      oui, oui, hon hon baguette. i'm tired too.
  18. So the dream begins...
  19. I remember you, don't see why you shouldn't come back +1 M:7/10 A:7/10
  20. That's what happens when @Tomahawk tries to get on his computer
  21. *cough* @Nomulous *cough* why do we have idle? @Rhododendron maybe idk who made it
  22. Well it's the map, all one would need to do is add a no build "zone" where the teleporters are being placed but idk if we are allowed to fix it. (Or edit the map)
  23. Well if people are worried about opened space I mean the map we use in Pokemon is just as bad for open space saying that you can get headshot-ed? when you walk out of red spawn while blues have cover, and the fact that red side has buildings where you can make bases and shtuff but red team can't do that to the blue team...but I am a crappy mapper so Fuk it... +1 (I really need to get back into learning ;-; )