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Everything posted by Gwoash

  1. what happens when you attempt to join back?
  2. Gwoash

    Pick Up Lines

    gurl, is that a mirror in your pocket? because i see me in yo pants. *make eye contact* *assert domination* then proceed to get slapped in the face
  3. "You can kill baiters, however, you are still counted as a rebel. If the warden allows you to kill baiters, you can do so without being killed."
  4. his spelling is impeccable "fuk ur itch" "nigya" "i ant my dick to itch" "fuking" "shitter" "its ur falt" "btch" "i apprecimatate ur help"
  5. "rudeaddmofo" or "rudeassmofo" hmmm...
  6. Gwoash


  7. Gwoash


    mhmmm, hi. just for clarification, you needa make a submission before you can be approved.
  8. Name: Gwoash Class: Scout Cosmetic #1: The Cockfighter Cosmetic #2: The Merc's Muffler Cosmetic #3: The Delinquent's Vest many thanks <3
  9. to be honest, saxton isnt even that broke. you needa fix death run first
  10. wait wut, why hasnt this gotten more vouches? +1 [insert generic vouch here] >> active and mature and respectable << A 7/10 M 8/10
  11. Grelden - Team Fortress 2 | Xeno Gamers is this the same ban you're trying to protest or have you banned again since then?
  12. remember, this is a member submission; dont get off subject .-. +1 A: 8/10 M: 9/10 hella active on trade gaming history, kind and mature.
  13. if he mass freekilled and left during that time, the ban shouldve be made then and there but the ban was made after adam made the request another thing to point out, theres no evidence that 'heavyscoot' was on during that time, if you do - please include steam id
  14. age 113 eh? same.
  15. lets focus on this ban especially, if youve seen him do bad on servers - then fair enough, slay/kick/ban or whatever is necessary but if he was banned by kbraszzle for those screenshots only then that isnt justified at all @kbraszzz
  16. ughh, fully read his story please unless youre implying that hes lied about the entire thing his story does seem likely and i do agree with him that there is a lacking of evidence especially for a perma ban
  17. oh god.. this wall of text though @AdamStoe875448 @kbraszzz
  18. @Jayyy explain what happened more thoroughly please
  19. from what i see, youre defining the word "ass" yourself and then proceeding to kick someone for that reason that equals kicking someone for your own purpose
  20. perhaps not worthy of a demotion, but kicking someone for such a ridiculous reason is uncalled for you can tell him to stop playing as demoman, but he doesn't necessarily need to change classes, the problem is, is that you didnt just tell him - you used your staff powers to enforce it what jay's doing doesnt actually go against any rules and the kick was unnecessary its the same as spawn camping, if youre bad enough to get spawn camped then you deserve to be spawn camped if youre bad enough to get killed by the same guy using the same method for an hour - then suck it up and get good
  21. @John_Madden wat, someone had to do it
  22. chicken panda strikes again
  23. the way to populate jailbreak [not that it isnt hella popular already] is, BRING BACK AMMO DROP, YES YES YES!