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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Gwoash

  1. Gwoash


    fucking hex, grave digging. close please
  2. level 11 on league, someone be proud of me pl0x
  3. after watching the replays, i can easily say that punishment is needed +1
  4. winning post right there @HokageFishHylotl
  5. Gwoash

    Curse Voice

    er, why the fuck not even more codes 03e731d6-be16-43ba-a3c0-970653925ebe 7060bc29-69e5-459c-8e67-a1ec2b15978c cb52077e-5955-4f52-b7c3-011b0e2bd2a7 91c13051-4571-4504-b754-7027df010c9a d9cbc9db-6b9b-4a33-ae86-a7175b2b5d8a
  6. Gwoash

    Curse Voice

    free stuff? fuck yes
  7. life is a like a dick.. it gets hard for no reason. *.*
    1. DrLee


      Solution: More league-ernio.
    2. xGShadowSpy


      Solution- Never play league.
  8. c'mon guys, the age 28 was most likely a mistake. atleast give a proper reason for negative vouches.
  9. was there to witness last 2 kills before he left unfortunately I didnt see the massfreekills
  10. oh god, what the hell happened here then.
  11. +1 long time user, still hella active, knows the rules and I haven't seen him troll once as the claims suggest
  12. watched it happen. ban please. +1
  13. Gwoash

    Slenderfortress 2

    i wanted a class warfare server. :L
  14. in short, I'm too good at league of legends so I need your guidance. what summoners are easiest to use for beginners, what upgrades to get first, what keys to spam etc.
  15. league smells
    1. DrLee


      Plsernio, I require non-ranked players to play with.
    2. Barmithian


      Somebody in tf2 div is playing league besides me. Hooray
  16. @HachikoTachibana @inasne your vouches are invalid :L just because you haven't played with the person doesn't mean hes not active it clearly states in the membership submission guidelines that you cannot vouch for people who you've never played with. [maybe only hachiko, not sure about inasne; pretty sure he's played with vynirius]
  17. friendly fire is going to be dumb without any proper rules. i can imagine it now, everyround, warden calls in cell wars and kills 50% of reds then begins round, leaving the dead reds to wait an entire 7 minutes before getting respawned. bring back sentries on wardays + ammo drop from blues