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Everything posted by Gwoash

  1. god damn it muzzle, there's the internet for things like this +1 for worse trainer than ash.
  2. @kingme111 why are you leaving? :c if there's a problem within the xg community, feel free to bring it up and we'll discuss it
  3. oh an extra note to adam, type status into console and screenshot the evidence with id shown please
  4. I honestly don't think achievement hacking is a concern, lots of people to do it. The only problem is that he did do it on our server which did lead to spamming the chat and disrupting the game. Apart from that I don't think there's enough evidence to support the "abuse" of votekicking, perhaps bello and forge did do something wrong; very unlikely though. and it's not actually considered abuse using the votekick system like that. I don't know. @kbraszzz
  5. Nomulous had said in a previous thread that there's a tiny difference between abusing and using the votekick system When using the votekick system, you have to actually witness the person breaking server rules in order to votekick. If the warden does give an order for the entire server to votekick someone, then call a staff member on immediately because that isn't allowed.
  6. you still have a member submission up, bump that one instead Porkymix - Team Fortress 2 | Xeno Gamers
  7. again, charing is trying to suggest the fairness not only in using melee, but taunting and using sandman which are restricted from reds due to certain rules
  8. He's talking about restricting taunting for only reds during the fight whilst blues use it Ex. Pootis pow
  9. alright, although I'm not 100% sure on this, and may need kbraszzles' approval, I believe that using lethal taunting during pokemon as a red is fine. think of it like this, during pokemon - the aim is to kill the blue. to kill the blue, you'll have to hit him with melee which would be considered rebelling anyway but is pardoned during pokemon the same concept would apply to lethal taunting, when using the lethal taunt you are rebelling, which is the same as hitting a blue - but you're still pardoned during pokemon unless of course you manage to lethal taunt another blue which you're not suppose to be fighting, which would be rebelling and can be killed for it. would be the same as hitting the blue master when you're suppose to fight someone else the warden may restricting taunting during pokemon fights, but it would include the blues not being able to taunt either its the same as weapons - the warden must restrict the blues from using their guns to make things fair, so if blues are able to taunt during pokemon - so are the reds the warden needs to clarify beforehand
  10. I don't even play minecraft... .-.
  11. we need more xG members on the trade servers before even thinking about making a raffle, not many people will participate and contribute to the raffling.
  12. are you planning to host the raffles?
  13. valid vouch please e.e
  14. Just to throw this out there, I wont be very active within the next 2 weeks either, exams.
  15. +1 friendly, active and mature A 9/10 M 9/10
  16. +1 active, mature and respectable A 8/10 M 7/10
  17. its too late anyway :c @kbraszzz
  18. theres not enough evidence to suggest that he didnt mass freekill its really up to opinion to release the CT ban or not
  19. easy solution to this, remove legojail from the nominations e.e
  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ktbhw0v186Q
  21. oh that problem, it can happen on jailbreak servers too, not only the trade servers! the solution to this, is to go into your tf2 properties through steam, like so Screenshot by Lightshot "set launch options" then place +clientport [insert your ip] you can find your ip on this website > What Is My IP | The IP Address Experts Since 1999 or even MoanMyIP.com - Sexy Girls Moaning Your IP Address! [NSFW] ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)‎ ex. +clientport hopefully it helps, and if it doesnt... well shit
  22. next time, a piece of advice is to type "status" into console, it shows all users on with steam id included
  23. Gwoash

    Pick Up Lines

    there are 206 bones in the human body, would you like another one? - why dont you sit on my lap... and talk about the first thing that pops up