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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Gwoash

  1. first thing, SKT T1 > all. secondly, wut region? level 29 - EUW here.
  2. dignity + brag rights
  3. matmartinez.net/nsfw/
  4. Class: Soldier/Demoman Preferred Team: N/A Steam URL: Steam Community :: xG;M Gwoash Hours Played in TF2: 1,433 Hours Played as Class: 100+ [probably more, stats wiped before] Willing to sub: Yes Time Zone: (GMT + 1:00)
  5. Speedoffreedom did the banning, reasons stated, "other". You most likely mass freekilled and then left because the duration of the ban is permanent. Tagging @SpeedOfFreedom but I doubt he'll come on to reply. :l In any cases, if you did mass freekill and left the server to avoid punishment -1 for unban. Punishments are made for reasons and they shouldn't be taken lightly. Anything you'd like to add to the story that may otherwise convince me not to -1?
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r8oOi6JOXEQ WARNING: SPOILERS S4E8
  7. "Provide the correct format WITH proper information and reasons - failure to do so will result in the closing of your request without action done." I just wanted to point this out for future protesters. It does help a lot if you actually provide the correct information. :/
  8. @Redheards I'll be completely honest, I did try to search for the ban; since you didn't provide any relevant information, I couldn't find anything. STEAM_0:0:59758200 Steam Community :: Mentlegen™ Can you confirm that to be your steam ID? [if it is, I can't find a ban for that steam id]
  9. care to provide us with a lil more info? i.e. who banned you? ct ban or server ban
  10. sooooo, can we discuss ammo drops instead?
  11. Gwoash


  12. who even gives a shit, they dont bother us anymore =.= leave it be
  13. besides, did you forget this is tf2?
  14. just be patient and wait a couple months; things will return to normal, the hype will die down soon. if anything, the taunts are a great addition to the game along with the new weapons
  15. "giving this unusual away, trade me" see how many trades yeh get.
  17. just for clarification, hes often known as angrymoose
  18. Gwoash

    [xg:a] Vector

    i know this isn't relevant whatsoever, but wow forge wow. fucking internet explorer.
  19. from reading the information he provided, it's pretty obvious he hasn't even read the motd. he's been banned literally a day ago. the punishment for mass freekill is ct ban, we can't go around unbanning everyone who apologizes. so in short, bitch please.