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Everything posted by Gwoash

  1. I still wanted a class warfare server... >:(
  3. this isnt a discussion, this is a direct attempt to provoke someone. >.> close plz
  4. RIP egossi. @Hachi @kbraszzz Good job. please don't derail this thread. :l edit: you can guess who rated this not funny. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  5. Gwoash


    alright, that's clearly enough. this thread isn't even relevant anymore, straight up hatred is shown. this isn't how we represent xg.
  6. can we go back to the old days where no one would be butt hurt after one single comment? still waiting on twozerofour's story though. :l
  7. Perhaps punishment for egossi may be necessary but this thread is a abuse report, keep things relevant. Post a ban request or member protest if you feel egossi doesn't fit xg. Unless of course you're suggesting egossi provoked TwoZeroFour but it still doesn't justify the language used. As a moderator, you're suppose to be unbiased and neutral, clearly that isn't the case here.
  8. All them links to the front page of the chatlog, but yes; I can confirm that those two clearly dislikes each other; they argue just as much as each other. However, do keep in mind TwoZeroFour is a staff and he therefore carries more responsibility than Egossi and should be the "bigger man". Anyway, here are some words from TwoZeroFour that prove my point. (Can be found on the chatlog Telos posted.) "egossi Im actually self sufficient. I dont need to suck my parent's dicks to get money for unusuals in tf2" "YO EGOSSI IM NOT EVEN PAYING ATTENTION, GET OFF MY DICK" "GET OFF MY VAGINA EGOSSI\" "egossi is just a douche" Probably more than can be found, but fuck it; effort. Keep in mind, those are only from the chatlogs that excludes voice chat.
  9. Although it is obvious the evidence is lacking, we shouldn't excuse the reasons wrote; it clearly wasn't appropriate nor necessary especially from a moderator we should be able to expect some maturity. This most likely wont lead to a demotion, a warning should be issued at the very least. If you haven't realized, disrespecting people doesn't only apply to staff members, it also includes the general community. I'd like to hear TwoFourZero's story before making a final judgement and if possible, provide further proof.
  10. I still wanted class warfare...
  11. you most likely been banned for mass freeking, the person who banned you was @TwoZeroFour further detail banned made at 06-29-14 04:29 IGN when banned xX*Neo*Xx
  12. what u talking about willis. aint even going to vote for myself. :c #toomucheffort4me edit: sigh.. I think I have to start becoming more active if red doesn't even acknowledges me. :l
  13. Gwoash


    rust div? GET MATSI. @Matsi
  14. Class Warfare [TF2] Class Warfare (v.2, 2011-9-25) - AlliedModders plz nom, don't do this to us. Steam Community :: Guide :: What is Class Warfare? - Everything Explained
  15. If anything, we should get servers that entertain the players and keep them coming back; leveling up stranges and being afk isn't the way to go to get popula Instead, servers like class warfare is what we need @Nomulous make it happen plz. [TF2] Class Warfare (v.2, 2011-9-25) - AlliedModders #replaceprophunt
  16. Gwoash

    Anime Music

    attack on titan: I LIKE TO HAVE SEX WITH THE BEES AND EAGLES. sword art online: COFFEEE, SOODDAAAAA, GIVE ME, COFFFEEEEE. what's heard cannot be unheard.
  17. wut, there's an outline on blues!? I usually play with a config file that doesn't show it apparently.
  18. no love for pokemon trade server. :c
  19. Well there are cases in which the permanent bans are falsely given by our lovely staff in which they should protest, but 8/10 threads are just people wanting to get unbanned for no good reasons. "I'm sorry, plz unban. kthxbye."
  20. bring back hopjb as default. :hail: @Nomulous
  21. The evidence is lacking and the time of the kills doesn't actually suggest or prove of mass freekill. Unless more proof is added, I don't think it would be fair to ban him. Note to Dethman: next time you catch a freekiller, make sure you record it instead of providing us with screenshots! type "record [insert name of .dem]" into console and "stop" to stop recording.
  22. because they still don't add up to the total amount needed to run the tf2 servers. :L