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Everything posted by Gwoash

  1. have you wondered why !rules explodes you in the first place? @MuffinMonster such a troll.
  2. dis fucker dislikes pie!
  3. Gwoash


    wtf is this shit, I know I did terrible in my provisional matches; I even gave up trying after losing 4 matches in a row, yet I was placed above my friends who I've played with and I know are better than me. ughh, league. wtf? anyone got the explanation?
  4. yea you can if you believe they'll vouch for you. ;) It even encourages to ask for vouches in the membership guidelines. "Get to know them than send them to your app and ask if they could vouch for you."
  5. that rule that allows only vector is the same as, Spawn camping is allowed, if Nomulous deems the spawn camp nearly impossible to escape from, he is allowed to break the camp. which is exactly what you did before making that rule. >.>
  6. Spawn camping is allowed, if an admin deems the spawn camp nearly impossible to escape from, they are allowed to break the camp. The only admins that can deem that is Vector. For anyone too lazy to find it, my question is - why only vector? Shouldn't it be all admins instead? "Spawn camping is allowed, if Vector deems the spawn camp nearly impossible..." yeah.....
  7. gay, 10/10 would bang. +1 A 7:10 M 9:10
  8. Spawn Camping Removal Dicsussion. one thread maybe? OP plz, request to close? D:
  9. What, why you do this? @Nomulous If you're bad enough to get spawn camped, then you deserve to be spawn camped. We do have an auto balance if the teams numbers aren't fair, so both teams are on equal grounds and getting spawn camped is just you being bad at the game. Enforcing the rule will be difficult, especially on all the unique maps on trade gaming history with how you define "spawn camping". In short, get good at tf2 please and allow spawn camping. again, WHY U DO DIS, NOM!? Edit: Next time, mind giving the members of xg a say in the new changes? Or at least alert us through forums of new changes or even upcoming events/updates.
  10. I don't think he cares all that much, his last activity was when he made this ban protest; he hasn't visited this thread ever since. :l
  11. Gwoash


    :o same here! I recently hit level 30 with 177 solo queues won. EUW? please be EUW. >:c
  12. this entire thread is sad. :/ if you wanted credits, go spam /xg/ or something; keep the irrelevant shit outta the forums >.>
  13. This thread. This. Thread.
  14. but muzzle.. he said please! :c
  15. isn't it strange that a lot of the tf2 moderators/staff are stepping down? take it as you will. ;) but nooooo liekos, why u do dis to us? :c
  16. Gwoash


    wait, did he mass freekill? I haven't watched the demo yet! >:( if he massed, not only should his membership should be removed, he needs to be punished. #banrequest
  17. Gwoash


    Don't know if this is still relevant or not. :/
  18. I don't even know if you're an actual member or not. @kbraszzz to clarify please Dasmowski - Team Fortress 2 | Xeno Gamers that is his submission, kingme111 vouched despite not being in xg at the time. (kingme111 did successfully become a member though [https://xenogamers.com/threads/25329/]) Muffin being the cake he is forgot that kingme111 wasn't a member at the time and accepted his submission. So in truth, you only received 4 vouches. So, does that still count as a valid vouch? And is he an actual member!? Thought I'd bring this up because no one realized at the time. :/
  19. Actually, it states that detouring or DELAYING is implied regardless if warden gives the order or not. So giving a time to comply with an action is meaningless. Problem solved anyway, that one smelly guy updated motd; "Taunting is not AFK."
  20. soooo, nice weather? I seriously don't know what you expect with a thread like this, it seems like you're just throwing a tantrum because you're not getting unbanned from our servers. >.> for referral reasons: Gamerguy64 - Team Fortress 2 | Xeno Gamers