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Everything posted by Goblin

  1. Goblin


    Some moron probably said it so then every other moron on the server started saying it like that, that's usually how our jailbreak goes. Just like people saying "out of cell re-bell" instead of rebel or "stack up in a line and crouch-walk, smallest group dies"(...what?)
  2. Goblin

    Summer Antics.

    Ayyy Saaaame! Ahahah...ahah... It's pretty bad...
  3. Goblin

    Summer Antics.

    What have you done this summer so far? This summer so far I have... Played video games I went to the beach I said bye to my brother going to basic training I almost got arrested for underage alcohol I almost got arrested for having underage... hmhmhm.... I stayed in North Carolina I RKO'ed a kid on concrete (RIP) I flew a confederate flag around town to protest ignorance :^) I stopped having hmhmhm...with hmahahum... I had to go to summer class I had to deal with crazy females from past... experiences I saw fireworks I got sick forever I found out an old friend of mine was gay (I fucking knew it. He always ate pop-tarts without frosting.) I found out a friend of mine got pregnant from some younger kid .-. I flew in a tiny ass plane to a state below mine .-. I began to miss having hmhmhm...with hmahahum...wijwkqgqhajabv I smoked 3 grams of whofuckinggivesashit and didn't get high .-. I didn't get a job I threw an ongoing party at my house for 3 days I regretted it I went fishing ...Then I had to dedicate the rest of my summer to studying, working, and weeping (btw this is also my inactivity thread:dank:) But who gives a shit. What did you do?
  4. She's a man killer
    1. SupremeWolf


      Goblin and Goblins pls stop having similar names.
  5. Can we please just get a yes or no on this? cause the back and fourth banter of this thread is going no where and it is pretty un-dank.
  6. Make Money, Get Hoes..... My Life Is Empty.
  7. R.i.p. A spoonful of velveta macaroni just sent me to heaven
    1. Marceline


      goblin plz no die
  8. Honestly, I thought about it and as much of an anus Vector was in his day It's not really that big of a deal to me if he comes back. I honestly think it couldn't be THAT huge of a damn problem for him to play on the servers with us, I'm not really heated about him wanting to comeback, who knows might end up rubbing off on us. I'm not going to shit hell fire over one person, plus I've met worse human beings on servers, and (sometimes it's people still in our division no offense). Hell the guy just speaks his mind so I can definitely respect that. +1
  9. Fair enough, but I'm not sure complaining about and mocking the tf2 division every single day is going to make us +1 you.
  10. Medieval mode is hell on earth. Spam fan of war scouts with bonk, mad milk or a cleaver, snipers with the huntsman (that are actually very poor shots and just unleash hellfire of arrows hoping they hit something) demomen tide turning their asses from point a to b killing 8 people on the way past the gate, 2 heavy's with KGB and steak slaughtering millions of human beings driven by rage fûcking blood RAMPAGE! Medics that also dakka a shit ton of arrows not hitting anything without divine intervention, and rely on their ridiculous abundance of "random" crits. The soldier carrying a whip then picking up a fucking katana to slaughter those webob demos. Oh and let's not forget the 80 spy's that think they are good at the game and attempt fedora tipping MLG tactics but suck ass at it, and only get you when you are engaged with other opponents orrr they'll jump trying to stab you and instead watch as their foe falls to a "random" crit that just so happened to be the first and only thing the medic on his team actually hit with his crossbow that round.
  11. Naaaaaahhhh Jailbreak 2 is fiiine.
  12. Punks jump up to get beat down.
  13. Goblin

    Weird Videos

    "God Hates Dorks" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4UUPUNsyGr0
    1. Nu_13


      den outta den
  15. Who put you on the planet EUHHH
  16. Keep away from my dirt stash or i'll hang your negro-bunnies.
  17. Not going to be as active from here on out this summer, I have class, work, and a whole bunch of fun life stuff. See You Round Cowboy. :^) @amigos @amigas
  18. Goblin

    Update Hype

    Oh look another reason to suck at a video game