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Everything posted by Goblin

  1. Do these fucks look like they can throw a football?
  2. Who the hell is in the kitchen with Dinah?
    1. Haruka


      It's someone you know.
    2. Goblin


      Boy can she blow that horn.
  3. Goblin


    Jesus Christ, this whole scenario is a perfect example of the bullshit that happens around here. Really? The guy has to ask for people's forgiveness for "trolling" after people gave him a overly-dramatic negative reputation and there over, being a complete unreasonable fuck to him in return, because NO ONE CAN FUCKING DO ANYTHING AROUND HERE WITHOUT PEOPLE'S RAW HURTING ASSES SPATTERING OUT AN UN-ENDING TIDE OF SALT ENOUGH TO FILL THE COSMOS WITH SODIUM CHLORITE. Egossi was never all that bad in my eyes, sure he could get annoying, but hey, everyone here gets REALLY fucking annoying at times. Wake up the next day with a big happy smile and get the fuck over it because we are all human and we need to love each other, be forgiving, and stop being bigoted bitches. The only real problem here is that everyone shits their fucking pants at a couple unfunny jokes made at one time and began hating for little to no reason orr... Those people that are "neutral or have heard of Egossi" hated him just because everyone else did in the circle jerk or they heard a very One-sided mellow dramatic over the top story about how much of a "troll" he was.
  4. Somedays I patiently await the comet that shall promptly blow this planet off the face of the universe.
  5. Goblin

    Steam Profile Pic

    Meh. Oh and since you are insane
  6. I suck at competitive but If you ever want to pub stomp invite me :^)
  7. Dayman. Destroyer of the Nightman.
    1. Moosty


    2. Nu_13


      but what about the midnight man?
    3. Goblin


      hoho we know what he's doin but we aren't aloud to say
  8. • League players pick it up easy • Most of the Dota heroes are similar to Heroes heroes • It is fun with friends • You will offer a sacrifice of spare change in your steam wallet to become blessed by virtual items • You will lose an easy bot match and contemplate your life • You will be stuck in low prio and either love it or want to shoot your computer with a 50cal rifle • You actually might suck at the video game but not realize it and say other people suck at the game when you are the one feeding the damn Bloodseeker • You will waste a minimum of 30 minutes of your life having a heart attack. • You WILL throw games • You WILL become a racist • You WILL start calling people racial slurs • You WILL hate Russian people • You WILL hate Beans • You and your friends WILL end up hating each other • You WILL become an all around much more hateful person So yeh have fun playing Dota! If anyone else plays dota here add some other reasons to play.
  9. R.I.P. Goblin he died, dried up in the sun.
    1. Goblin


      Your sandcastle shall bring me honor and allow me to pass into the afterlife.
    2. Nu_13


      and in the afterlife, you will be a spooky ghost to spook and hang out...or do something that ghosts do...i dunno.
    3. Goblin


      Sounds like a pretty sweet deal
    4. Show next comments  24 more
  10. Goblin

    Bye Byeee

    Ahh the olde Remi on jailbreak days, right around the same time Choritos came and ruined my mental health. You were pretty chill tho compared to the usual keeds. Don't forget to come by sometime and admire the retardation like old times!
  11. Holy f*ckin shit someone open a window.
  12. Wow I'm gone for one day and I miss a bunch of faggotry.
  13. wow that's pretty darn awesome :^)
  14. Because, my friend: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XQmO-WfEkk4
  15. Ayy so I might be inactive over the course of this week cause I am headed down to North Carolina and I might not really be on the computer as much, plus if I go to the beach at Topsail there is no wifi at all. Peace y'all :^) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aFkcAH-m9W0
  16. I'm the coolest grape in the bunch.
  17. cartoon tits. sounds lunchin.
  18. This was added so mods and admins could be reached more easily plus we've already seen that it is pretty effective at not being an issue since abusers can be easily punished and it is pretty useful.
  19. I also rep the piece of cloth and leather chaps.
  20. Goblin


    Froggé is best rebel 10/10